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Start-up Competitions & Opportunities

Through our Start-up Competitions, we offer students the opportunity to showcase their innovative ideas, compete with peers, and receive valuable feedback from industry experts and mentors. These competitions serve as a launchpad for students to transform their ideas into viable business ventures. With a focus on fostering creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving skills, our competitions provide a fertile ground for students to develop their entrepreneurial mindset and skills.

In addition to the competitions, we offer a range of support services and resources to help students navigate the entrepreneurial landscape. Our dedicated team provides mentorship, guidance, and workshops on various aspects of entrepreneurship. We aim to equip students with the knowledge, tools, and networks necessary to turn their entrepreneurial dreams into reality.


Win HK$30,000 seed fund to kick-start your business plan!


About the Programme

Theme: Environmental, social and governance (ESG) & Digital Economy
主題: 環境、社會和管治 (ESG) 及 數碼經濟 

Start-up Saturday offers a great opportunity for students to explore the journey to entrepreneurship by providing start-up consultation, seed fund, mentoring and many more start-up incubation opportunities.

Applicant teams will be invited to attend the final presentation. Winning teams will not only be entitled to the seed fund but also gain opportunities to be admitted to external incubation programmes and various funding schemes!



What can you get in the Start-up Saturday?

Seed Fund

Up to HKD 30,000 Seed Fund will be offered to each winning project.

Free Start-up Consultation

To better equip students with entrepreneurial mindsets and practical start-up knowledge, free start-up consultation will be offered to students who wish to kick-start their business idea.



Each winning team will be matched up with a business mentor and can get professional guidance and advice on developing their business venture.


Incubation Opportunities

Winning teams will be nominated to various incubation programmes outside of HKBU, such as the HKSTP Ideation Programme, Cyberport Creative Micro-fund, etc., which provide holistic support to the start-up teams.


How to Apply? 報名方法

 .Application should be submitted as a team, with at least 2 team members.

.Each team must have at least 1 HKBU student. He/she must be the Person-in-Charge in the team.

.All HKBU team members must attend at least one training course from Entrepreneurial Learning Series

.Complete the online application form HERE with below supporting documents*
   - Team List 團隊名單
   - Business Plan - Theme: Smart Cities and Sustainability (In PPT format: no more than 12 slides) 創業計劃 - 智慧城市及可持續發展為主題 (簡報形式: 不多於12頁)

*Please download all the templates HERE

Deadline 截止報名日期:  7 April 2024
報名連結:Please click HERE


Prizes 獎品

Winning teams will be entitled to a cash prize of up to HKD30,000.
*Subject to the judging panel's final decision.
*On a reimbursement basis.


Final Presentation 決賽 (20/4/2024)

.Eligible teams will be invited to attend the final presentation on 20 April 2024. Teams can choose their own language (English/ Cantonese/ Putonghua) to present.
成功參賽隊伍將獲邀請出席2024年4月20日的決賽,隊伍可自行選擇語言(英語/ 廣東話/ 普通話)介紹你的創業計劃

.Each team will be given 5 minutes to present, followed by a 5 minutes Q&A session.


Win HK$30,000 seed fund to kick-start your business plan!


About the Programme

Theme: Smart Cities and Sustainability  (Incorporating Green | Healthcare | Elderly Care | Art-Tech)
主題: 智慧城市及可持續發展 (融合綠色 | 醫療保健 | 長者照護 | 藝術科技)

Start-up Saturday offers a great opportunity for students to explore the journey to entrepreneurship by providing start-up consultation, seed fund, mentoring and many more start-up incubation opportunities.

Applicant teams will be invited to attend the final presentation. Winning teams will not only be entitled to the seed fund but also gain opportunities to be admitted to external incubation programmes and various funding schemes!



What can you get in the Start-up Saturday?

Seed Fund

Up to HKD 30,000 Seed Fund will be offered to each winning project.

Free Start-up Consultation

To better equip students with entrepreneurial mindsets and practical start-up knowledge, free start-up consultation will be offered to students who wish to kick-start their business idea.



Each winning team will be matched up with a business mentor and can get professional guidance and advice on developing their business venture.


Incubation Opportunities

Winning teams will be nominated to various incubation programmes outside of HKBU, such as the HKSTP Ideation Programme, Cyberport Creative Micro-fund, etc., which provide holistic support to the start-up teams.


How to Apply? 報名方法

 .Application should be submitted as a team, with at least 2 team members.

.Each team must have at least 1 HKBU student. He/she must be the Person-in-Charge in the team.

