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  • Research and Publication

    [UG] Be Your Own Soong - Hall Fellow Seminars (打開理想生活的方式 / 活動籌劃 XYZ)

    22 - 30 NOV 2021
    [UG] Be Your Own Soong - Hall Fellow Seminars (打開理想生活的方式 / 活動籌劃 XYZ)

    We would like to introduce our Soong Hall Fellow (Miss Claire Lo), a literal artist and a writer (named Siu Syu) to you. Claire is the founder and director of Market Fairish, she is very enthusiastic about organizing cultural-related and entertainment events such as weekend bazaars, art workshops, exhibitions etc. Besides, she is also a book-lover and a writer who loves sharing her ideas and experience with others.

    19:00 pm - 20:30 pm
    G9, Undergraduate Halls
  • Career

    【Wantedly 求職市集 2021 】- No More Blue Monday Job Fair

    19 NOV - 11 DEC 2021

    Wantedly 求職市集 2021 - No More Blue Monday Job Fair

    #搵一份自己鍾意嘅工 #搵自己Passion嘅工
    只要份工係你所鍾意嘅,返工其實未必咁痛苦嘅!如果你都患上咗 #藍色星期一症候群,就嚟Job Fair 畀咁多位大夫把把脈啦!
    現場除咗有20間公司之外,仲會無間斷哋有workshop/panel discussion !

    Date: 11 Dec 2021 (Sat)
    Time: 13:00-19:00
    Location: Dream Impact (LCK)
    Registration: Click here
    1:30-2:30 遇到公關災難點拆好?| Vanesse Lai @ StartPR
    2:45-3:45 結構不同規模公司HR,請人睇啲咩?| nel discussion
    4:00-5:00 如何打造一份無可挑剔嘅CV?|Tiffany @positiff.eng
    5:15-6:15 做得 Social Media Agency 就預咗爆肝?|Terry Chan@Social Strategy
    6:30-7:30 入行做Digital Marketing,Agency定In-house點揀好 ?|Samson Lo


  • Career

    St. James’ Settlement and Standard Chartered Bank- Futuremakers’ First Job Youth Employment and Subsidy Programme

    16 NOV 2021 - 03 JAN 2022

    211116 charterSt. James’ Settlement and Standard Chartered Bank- Futuremakers’ First Job Youth Employment and Subsidy Programme


  • Career

    HKPASEA: 專資會 誠邀推薦年輕人參加 第三屆「專資青年追夢計劃」Youth Elite Aspiration Program 2021/22

    15 NOV - 13 DEC 2021

    HKPASEA: 專資會 誠邀推薦年輕人參加 第三屆「專資青年追夢計劃」Youth Elite Aspiration Program 2021/22






    參加者需於活動完成後以「十年後的我:突破自我 開創未來」為主題,以組別形式進行演示。評審團將選出冠、亞、季軍優勝隊伍,優勝隊伍可分別獲得獎金$5,000、$3,000及$2,000;個人表現突出獎得主亦可獲得獎金$1000。




    Instagram: hkpasea_yeap
    Facebook: 專資青年追夢計劃YEAP

  • Career

    Universum CareerTest - Discover your career profile

    12 NOV 2021 - 01 JAN 2022

    Universum CareerTest - Discover your career profile

    Do you know which career profile fits you best? Take the CareerTest and get one step closer to your dream career!

    Once a year we like to collect your opinions so that we can provide constant improvements to the services that we provide you. In return we can offer a number of benefits to make the short 20 mins of your time all the more worthwhile.

    We would like you to tell us about:
    • What attracts you to certain employers
    • What platforms you use to seek employment opportunities
    • What career services you use and how you rate them
    • What services you would like to see more of on campus or online

    In return you will receive:
    • A breakdown of your career personality type
    • Comparison of your salary expectations to those of your peers
    • A list of employers that best suit your preferences
    • A FREE professional CV check
    • FREE practice aptitude tests used by thousands of employers
    • 65% discount off any Udacity course

    Sounds interesting? Take the CareerTest today and get one step closer to the career of your dreams.

    Click to start your CareerTest