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  • Career

    Job Market (路在轉「灣」處招聘增值展) 20 July 2021

    08 - 20 JUL 2021

    210708 job market
    日期:2021年7月20日 (星期二)
    查詢熱線:3181 3322

    • 免費CV相拍攝服務
    • 即場出試,搵工快人一步
    • 經濟日漸明朗,僱主重新開始招聘人才

    網上預先登記: 送您CheckCheckCin紙包茶2包


    • The event information is provided by the event organiser and is forwarded by HKBU Career Centre.
    • The data collected through the online application is solely administered by the organiser. HKBU Career Centre shall not be held liable in the case that disputes, loss or any other situations arise.
    • HKBU Career Centre shall not be responsible for any expenses incurred in this programme.
  • Career

    VolTra義遊:【Hack Your Box】 個人品牌經營 x LinkedIn 工作坊

    08 - 15 JUL 2021

    義遊:Hack Your Box 個人品牌經營 x LinkedIn 工作坊



    • 在企業培訓師Joscelin Yeung 的帶領下,利用「Hack Your Box」建立你的個人品牌、吸引目標群體留意到你的價值
    • 了解如何有效利用LinkedIn 平台,去打造屬於你自己的「個人品牌」,吸引更多人脈及機遇

    日期:2021年7月15日 (星期四)
    時間:8pm - 9:30 pm
    原價:HK 580
    【院校推薦 - 限量免費名額】只需於報名時請輸入兌換碼:BUHUB 


    • The event information is provided by the event organiser and is forwarded by HKBU Career Centre.
    • The data collected through the online application is solely administered by the organiser. HKBU Career Centre shall not be held liable in the case that disputes, loss or any other situations arise.
    • HKBU Career Centre shall not be responsible for any expenses incurred in this programme.
  • Career

    Wave HoMa Limited - Mini Job Fair

    06 - 09 JUL 2021

    Organizer: Wave HoMa Limited

    Event: Mini Job Fair
    Targets: Recent graduates
    Date: 9 July 2021
    Time: 12nn-4pm
    Venue: Comfort Soul (Kwun Tong)
    Registration:  Send an email to with your name, university and programme you are taking / finished






  • Career

    [Invitation] The HKMA’s “Unlocking the Power of Regtech” Event (30 June 2021)

    18 - 30 JUN 2021

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) issued a press release ( on 1 June 2021 inviting registration for its flagship Regtech event “Unlocking the Power of Regtech” scheduled for 30 June 2021. We would like to extend the invitation to your institution to join the event.

    The HKMA published in November 2020 a two-year roadmap to promote Regtech adoption in Hong Kong. “Unlocking the Power of Regtech” is the flagship event in the roadmap. It will bring together participants from the global Regtech community including financial institutions, Regtech providers, regulators and other industry experts to share their experience and insights into the potential of Regtech. The event comprises a series of panel discussions, experience sharing sessions and demonstrations, designed to encourage discussion and networking.

    Event details
    Date:            30 June 2021
    Time            13:30-17:30 (Hong Kong Time)
    Format:       Virtual
    Language:  English
    Featured speakers:
    •        Mr Yifei Fan, Deputy Governor, People's Bank of China
    •        Mr Benoît Cœuré, Head, BIS Innovation Hub
    •        Mr David Bailey, Executive Director, International Banks Supervision, Bank of England
    •        Ms Jane Fraser, CEO, Citi
    •        Ms Jessica Tan, Co-CEO, Ping An Group
    •        Mr Eddie Yue, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority
    •        Mr Arthur Yuen, Deputy Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority

    More details and registration for the event can be found here:
    We would be most grateful if this invitation can be forwarded to the wider community within your institution. Should your institution have any questions about the event, please feel free to contact

  • Career

    「從『嘉』出發 職在灣區」內地職場文化分享會 現正接受報名

    18 - 30 JUN 2021

    210618kawa (宣傳圖請見:附件4_宣傳圖_簡)

    「從『嘉』出發 職在灣區」內地職場文化分享會 現正接受報名


    雖然受新冠疫情影響,大家今年能參加實習計劃或職場機會減少,但現在同學安坐家中一樣可以把握機會裝備自己。政賢力量及嘉華國際將合辦,「從『嘉』出發 職在灣區」內地職場文化分享會,向大家提供大灣區內地城市就業市場、職場文化及發展機會等資訊。



    日      期 : 202175
    時     間  : 14:30-16:00
    費      用 : 免費
    截止報名 :  2021630(星期三)

    1. 網上報名︰


    •  職場文化︰通過嘉賓分享了解內地職場文化、工作地區與生活差異
    •  港府政策︰政府為協助在大灣區內地城市工作的港人推出了哪些政策?
    •  發展機會︰大灣區發展為香港青年帶來的機遇
