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    NLP trainings on job interview skills

    01 MAR - 01 AUG 2021
  • Emergency Grant and Loan

    HKBU SEED Fund – Emergency Financial Relief

    HKBU SEED Fund – Emergency Financial Relief

    UGC-funded full-time undergraduate and postgraduate students with unforeseeable proven financial hardship caused by emergency situations may apply for financial assistance from the SEED Fund at any time in the academic year. Submission of application form with supporting documents is required.

    Please click here for more details.

  • Career

    RCEP網上座談會 Webinar on RCEP

    23 FEB - 30 MAR 2021
    RCEP網上座談會 Webinar on RCEP

    RCEP網上座談會 Webinar on RCEP


    2020年11月15日,RCEP舉行第四次領導人峰會, 又在中國國務院總理李克強等其他簽署國領導人出席下簽署儀式。在這協定中,到底為香港提供了怎樣的機遇,而我們亦從中會得到什麼啟示, 去順勢而為和積極應變呢? 海絲會十分榮幸邀請到中銀香港經濟及政策研究主管王春新博士, 以線上形式分享真知灼見 。活動詳情如下:

    模式:現場實體及線上 Zoom
    查詢:2111 9262 /
    *如有需要, 本會可安排頒發出席證書
    現誠邀貴校學生參與, 相信定能幫助他們了解RCEP的最新發展而有所裨益。有興趣同學可登入以下連結登記報名, 費用全免

    The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) was initiated by the 10 countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) and participated by the five countries that have free trade agreements with ASEAN, including China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand. This agreement also extends to other economies and countries in Central Asia, South Asia and Oceania. RCEP cuts tariffs and non-tariff barriers to establish a free trade agreement with a unified market.

    On 15 November, 2020, RCEP held its fourth leaders summit. Leaders of other signatories including Li Keqiang, China's Premier attended the signing ceremony. In this agreement, what kind of opportunities are provided for Hong Kong, and what enlightenment will we obtain, and how can we take advantage of the trend? MSRS is very honored to have invited Dr Wang Chun Xin, Head of Hong Kong Economic and Research Division of Bank of China Hong Kong, to share insights with your school students online.

    Date: 30 Mar 2021 (Tue)
    Time: 3pm-4pm
    Place: 23/F, Yam Tze Commercial Building, 23 Thomson Road, Wan Chai Hong Kong
    Speaker: Dr Wang Chunxin, Head of Hong Kong Economic and Policy Research Division Bank of China (Hong Kong)

    Language: Putonghua and Cantonese
    Mode: Onsite and Online(Zoom)
    Fee: Free of Charge
    Enquiry:          2111 9262 /
    *Certificate of Attendance will be issued upon request
    *Onsite capacity is limited and is allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis
    We are pleased to invite students of your institute to join the Webinar to grasp the most recent development of RCEP. Interested students can register through the link below for free. Thanks very much for your attention.
    Registration Link:

  • Career

    JobsDB Virtual Career Fair 2021

    22 FEB 2021
    JobsDB Virtual Career Fair 2021

    JobsDB Virtual Career Fair 2021

    Date: 1-5 March 2021
    - Varies corporations from different industries joining
    - Live stream sessions provide interesting career related topics
    - 1-on-1 career advice

    Registration link:

  • Career

    資訊及通訊科技人才培訓計劃 Telecommunications Opportunities Programme (TOP)​

    18 FEB - 15 APR 2021

    資訊及通訊科技人才培訓計劃 Telecommunications Opportunities Programme (TOP)210218 tele


    ​計劃對象: 2020年畢業生或2021年準畢業生

    Telecommunications Opportunities Programme (TOP) is the job-creation scheme dedicated to the telecommunications industry with the aim of creating 12-month full-time jobs in the telecommunications sector for young people. TOP equips young people to be more competitive, as well as enhancing their employability and nuturing youth talents for the industry.

    More details can be found at TOP's official website:

    Eligibility: fresh graduate in 2020 or 2021