<HKIB> Invitation of Full-time Students to Join the Future Banking Bridging Programme 2022
<HKIB> Invitation of Full-time Students to Join the Future Banking Bridging Programme 2022
26 Sep – 10 Oct
Hong Kong Monetary Authority and The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers brings back the annual event as Future Banking Bridging Programme 2022 (“Programme”) in October 2022.
The programme is a pathway for you to gain a quick yet in-depth look into the world of banking with bankers to serve as mentors.
We have gathered some of industry practitioners and bankers of Hong Kong to share with you their practical knowledge, skill sets and first-hand experience in the banking industry. In this programme, you will have a glimpse of the hottest topics in the banking industry, interactive dialogue with bankers and a chance for visiting a bank to experience a day in the life of a banker.
Day 1: 22 October 2022 (9am – 1pm)
Day 2: 29 October 2022 (9am – 1pm).
Please visit our website at https://fbbp.hkib.org/ and the programme rundown attached for details.
Applicants simply obtain the application form via https://fbbp.hkib.org/, and submit the completed form with copies of HKID and Student ID to bridging@hkib.org.
The application period will be closed on 10 October 2022.