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Student Organisations and Funding Support

Student organisations are independent societies run by student officers.  They provide services and organise activities to enrich students' campus experience in extra-curricular activities and expand students' network beyond the University.  The Office of Student Affairs strives to support with a favorable environment, financial subsidies and professional advice and coaching.
Concerning registration of new student organisations (except for postgraduate students), please approach the Students' Union (telephone: 34116491; email:


  1. Student Organisations
    - Students’ Union
    - Postgraduate Association
    - Academic Societies
    - Hall Councils
    - Interest Clubs
    - International Association

  2. Financial Support for Student Activities
    - Campus Inclusion Activities (CIA) Programme (for Students with Special Education Needs)
    - Ear-marked Student Activities Fund
    - Funding of the Global Engagement Squad (GES)
    Interest-free Loan for Orientation Camps
    - Service-Learning Student Activities Fund
    - Subsidy for Orientation Activities
    - HKBU Village CARE Campaign Ethnic Minorities Engagement Grant (EMEG)
  3. Manual for Student Activities
    - Rules & Regulations
    - General
    - Display of Publicity Materials
    Activities Participated by Students Aged under 18
    - Data Protection Principles
  4. Amenities
    - Facilities for Organizing Activities and Promotion (VFBS)
    - Putting up Promotional/Publicity Materials
  5. Organising Activities
    - Activity Week/Academic, Promotion Week and Orientation Camp
    - Outdoor Activities on Campus
    - Sales Activities
    - Fund-raising Activities
    - External Coaches and Trainers
  6. Logistic Support
    - Insurance for HKBU Students
    - Role and Responsibilities of Advisor to Student Organisations
    - Consultancy Service
  7. Registration of Student Organisations to SU
  8. Violation
  9. Online Submission and Forms
  10. Venues and Facilities Booking System (VFBS)