.All HKBU team members must attend at least one training course from Entrepreneurial Learning Series

.Complete the online application form HERE with below supporting documents*
   - Team List 團隊名單
   - Business Plan - Theme: Smart Cities and Sustainability (In PPT format: no more than 12 slides) 創業計劃 - 智慧城市及可持續發展為主題 (簡報形式: 不多於12頁)

*Please download all the templates HERE

Deadline 截止報名日期:  19 November 2023
報名連結:Please click HERE


Prizes 獎品

Winning teams will be entitled to a cash prize of up to HKD30,000.
*Subject to the judging panel's final decision.


Final Presentation 決賽 (25/11/2023)

.Eligible teams will be invited to attend the final presentation on 25 November 2023. Teams can choose their own language (English/ Cantonese/ Putonghua) to present.
成功參賽隊伍將獲邀請出席2023年11月25日的決賽,隊伍可自行選擇語言(英語/ 廣東話/ 普通話)介紹你的創業計劃

.Each team will be given 5 minutes to present, followed by a 3 minutes Q&A session.


Win HK$30,000 seed fund to kick-start your business plan!


About the Programme

Theme: Social Innovation & Wellness
主題: 社會創新及身心健康

Start-up Saturday offers a great opportunity for students to explore the journey to entrepreneurship by providing start-up consultation, seed fund, mentoring and many more start-up incubation opportunities.

Applicant teams will be invited to attend the final presentation. Winning teams will not only be entitled to the seed fund but also gain opportunities to be admitted to external incubation programmes and various funding schemes!



What can you get in the Start-up Saturday?

Morning Open Mic Session

TriAngle (DLB 306, David C Lam Building)

A chance to form your perfect team and get free start-up consultation! 
**Light breakfast, coffee and tea will be provided**

Want to form a perfect team to join Start-up Saturday? Have an idea but wish to get business advice? Here is an excellent chance for you to find your perfect partners and get free consultation! Come and share your brilliant start-up idea and pitch for talent!
Let’s have a GOOD MORNING!

一個遇見完美團隊的機會、 一個免費創業咨詢的機會!

想找一個完美的團隊來參加創業星期六嗎?有創業點子但希望得到明燈指引? 這是一個好機會讓你找到你的神隊友及伯樂! 一起分享你精彩的創業理念,吸引人才!讓我們一起渡過一個Good Morning!

Register Here 按此報名

Entrepreneur Chatroom & Networking – Meet the Foodoor Founder
企業家聊天室 – 與Foodoor 創辦人傾下計

TriAngle (DLB 306, David C Lam Building)
Language: Cantonese

Guest Speaker: Mr Sam Lai, Founder of Foodoor (HKBU Alumni) 

Foodoor is an automation and retail solution provider in Hong Kong. It provides hardware such as smart vending machines, smart windows, frozen vending machines, hot food vending machines, self-pickup cabinets, etc., in conjunction with software support for online stores, mobile apps, vending machines, programme background systems, etc. It also customises suitable sales and promotion automation solutions for merchants to help them increase potential customers in the market.

演講嘉賓: Foodoor 創辦人—賴錦豪先生 (浸大校友)


Register Here 按此報名

Seed Fund

Up to HKD 30,000 Seed Fund will be offered to each winning project.

Free Start-up Consultation

To better equip students with entrepreneurial mindsets and practical start-up knowledge, free start-up consultation will be offered to students who wish to kick-start their business idea.



Each winning team will be matched up with a business mentor and can get professional guidance and advice on developing their business venture.


Incubation Opportunities

Winning teams will be nominated to various incubation programmes outside of HKBU, such as the HKSTP Ideation Programme, Cyberport Creative Micro-fund, etc., which provide holistic support to the start-up teams.


How to Apply? 報名方法

 .Application should be submitted as a team, with at least 2 team members.

.Each team must have at least 1 HKBU student. He/she must be the Person-in-Charge in the team.

.Complete the online application form HERE with below supporting documents*
   - Team List 團隊名單
   - Business Plan - Theme: Social Innovation & Wellness (In PPT format: no more than 12 slides) 創業計劃 - 社會創新及身心健康為主題 (簡報形式: 不多於12頁)

*Please download all the templates HERE

Deadline 截止報名日期:  1 May 2023
報名連結:Please click HERE


Prizes 獎品

Winning teams will be entitled to a cash prize of up to HKD30,000.
*Subject to the judging panel's final decision.


Final Presentation 決賽 (13/05/2023)

.Eligible teams will be invited to attend the final presentation on 13 May 2023. Teams can choose their own language (English/ Cantonese/ Putonghua) to present.
成功參賽隊伍將獲邀請出席2023年5月13日的決賽,隊伍可自行選擇語言(英語/ 廣東話/ 普通話)介紹你的創業計劃

.Each team will be given 5 minutes to present and follow by a 3 minutes Q&A session.