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「滙豐未來技能培訓計劃」創新科技系列活動 – 大專活動 | HSBC Future Skills Development Project - InnoTech Activities for Tertiary Institution

05 OCT 2020

[A.I. Future Tense] H101 – Online Artificial Intelligence Skills-up Workshops
Online AI Skills-up Workshops Banner
Details of the programme:

Online Registration:

[A.I. Future Tense] H102 – InnoTech Experience & Placement 2020

Programme Introduction: 
Provide participants with job experience at innotech startup companies to exchange ideas and learn from the industry experts.

Placement Content:
Understanding company structure
Introduce technologies used in the company
Completion of placement under guidance of company instructors.

Program Duration: January - December 2020
Placement Duration: 2 Days
Participating Companies:
Company Matching: Participants can fill in their preferences for companies. HKFYG will try to match according to your preference. However, actual matching depends on company’s preferred skills and availability.
Salaries/Allowance: Participant will not receive any salaries and no employment relationship is involved.

1) Click the link to register the programme:
2) After receiving your application, HKFYG will match a company for you and notify you the results through email.

The details of the activity, you can refer to: