Change-Makers Programme “Be Kind To Every Kind” – Advocacy Week
- 與毛孩有近距離的接觸,聆聽牠們獨有的故事?
- 出席主演電影「毛俠」女演員的分享會?
- 認識一班Change Maker在馬來西亞服務動物的點滴?
- 欣賞以「關愛動物,尊重動物」為主題的微電影?
- 支持慈善義賣(包括自製卡品及飾物),以行動支持香港及馬來西亞動物組織?
同樣喜歡動物,或希望對動物議題有更多認識的你,不要錯過由Change-Makers Programme 成員籌辦的「動物失樂園」 – 倡議活動系列。活動內容豐富,總有一個岩你的!
日期:25-29/3 (一至五)
#不棄養 #領養代替購買 #流浪動物關注 #動物保護 #動物權益
Would you like to:
- play with dogs and listen to their stories?
- attend the sharing session of Miss Charlie On (Artist, actress in movie “Paws Men”)?
- understand more about the service of the Change Makers in Malaysia?
- enjoy the micro-movies of SPCA?
- support the charity sale (including self-designed cards and accessories) to give a hand to the NGOs in Malaysia and HK.
If you love animals or you would like to know more about animal welfare, don’t miss the events in the Advocacy Week organized by the members of Change-Makers Programme.
Please take action to support“Be Kind To Every Kind” – Advocacy Week.
“Charity Sale x Game Booth x Art Installation”
Date: 25-29/3 (Mon-Fri)
Venue: Li Promenade, Shaw Campus
Content: Charity sale (including self-designed cards and accessories) to give a hand to the NGOs in Malaysia and HK.
#No abandon #Why buy when you can adopt #Care about street animals #Animal protection #Animal welfare
- Content
- “Charity Sale x Game Booth x Art Installation”
- Venue
- Li Promenade