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    2021年第10屆「贏在廣州」暨粵港澳大灣區 - 大學生創業比賽港澳區初賽

    10 JUN - 15 JUL 2021

    2021年第10屆「贏在廣州」暨粵港澳大灣區 - 大學生創業比賽港澳區初賽
    為深入貫徹及推進國家「大眾創業、萬眾創新」的決策部署,進一步落實粵港澳大灣區發展規劃,打造港澳青年來穗的創業平台、扶持大學生投身創業實踐、促進港澳青年人融入國家發展大局。由廣州市人力資源和社會保障局主辨,本年度「第10屆『贏在廣州』暨粵港澳大灣區大學生創業比賽」之港澳區選拔賽將於5 月中旬舉辦及現正進行招募。

    香港、澳門作為灣區的一份子,創新創業在香港及澳門的升級轉型,必將引領「粵港澳大灣區」產生脫變式的發展。本年度賽事主題為「助你創業 贏在廣州」,冀透過活動,推動更多香港澳門創業圑隊把創新創意加入大灣區發展,從而將「粵港澳大灣區」打造成為國際第一流水平的灣區經濟平台。


    1. 香港、澳門地區在讀大學生
    2. 每個參賽成員須由學校出具在校學生證明。


    三、參賽方式 (可直接到大會報名系統報名或電郵把相關報名資料電郵至

    第一步:長按下圖識別二維碼,下載參賽報名表(或見附件報名表),並如實填寫;2210610 guangzhou



    wechat mini programme instruction

  • Career

    Wealth Management Trainee Program 2021 - Summer batch

    08 JUN - 03 JUL 2021

    210608 wealth

  • Career

    JobMarket - Chill 世代求職攻略工作坊

    08 JUN - 12 JUL 2021

    2120608 jm
    JobMarket - Chill

    活動日期:2021年7月12日 (星期一)
    查詢熱線:3181 3322


    1. 年齡介乎21 - 35 歲 及
    2. 於2022年或以前獲頒學士或碩士學位之畢業生、求職者、在職人士及學生
    3. 每位參加者需於6月30日或以前於網上報名


    * 創新探索職業才華工作坊
    * Chill世代求職技巧講座
    * 小組討論事業規劃心得


  • Career

    The HKFYG Leadership Institute: Last Call for Summer School for Global Leadership 2021 Working Team Members

    08 - 14 JUN 2021



    The HKFYG Leadership Institute: Last Call for Summer School for Global Leadership 2021 Working Team MembersDo you want to spend a rewarding summer in a diversified, meaningful and fun environment working with young people? The Summer School for Global Leadership will be your chance to do something different! We are currently recruiting Group Leaders and Organising Committee Members for the Summer School for Global Leadership 2021.




    This is an amazing opportunity to learn from inspiring global and local trainers and develop your leadership skills, and be part of a dynamic learning community! Training workshops will be provided by facilitators, enlightening you to lead a group of young people, facilitate the entire programme and become the flame igniting future leaders. This will truly be a great experience that you would not want to miss out! 

    Details are as follows:


    The Pandemic: Tackling Poverty and the Growing Educational Digital Divide


    16-18, 24-26, 31 July 2021

    (7 day camp without accommodation)

    Positions Available:

    Group Leader (with remuneration)

    • Lead a group of 5-8 high school students
    • Experienced in training / facilitation 
    • Working Period:
    • Training & Briefing: 3-4, 10, 13 July 2021
    • Day Camp: 16-18, 24-26, 31 July 2021


    Organising Committee (Voluntary Allowance)

    • Provide logistic and event support
    • Working Period: Early July & 16-18, 24-26, 31 July 2021 (Day Camp) 

    Application Deadline:

    14 June 2021 (Mon), 11:59pm

    Interview Dates: 

    5-6 June 2021 (Sat-Sun) & 19 June 2021 (Sat)

    We are looking for Working Team members to join us! If you are interested, please read the specific duties/ requirements and apply via on or before 11:59pm, 14 June 2021 (Mon). Share this message with your friends too!


    • The event information is provided by the event organiser and is forwarded by HKBU Career Centre.
    • The data collected through the online application is solely administered by the organiser. HKBU Career Centre shall not be held liable in the case that disputes, loss or any other situations arise.
    • HKBU Career Centre shall not be responsible for any expenses incurred in this programme.
  • Career

    Invest Bots: Investment Competition Summer 2021

    02 - 30 JUN 2021


    Introduction of Invest Bots Limited

    Invest Bots Limited is a fin-tech start-up based in Hong Kong since 2016. We empower fund managers and professional investors to make smarter, more quantifiable, as well as faster investment and portfolio management decisions. 

    Details of the Competition
    To cultivate future investment leaders in the trading field, we are pleased to launch the Investment Competition this summer, targeting students at your university or candidates who have graduated from your university within 2 years. There is no limitation or restriction on faculty or field of studies required for applicants. The competition details are as follows:

    Investment Competition:

    • Trading simulation with HKD1,000,000 virtual cash
    • Target on contestants with advanced-level trading experience
    • Include a stock pitch with hedge fund managers in the final round
    • Trading tutorials will be offered to the participants
    • Prizes will be given upon the completion of the competition

    Application Procedures
    The application process will start on June 14 (TBC). Please stay tuned to our email later. Should you have any further query, please feel free to contact us by email at or follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

    Event Timeline (TBC):

    Briefing Session 

    25th June 2021 (Time: TBC) 

    Round 1 Trading Period 

    1st July 2021 to 31st   

    July 2021 (Time: TBC) 

    Round 2 Trading Period 

    2nd August 2021 - 27th 

    August 2021 (Time: TBC) 

    Round 3 Final Pitching to the Hedge Fund Managers 

    30th August 2021 (Time: TBC) 


    20/F, Leighton Centre, 77 Leighton Rd, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
    Instagram: @invbots
    LinkedIn: Invbots (Invest Bots Limited)