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Hall Tutor (HT) and Non-Local Mentor (NLM) Recruitment 2023-2024

Hall Tutor (HT) and Non-Local Mentor (NLM) Recruitment 2023-2024
16 JAN 2023 | 12 MAR 2023
Application Deadline
12 Mar 2023, 5 pm

The Undergraduate Halls is recruiting Hall Tutors and Non-local Mentors for academic year 2023-2024.  

We are searching for student leaders committed to work with us on maintaining the Undergraduate Halls as a safe, warm and supportive living-learning environment. Hall Tutors and Non-local Mentors will receive pre-service and on-the-job communication and skills training, as well as mentorship on personal development. Hall Tutors will be provided with free accommodation. All HKBU undergraduate and postgraduate students in the academic year 2023-2024 are welcome. The initial term of service is normally from late July/August 2023 to late May 2024, subject to a mid-year review. For the specific Roles and Duties of the position and the application procedures, please refer to the application form on "Apply Now"

For details, please refer to the diagram below:
HT NLM recruitment Details

Online Application
Deadline:  12 March 2023, 5pm

If you have any enquiries, please contact us at or with our staff directly.