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[UG] PLUS+ Ambassador programme

Community Engagement
03 OCT 2022 - 31 MAR 2023
Community Service Hours Scheme
Recognised by the Undergraduate Halls - Community Service Hours Scheme

PLUS+ Ambassador Programme
An internship experience to Learn, Internalise and Spread Positivity around
The uncertainties brought by the pandemic, including the lack of social contacts, the mandatory quarantine and worries towards the future in general, induced stress to the public. The study of Positive Psychology and Life Education allows us to discover and nurture our character strengths, be resilience and learn the true meaning and value of life.

PLUS+ provides training to student ambassadors on Positive Psychology and Life Education. Our ambassadors will prepare workshops and develop tools to promote positivity to various community groups. Including, to design a tool to spread the message extensively to the residents of the Undergraduate Halls.

Interns of PLUS+ will receive supervision and guidance from practitioners on developing the service content and the tool. 

Major Supervisor: Ark Life Education House
Ark Life Education House was established in 2009 by St. James Settlement, we are the first self-financial education center focus on Life Education in Hong Kong located at Noah’s Ark, Ma Wan.  Our House is not just a tourist site, but also an Education center for visitors to reflect their views and perspectives of life through different plays, training programmes and activities facilitated by our trainers.  We advocate the belief of “Life is a precious Gift” and spreading the meaning of love.  

Other Supervisor: 
Ms. KWAN Yung Yee, alumnus of HKBU, artist, and designer 
IG: /
Master of Arts in Fine Arts (CUHK);  Bachelor of Organisational Communication (Major) and Visual Art (Minor) (HKBU); Japan Pastel Hope Art Association (JPHAA) Certified  Associate Instructor and Advanced Instructor

Kwan is passionate about art education, with solid skills in sketching, watercolor, plastic color, oil painting, computer painting, fluid painting, ink painting and harmonious pastel. She has served as art instructor in different studios and primary schools and has accumulated rich experience for more than ten years. She is currently an art teacher at Cedar Tree Studio, designer and artist. Her artwork have been exhibited at Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre, JCCAC Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, CUHK Art Museum, China CITIC Bank Taikoo Place Headquarters and other places.

Programme Design and Schedule: 

Learn (October 2022)

1)  15 Oct, 12nn - 5pm @ HKBU

2)  22 Oct, 12nn- 5pm @ Noah’s Ark

Training by Ark Life Education House:

1.1) Self-understanding assessment 

1.2) Theory & Application on conduct/ design Social Service Programme

2.1) ​Life and Death Programme on Reflect and review the personal view of life

Training by Other Supervisor:

Introductory Design Theory on Impactful Visual Presentation  

[Optional] Workshops on Mindfulness and Healthy Lifestyle

Internalise (November 2022- January 2023)

Work in teams to promote Positive Psychology and Life Education through:

1)      Prepare a service day

2)      Design a set of self-care tool

Supervision sessions will be conducted through zoom, schedule to be discussed between the teams and supervisors.



Spread Positivity Around (January 2023)


1. Deliver one service day to a community group

2. Complete the design of a set of tool for residents of HKBU Halls



Reflect (11 February 2023)


Presentation and Debriefing Session

Refundable Deposit:  HK$ 500 (fully refundable upon completion) Recognition:  On successful completion of the 30-hour internship, participants will receive 1) a full refund, 2) a $750 allowance as supported by the Subsidised Internship Scheme, 3) a certificate and 4) CCL on recognised activities Eligibility:  Open to all UGC-funded degree seeking Undergraduate students, with priority to Halls residents Major Medium of Instruction:  English (Cantonese may be used on the delivery of service to community group) [Extended] Application Deadline:  23 September 2022, 4 pm Selection Interview:  26 - 27 September 2022


Related Key Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

SDG: Good Health and Well-Being SDG: Quality Education SDG: Sustainable Cities and Communities SDG: Partnerships For the goals
Oct 2022 - Apr 2023
23 Sep 2022, 4 pm
Event details