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What is a resume?

A resume (or Curriculum Vitae) is the first step to present you to a potential employer. It opens the door to a job interview. Thus, it is very important that you summarize all the relevant qualifications, experiences, skills and achievements in your resume.

However, a good resume does not necessarily record all the information. A resume with 1 to 2 pages is more than enough.

Bear in mind, thousands of resumes are received by an employer everyday, he or she might only have thirty seconds or so to browse your resume, how to excel yourself within the limited time becomes a key issue. It is unwise to pour every little detail into your resume as if it is a track record of your life!

What should be included in the resume?

  • Personal Details
    • - Your Full Name
      - Address
      - Contact no (preferably mobile no.)
      - E-mail (an E-mail which you will check regularly)
  • Career Objective
    • - A well-defined career objective helps the employer to relate your working experiences, qualifications to the applied job.
  • Photo
    • - It is optional, shall it be included, please make sure that you are formally dressed.
  • Educational background
  • Employment History
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Skills
  • References
  • Date of availability

Style and Format of Resume

  • Tailor-make your resume for the applied position, instead of using the same resume all the times.
  • Arrange your qualifications, past experiences and etc in a reverse chorological order.
  • State your achievements with facts, do not exaggerate.
  • Begin sentence with action words. Avoid using personal pronouns like “I”.
  • Do not include all the attended courses and grades into the resume, but those relevant or with distinguished results.
  • Organize the resume in a neat and tidy manner, highlight your attractions with headings, indentations.
  • Use simple English and be concise, never write in casual and fancy tone.
  • Make sure that your resume has been proof-read with no typing and spelling mistakes.
  • Try not to write more than 2 pages.
  • Use of action words< >- It is essential to use action words to market your skills in resumes for it transforms your accomplishments in a more dynamic and readable manner.Examples include:
Advocate Advertise Accomplish Implement
Collaborate Analyze Achieve Improve
Counsel Brainstorm Administer Inspect
Consult Categorize Assist Install
Facilitate Compute Arrange Lead
Interact Compose Build Manage
Interview Conceptualize Budget Organize
Liaise Create Coach Observe
Negotiate Design Construct Operate
Persuade Demonstrate Complete Renovate
Promote Estimate Coordinate Repair
Resolve Perform Demonstrate Research
Sell Revise Establish Solve
Serve Sketch Examine Supervise
Train Synthesize Evaluate  
  Systematize Facilitate  
  Visualize Formulate  