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  • Career

    Career Consultations by Professionals (For undergraduates)

    07 - 18 OCT 2021


  • Career

    2021-22 Young Entrepreneurs Development Council - Volunteer Recruitment

    07 - 15 OCT 2021

    211007volunteer2021-22 Young Entrepreneurs Development Council - Volunteer Recruitment
    YDC organizes a range of programs, such as Mind Way, My Way ® Life Planning Program, Dare to Change and Innomind® Business Pitch Competition, in order to facilitate multiple pathways, career and life planning, entrepreneurial spirit, leadership skills and creativity among young people. We strongly believe that being our volunteers is beneficial to students’ personal development and career path as it will be an important opportunity for them to gain exposure.

    The deadline for the 1st round application would be 15 Oct 2021 (Fri) 1p.m., the zoom interview will be held on 18 Oct 2021.

  • Career

    Hong Kong Life Sciences Society Mentorship Scheme 2022

    06 OCT - 19 NOV 2021

    211006 hk
    Hong Kong Life Sciences Society Mentorship Scheme 2022

    If you want to explore more about the life sciences/biotech industries in Hong Kong and Mainland China, gain first-hand and valuable insights through one-on-one meetings, equip yourself with workplace knowledge and soft skills, as well as the ability to network and make relevant connections, grab the chance now and be a part of the Scheme!

    With substantial years of working experience, the chosen mentors of HKLSS Mentorship Scheme are dedicated to help their mentees to achieve their potential and discover their strengths. All mentors are industry experts, young entrepreneurs and senior executives from a wide range of professions in the life sciences industry, including but not limited to:

    • Consulting
    • Data Analysis
    • Healthcare
    • Investment and Finance
    • Law and Compliance
    • NGO
    • Research and Development
    • Start-up

    Application deadline: 19 November 2021
    Details and online application:

    More information:

    If you want to know more about the Scheme, you’re welcomed to join the Online Information Sessions:
    Date: 12 October 2021 (Cantonese session) and 13 October 2021 (English session)
    Time: 7pm – 7:30pm
    Register here for the online information sessions
    Follow HKLSS on Facebook and Instagram (@hklifesciencessociety) to receive their updates.

  • Career

    【招募大學生成為活動領袖】 聖雅各福群會生涯規劃體驗館

    06 OCT 2021 - 31 MAY 2022

     Career Sparkle 為全港首間青少年生涯規劃體驗館,成立於20143月,座落於灣仔,佔地約600平方米,可同時容納最多100人進行活動。本體驗館其中一項大型活動名為「Career Live 職業體驗遊戲」,透過模擬的工作體驗,讓中學生認識個人能力及職業。現招募多名大學生成為活動領袖協助活動。

    服務時間:場次按參加學校報名日期而定;時間一般為星期一至六上午或下午 (其中四小時)
    備註:可獲發服務證書乙張 (須達到指定服務時數)

    1. 現就讀大學任何學科;
    2. 具良好溝通技巧,願意學習及有團隊精神;
    3. 需通過面試及受訓。

    1. 於體驗館內,帶領中學生進行 Career Live 職業體驗遊戲;
    2. 以組長身份,帶領小組解說,傳遞遊戲訊息。

    查詢請致電 56068386 (接受 Whatsapp),申請人所提供的資料將予以保密及只作招募用途。
    Official Website:
    Facebook: sjscareersparkle 聖雅各福群會生涯規劃服務
    Instagram: @sjssparkle

  • Career

    Cyberport x Home Affairs Bureau Youth Start-up Internship Programme 青年初創實習計劃

    05 - 15 OCT 2021

    Cyberport x Home Affairs Bureau Youth Start-up Internship Programme 青年初創實習計劃

    The Youth Start-up Internship Programme, co-organised by Cyberport and Home Affairs Bureau (HAB), bridges talented students and the Cyberport Community Companies by offering 3-month internship opportunities and various enrichment activities to enthusiastic youths. HAB will provide salary subsidies to Cyberport Start-ups for engaging interns under the programme.

    Apart from technical and design-related positions, internships in non-technical capacities such as corporate communications, business development, marketing and data analysis are also offered. In general, start-ups specialising in Smart Living provide the most vacancies, which encompass EdTech, RetailTech, HealthTech, IoT, as well as FinTech and digital entertainment & esports.

    Under the Programme, more than 440 job vacancies are offered by 168 Cyberport start-ups. The first phase of the Programme offers 30 internship positions for local post-secondary full-time students aged between 18 and 30. Applications are open today on iTalent.

    Internship Period: Oct 2021 onwards
    Internship Duration: 3 months
    Why Join?

    • Apply acquired knowledge to gain authentic work experience
    • Develop and sharpen your specialised and transferable skills
    • Gain a career head start in the digital tech industry
    • Build network with professionals and leaders in the start-up community
    • Receive salary subsidies up to $10,500 per month

    Who can join?

    • Aged between 18 and 30
    • Full-time student from a local post-secondary or tertiary institution
    • Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card Holder
    • Currently not a beneficiary under any publicly funded internship programme

    How to apply? Click here to visit "iTalent", the Cyberport's I& T recruitment platform, for more internship details.

    *Disclaimer: The hiring party provides the job description and administers the data collected through this job recruitment exercise. HKBU Career Centre shall not be held liable in the case that disputes, loss or any other situations arise.