Hong Kong International Airport Career Expo 2019 from 31 May to 2 June
To support the continued growth of the aviation industry and help job seekers to look for suitable employment opportunities, Labour Department and Hong Kong International Airport will co-organise the “Hong Kong International Airport Career Expo 2019” at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in Wan Chai from 31 May to 2 June 2019.
About 40 organisations will participate in the Career Expo. Over 3 000 positions will be on offer, including inflight services, aircraft maintenance, air cargo, airport security, baggage handling, catering, retail, technical and engineering posts and others. A number of participating companies will also present career talks. We believe that students and graduates will be benefited with knowledge on the employment market and can find suitable employment opportunities.
You may obtain further details from the event website: www.hkairportjobs.com. Please feel free e-mail to po-eip-p-2@labour.gov.hk should you need further information.