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    Hang Seng Internship Programme - Retail Banking and Wealth Management (Branch Support)

    20 FEB - 20 MAR 2019
    Hang Seng Internship Programme - Retail Banking and Wealth Management (Branch Support)

    Hang Seng Internship Programme - Retail Banking and Wealth Management (Branch Support)
    Early June – September 2019 (Full-Time basis) And
    September - End of December 2019 (Part-Time basis)

    Online application:
    Application deadline: 20 March 2019

  • Career

    Invitation for the forthcoming Recruitment and Education Fair (新「工」如意招聘進修展) , 20 February 2019

    20 FEB 2019
    Invitation for the forthcoming Recruitment and Education Fair (新「工」如意招聘進修展) , 20 February 2019

    新「工」如意 招聘進修展

    地點:修頓室內場館,灣仔莊士敦道111號 (港鐵灣仔站A3出口)
    查詢熱線:3181 3322


    *  免費履歷表諮詢
    *  掌握職場最新資訊
    *  匯聚企業大量筍工職位


    *  Excel Pro Education Limited (Mr Arthur Kwok) —「Excel 見工面試秘技」
    *  Generation Hong Kong (Mr Brian Cheng)—「如何裝備年輕人及僱主,以迎接科技及自動化所帶來的「未來工作」挑戰?」
    *  Six People Map Consultancy Limited (Mr Todd Wong)— 「5大職場熱技自學懶人包」

  • Career

    Join SCMP Classified Post "Young Marketer of Tomorrow" to unlock your your marketing potential!

    19 FEB - 06 MAR 2019
    Join SCMP Classified Post "Young Marketer of Tomorrow" to unlock your your marketing potential!

    Classified Post is proud to announce the launch of the inaugural “Young Marketer of Tomorrow” contest, a marketing competition for students, the goal of which is to recognize and reward the marketing talent of the future. Participating students, working in teams of 2-4, will be required to undertake a marketing challenge by implementing a comprehensive promotion plan, incorporating a whole range of resources, digital ones included. It would be a great lesson for students and every participate will receive a certificate to enrich their profile and have a chance win Tap & Go stored value of $10,000!

    How does it work?
    Students work in teams of 2-4 to tackle the client brief.

    The brief calls for marketing solutions that cover  entrepreneurship and financial management. Shortlisted teams will be invited to present their campaign on 31st March, 2019

    The entry will be judged by a panel of marketing professionals and three winners will be selected and announced on the same day.
    Key Dates:


    Now till 6 March 2019 (Wednesday)

    Contest Briefing 

    16 March 2019 (Saturday) 

    Campaign Outline Submission

    25 March 2019 (Monday)

    Live Presentation & Prize Presentation

    31 March 2019 (Sunday)

    Register & Details: 


  • Career

    A2Z Art Gallery - Gallery Assistant Intern

    19 FEB - 01 MAR 2019

    A2Z Art Gallery - Gallery Assistant Intern
    Application deadline: 1 Mar 2019

    Application method: send resume to hongkong@a2z‐

  • Career

    活用設計思維為社會解難 嬴取現金獎及暑期實習機會

    18 FEB - 05 MAR 2019
    活用設計思維為社會解難 嬴取現金獎及暑期實習機會

    由中國銀行(香港) 贊助,仁人學社主辦的第一屆Social Innovation + Competition現正開始接受報名。如果你對社會創新及設計思維有興趣,想學以致用,並嘗試以金融或科技去解決社會問題,歡迎你組成2-3人的大專學生隊伍報名參加今次比賽!得獎隊伍除了可以贏得高達HK$30,000獎金,更可獲得中國銀行集團於香港、内地及東盟地區 (包括上海、新加玻、越南等) 的暑期實習機會。初賽只需遞交兩頁的點子撮要,截止報名日期為35
    Social Innovation+ 重要日期 (Poster) (Emails to students)
    2月23日 Design Thinking及Green Finance工作坊暨比賽簡介會
    3月5日 截止報名日期
    3月8日 Unleash! 設計思維論壇 (自由參與)
    3月11日 公布入圍準決賽隊伍
    3月14日 社會創新工作坊 (自由參與)
    3月24日 提交準決賽PowerPoint簡報
    3月31日 公布入圍決賽隊伍
    4月9日 總決賽及公布結果
    4月27日 頒獎典禮
    1. 冠軍、亞軍及季軍隊伍將分別獲得$30,000、$20,000、$10,000現金獎
    2. 中國銀行集團於香港、内地及東盟地區 (包括上海、新加玻、越南等)的
    3. 所有入圍準決賽隊伍將獲得由大會發出的嘉許證書

    截止日期: 2019年3月5日