News & Announcement
粵港澳大灣區大學生就業實習雙選會 (10月10日-12月31日)
06 OCT - 07 NOV 2020 -
Montréal Tech-Tour recruitment event - Québec Office in Hong Kong
06 - 15 OCT 2020The virtual Montréal Tech-Tour recruitment event here.
- Details - Video
A virtual recruitment mission has just started, organized by our partner Montréal International with which we are associated. A total of 21 companies are taking part by presenting together 215 job offers in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector. Subscription period for this activity is now open.
Seasoned international talents from all over the world are sought in the context of this mission. Promotion material will be available in the coming days. We are available to further discuss this opportunity with you and your network and launch this activity together. -
「滙豐未來技能培訓計劃」創新科技系列活動 – 大專活動 | HSBC Future Skills Development Project - InnoTech Activities for Tertiary Institution
05 OCT 2020[A.I. Future Tense] H101 – Online Artificial Intelligence Skills-up Workshops
Details of the programme:
Online Registration:
[A.I. Future Tense] H102 – InnoTech Experience & Placement 2020
Programme Introduction: Provide participants with job experience at innotech startup companies to exchange ideas and learn from the industry experts.
Placement Content:
Understanding company structure
Introduce technologies used in the company
Completion of placement under guidance of company instructors.
Program Duration: January - December 2020
Placement Duration: 2 Days
Participating Companies:
Company Matching: Participants can fill in their preferences for companies. HKFYG will try to match according to your preference. However, actual matching depends on company’s preferred skills and availability.
Salaries/Allowance: Participant will not receive any salaries and no employment relationship is involved.
1) Click the link to register the programme:
2) After receiving your application, HKFYG will match a company for you and notify you the results through email.
The details of the activity, you can refer to: -
Invitation for the forthcoming Recruitment Fair (運轉西九龍招聘進修展) - 29 & 30 September 2020
29 - 30 SEP 2020Invitation for the forthcoming Recruitment Fair (運轉西九龍招聘進修展)
The fair aims to provide an informative platform for students to obtain the first-hand information of the recruitment market and to plan their education and career path.運轉西九龍招聘進修展
日期: 2020年9月29及30日(星期二及三)
時間: 11:00AM - 6:00PM
地點: 西九龍中心一樓中庭, 深水埗欽州街37K號 (港鐵深水埗站C1出口)
查詢熱線:3181 3322
網上預先登記: 送您 いち髪洗髪護髪修護三合一試用裝 及 速健能(Tiovita)營養及能量飲品*
招聘專區* 特設『轉工專區』
* 為求職者謀求出路,渡過逆境
* 協助不同行業招攬潛在求職者,配對合適工作 -
HKICS: Student Ambassadors Programme (SAP) 2020/2021 (Enrol by 15 October 2020)
28 SEP - 15 OCT 2020HKICS: Student Ambassadors Programme (SAP) 2020/2021 (Enrol by 15 October 2020)
What is SAP?
The HKICS Student Ambassadors Programme (SAP) provides a platform for undergraduates from local universities to better understand the dual qualification of Chartered Secretary and Chartered Governance Professional. It helps student ambassadors develop their potential future leaders in governance. Over the years, more than 1,600 undergraduates from local universities have become HKICS student ambassadors.
Key features:- CONNECT: meet industry professionals via internships, mentorship, visits and networking events
- SHARE: join events and participate in organising activities with other student ambassadors
Who is eligible?
Undergraduates of all local universities in any discipline who are willing to take on a challenge and seize an opportunity
Application procedure and deadline: Please complete the online application form on or before 15 October 2020 (The terms and conditions together with the personal data collection statement are set out in the online application form. Please read these carefully before completing the form)
For application, please click HERE
For more info about SAP, please visit our website HERE and refer to the attached flyer.