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    Hong Kong Life Sciences Society Summer Internship Program 2022

    23 FEB - 14 MAR 2022

    220223 life
    Hong Kong Life Sciences Society Summer Internship Program 2022

    HKLSS will launch its fourth Summer Internship Program in July 2022, covering Hong Kong and Shanghai. This six-week internship program continues to offer a unique opportunity for university students to explore cutting-edge research, technology, and the future of life sciences.

    You are invited to join the online information session.
    2 March 2022
    4:00pm – 4:45pm (English)
    5:00pm – 5:45pm (Cantonese)

    16 March 2022
    11:00am – 11:45am (English)
    12:00pm – 12:45pm (Cantonese)

    Application deadline: 14 March 2022


  • Career

    Online Briefing Session of WAM Summer Internship Programme 2022

    17 FEB - 03 MAR 2022

    Online Briefing Session of WAM Summer Internship Programme 2022

    220217 summer

    The application of the Summer Internship Programme (SIP) 2022 under the Pilot Programme to Enhance Talent Training for the Asset and Wealth Management (WAM) Sector will be opened from 8 March to 29 March 2022.  You are cordially invited to attend the Briefing Sessions

    Highlights of the SIP 2022:

    • 350+ Summer internship positions available for multiple applications
    • Diversified WAM functional roles
    • A minimum of 4 weeks paid internship and be mentored by experienced WAM practitioners during the internship

      Details of the two briefing sessions are set below:

    Date & time




    3 March 2022 (Thursday)

    4:30pm - 5:30pm


    Virtual Platform (Webex)

    Please click HERE to register

    9 March 2022 (Wednesday) 1:30pm - 2:30pm  


    Register now if you want to understand…

    • the details of the job positions offered,
    • the application procedures and
    • the preparation for the application



  • Career

    Pilot Programme to Enhance Talent Training for the Insurance Sector - Summer Internship Programme (SIP) (2022 Intake)

    15 FEB - 25 MAR 2022

    Pilot Programme to Enhance Talent Training for the Insurance Sector - Summer Internship Programme (SIP) (2022 Intake)


    The Summer Internship Programme (SIP) under the government-funded Pilot Programme is now open to sign up for summer 2022 internship. 

    The SIP provides an internship opportunity during summer to gain a better understanding of the operation of the insurance sector which would facilitate their consideration in deciding their future career.

    A detailed schedule as follows:

    • Intern Recruitment:  Now – 25 Mar 2022
    • Interview Process (by employers): 28 Mar 2022 – 27 May 2022
    • Commencement Date: 1 Jun 2022

    Application: Complete online application form
    Deadline: Friday, 25 March 2022

  • Career


    14 - 18 FEB 2022

    220214 youth
    因疫情關係,2021香港青年氣候峰會將於2022年2月26日至2月27日 (星期六至星期日) 改為網上舉行。峰會主題為「成為氣候公義青年領袖!」。

    聯合國政府間氣候變化專門委員會 (IPCC) 於2021年8月發表第六次評估報告,指出現時氣候變化的影響是廣泛,急速,並正在加劇。聯合國秘書長安東尼奧·古特雷斯 (António Guterres) 形容報告敲起「人類生存紅色警報」。而弱勢和少數群體首當其衝受到氣候變化的影響。因為氣候變化的影響對於不同年齡、種族、性別、社會經濟地位、宗教亦會有異。然而,在制定氣候變化政策中,往往未有顧及弱勢和少數群體的境況和需要。故此,於第二十六屆聯合國氣候變化大會上,公民社會組織便不停強調「現在便應實現氣侯公義」(Climate Justice Now)。另外,香港政府於去年10月公布《香港氣候行動藍圖2050》,以「零碳排放‧綠色宜居‧持續發展」為願景,提出香港實現碳中和的策略和目標。

    為應對氣候危機,推動氣候公義和實現碳中和,低碳想創坊,香港青年氣候行動與青年環境網絡將合辦2021香港青年氣候峰會。2021香港青年氣候峰會受聯合國氣候變化框架公約下官方青年和兒童組織 (YOUNGO) 以及其下本地氣候峰會 (LCOY) 的工作小組認可。這次會議給予青年人一個渠道去了解及應對氣候變化。青年透過網絡彼此交流及聯繫,並成為全球各國及本土的氣候先鋒、解難專家,倡導代表和人脈大使。2021香港青年氣候峰會屆時將有一系列有關氣候變化的遊戲、 講座、 研討會和工作坊等。我們將邀請世界各地的演講者分享他們應對氣候變化的經驗,啟發並推動香港青年氣候行動。有着共同擁護零碳香港的決心,我們堅信可以帶來改變。故此,我們邀請你參加2021香港青年氣候峰會,一起推動香港的青年氣候行動,詳情如下:

    主題: 成為氣候公義青年領袖!
    日期: 2022年2月26至27日(星期六和星期日)
    時間: 2022年2月26日(星期六)上午9時至下午1時30分
    形式: 網上舉行
    活動語言: 廣東話為主,部分活動會輔以英文
    參加資格: 15至35歲的青年
    參加名額: 名額有限,先到先得
    截止日期: 2022年2月18日(星期五)

    1. 第二十六屆聯合國氣候變化大會香港青年代表分享
    2. 國際青年氣候代表分享
    3. 氣候公義及公義轉型
    4. 本地氣候青年團體分享
    5. 氣候適應創意設計思考工作坊
    6. 工作坊氣候談判與撰寫立場書

    1. 此活動並非過夜宿營。
    2. 參加者必須出席兩天整日的活動。


  • Career

    Fintech Career Accelerator Scheme 2022-2023

    09 - 28 FEB 2022

    220209 hk
    Fintech Career Accelerator Scheme (FCAS)
    by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) offer students eye-opening opportunities to work as interns in renowned banks and receive fintech oriented trainings.

    Join the information day to learn more about the FCAS details, sharing from past alumni of FCAS about their firsthand internship experience and winning formula of interviews!

    HKMA’s strategic partners such as ASTRI, Cyberport and HKSTP will also share their fintech programmes and internship opportunities with you all!
    Enquiries: Mr. John Chan (Tel: 2597 0759)