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News & Announcement

  • Career

    Summer Internship Opportunity – YF Life Internship Program 2021

    04 FEB - 30 JUN 2021

    YF Life is going to launch a Summer Internship Program. A 5-week structured internship program from July to August 2021. The application will be commenced from 1 Feb, 2021 to Jun 30, 2021. For details about the program, please refer to attached flyer for your reference.

    If you want to know more about our company,  feel free to visit for more information.

  • Career

    Greater Bay Area Youth Employment Scheme

    03 FEB - 10 AUG 2021
    Greater Bay Area Youth Employment Scheme

    Greater Bay Area Youth Employment Scheme

    為鼓勵和支持青年人到大灣區內地城市工作和發展事業,政府於2021年1月推出「大灣區青年就業計劃」,鼓勵在香港及大灣區內地城市均有業務的企業,聘請香港的大學畢業生,派駐他們到大灣區內地城市工作。計劃共提供2 000個名額,當中約700個專為創科職位而設。


    有興趣申請有關職位的畢業生,可瀏覽大灣區青年就業計劃網頁(,參閱計劃詳情及職位空缺資料。如對計劃有任何查詢,請聯絡「大灣區青年就業計劃」秘書處(電話:2969 0460 / 2969 0446;電郵 )。

  • Career

    Invitation of Joining the LEAD Engineer Training Scheme (LEAD Engineer導師培育計劃)

    02 - 28 FEB 2021
    Invitation of Joining the LEAD Engineer Training Scheme (LEAD Engineer導師培育計劃)

    LEAD Engineer導師培育計劃, a STEM Education Trainer incubation programme tailored for Undergraduates or postgraduates in engineering, IT, science or education.

    LEAD Engineer導師培育計劃」were successfully held last year. Outstanding trainees, who have completed the Scheme, have gained actual working experiences by delivering workshops to around 1,500 students in schools as well as Virtual InnoCarnival 2020.

    LEAD Engineer導師培育計劃」will be organized again this year. In this Scheme, a comprehensive 15-hour training which will be offered, training including STEM workshop designs, classroom management and hot science & technology topics, for equipping the educators in the latter mock-up and practicum sessions. Outstanding young educators will be invited to collaborate with HKFYG to host STEM educational activities in youth community centres and schools.

    For the details of the Scheme, please refer to our website at . The application deadline will be on 28 Feb 2021.

  • Career

    The Greater Bay Area Youth Employment Scheme

    21 JAN - 26 FEB 2021

    The Greater Bay Area Youth Employment Scheme

    The Greater Bay Area Youth Employment Scheme has been launched by the government to encourage and support young people to work and pursue their careers in the Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area ("GBA").

    The scheme will provide 2 000 places, around 700 of which are designated for innovation and technology (I&T) posts. Under the scheme, the graduates employed will receive a monthly salary of no less than HK$18,000. The Government will grant a monthly allowance of HK$10,000 to enterprises for each graduate employed for up to 18 months.

    To join the scheme, eligible graduates should be Hong Kong residents lawfully employable in Hong Kong and hold bachelor's degrees or above awarded locally or by institutions outside Hong Kong from 2019 to 2021. For I&T posts, eligible graduates, besides meeting the above-mentioned criteria, should possess degrees related to science, technology, engineering or mathematics subjects. They should work in both Hong Kong and GBA Mainland cities, with each location taking up six to 12 months.

    Please visit the dedicated website ( for more information. Students can search job opportunities there, and employers can post job vacancies.

  • Green Living

    [UG] Green Quest: Local Project Internship 2020-21

    [UG] Green Quest: Local Project Internship 2020-21

    When you draw “the Earth”… probably you will draw a circle with masses of green lands and blue oceans. But when you look out from the windows 30 years later, will it be the same?

    In collaboration with World Wild Fund- Hong Kong (WWF-HK), the Undergraduate Halls (UGH) is recruiting Green Questers who are devoted to promoting green and sustainability in the Halls and in Hong Kong. Workshops on sustainability and project management will be provided before a student-initiated project internship supervised by WWF-HK and UGH. Under the internship, students will work in small teams to brainstorm and implement green projects at their own choice.

    Jan 2021 - Apr 2021
    The Green Foundation
    Local Project Internship (February to April 2021)