Invitation to Melco Student Innovation Challenge
Greeting all students,
Melco Student Hackathon/ innovation challenge is open for application!
Melco - one of the largest entertainment & resort operators in Asia – is keen on hearing your proposal of how to innovate its business in the various areas.
Form/join a team of 2-4 members, and your mission is to come up with a proposal detailing your idea of a new add-on business / technology in one of the 5 verticals (TravelTech, Hospitality, Retail, and Customer Management).
To be considered for receiving mentorship, you will have to submit a PPT deck + mockup/prototype by 9 December 2018 (11:59 PM, GMT+8:00).
You stand to win:
- Internships, Graduate Jobs, Joint Thesis (depending on your profile)
- 2-night free stay at one of Melco’s luxury resorts
- operational implementation of your proposal
- $5,000 USD… and more
Looking for a team? You might want to:
- join a team who are recruiting members on the platform;
- find like-minded people in our Melco student hackathon WhatsApp group.
Interested but busy with exams and assignments?
- Here please find your toolkit for completing the project and winning all future hackathons in 3 simple steps.
If you are eager to learn and practice new skills in flexible hours, win job opportunities & other cool prizes, sign up today at:
Looking for teammates or have any questions?
- Join the Melco Student Challenge WhatsApp group here
- Contact or
馬上與 2-3位朋友一同參與,或在Agorize的平台上與其他Innovators組隊,出謀獻策,為新濠提供的客戶體驗帶來翻天覆地的革新!緊記!你需在12月9日前完成你的挑戰!
- 實習崗位,畢業職位,或署名論文
- 於新濠旗下的度假村享受2晚全包套餐
- 將提案付諸實踐的機會
- $5,000美元… 以及更多!
- 加入 Melco Student Challenge WhatsApp 群組
- 聯絡 或
你也是初創生態系統的一份子嗎? 來查看 Melco Startup Challenge