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  • Career

    JobMarket - Recruitment and Education Fair 頂「尖」好工招聘展, 11 September 2018

    11 SEP 2018
    JobMarket - Recruitment and Education Fair 頂「尖」好工招聘展, 11 September 2018

    JobMarket - Recruitment and Education Fair 頂「尖」好工招聘展, 11 September 2018


    日期:9 月11日 (星期二)
    時間:10:30AM – 4:30PM
    查詢熱線:3181 3322


    * 多間知名人氣企業作即場面試
    * 網羅大量全職、兼職及短期之最新筍工


    * The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Psychology
       (Dr. Amy Chan) —「心理健康話你知」
    * Hong Kong Astrology Club (Ms. Wendy Wong)—「出生日期暗藏搵工方向」
    * Excel Pro Limited (Mr. Arthur Kwok)— 「Excel 見工面試秘技2018」
    * Gemini Personnel Limited(Mr. Clement Lo)—「履歷見工101」
    * My Image Consultancy Limited ( Ms. Joyce Lee) —「用服飾建立專業形象」

  • Career

    Inter-School Innovation Competition on Insurance Technology (Tertiary Division)

    10 SEP - 01 NOV 2018
    Inter-School Innovation Competition on Insurance Technology (Tertiary Division)

    Inter-School Innovation Competition on Insurance Technology (Tertiary Division), organised by Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (“FSTB”), implemented by Vocational Training Council (“VTC”) and co-organised by Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited (“Cyberport”). The competition is one of the public education activities under the government-funded Pilot Programme to Enhance Talent Training for the Insurance Sector (“Pilot Programme”).

    The competition comprises a workshop and a hackathon, which will be held on 13 October and 24-25 November 2018 respectively. The top 3 teams will receive a scholarship from FSTB and win fast track interview opportunities for the Cyberport Entrepreneurship Programmes.

    For more details of the competition, please log on to You may also learn more about the Pilot Programme at Should you have any enquiries, please contact  3166 3839 or write to We look forward to your active participation.

  • Career


    10 - 27 SEP 2018


    「全港購物節」着重青年發展,於2014年發展「飛躍自我實習計劃」。計劃開始至今已培訓超過500位實習生,實習計劃總時數超過25,000小時,並參與超過10項研究項目。「飛躍自我實習計劃」 更有幸榮獲香港中小型企業總商會頒發的「『友商有良』卓越企業獎」,以表揚本地企業聘用及提供實習機會予本地院校學生及畢業生,使他們累積工作經驗,培養積極正面的工作態度。

    實習生名額 :不限
    實習時數  :部分實習時數可累積申報社會福利署「義工獎勵計劃」
    實習崗位  :活動推廣員



    2018年10月2日 至 2018年10月10日


    2018年10月11日 至 2018年10月12日


    2018年10 月 至 2018年12月



    1.           實習崗位

    4.           由活動主辦方為實習生購買的第三方保險

    2.           實習培訓

    5.           表現優良者會獲嘉許

    3.           實習津貼

    6.           推薦參與社會嘉許義工運動的機會

    電話:(852)3678 8838


  • Career

    Common Recruitment Examination and Basic Law Test (Degree / Professional Grades) in October 2018

    10 SEP - 07 OCT 2018

    Dear final year students,

    Common Recruitment Examination and Basic Law Test (Degree / Professional Grades) in October 2018

    Please be informed that all candidates of the coming Common Recruitment Examination and Basic Law Test (Degree / Professional Grades) (CRE and BLT) in Hong Kong will be arranged to sit the examination on 6 October 2018.

    An e-mail will be sent to candidates in the week of 17 September 2018 notifying them of the relevant examination details. Candidates should immediately contact the Civil Service Examinations Unit by phone at 2537 6429 or by e-mail to if they do not receive the e-mail by 24 September 2018.  Any requests for change of examination venue will not be considered. Examination results will be issued to candidates by post within one month after the examination.

    General enquiries regarding the CRE and BLT may be directed to the Civil Services Bureau (CSB) Examination Unit by phone at 2537 6429 or by e-mail to For more information and updates, please refer to the CSB website

    In order to help students to familiarize with the CRE/BLT format, Career Centre will organize a series of mock practice sessions and training workshops in September / October. The schedule have been uploaded onto our enrollment system ‘workshop page’ ( Please enroll now as the quota is very limited.  For enquiries related with preparations and mock tests sessions, please contact Career Centre via email at  or hotline at 3411-7440 directly.

    Good luck!
    Career Centre

  • Career

    WWF – One Planet Youth Leadership Training Programme

    10 - 28 SEP 2018
    WWF – One Planet Youth Leadership Training Programme

    WWF – One Planet Youth Leadership Training Programme
    Aiming to empower nature-loving tertiary education students to become Conservation Leaders and voice out for the environment, WWF is launching a one-year youth training programme, “One Planet Youth Leadership Training Programme”. Through 40 hours training workshops and hands-on experience in conservation and education actions, youth can gain a deeper understanding in different environmental issues and nature conservation.

    Please check out the programme details and application form through the below link:

    Interested student may apply the programme by filling in the online registration form on or before 28 Sept 2018 (12 noon). I would appreciate if you could help to spread this message through university email.