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News & Announcement

  • Campus Life

    [UG] Virtual Orientation on Hall Life 2021-22 (Sem 2)

    12 - 13 JAN 2022
    [UG] Virtual Orientation on Hall Life 2021-22 (Sem 2)

    What is Hall Life? What is Hall Life Education?
    As a Halls freshman, you must be interested to know a bit more about Hall Life from the insiders. Join this CCL-recognised session hosted by the student leaders to know more.

    7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
    Online via Zoom
    11 Jan 2022, 4pm (Tue)
  • Social & Team Building

    [UG] Virtual Glocal Culture Orienteering「義地連線」文化定向遊

    29 DEC 2021 - 04 JAN 2022
    [UG] Virtual Glocal Culture Orienteering「義地連線」文化定向遊

    Co-organised by HKBU Undergraduate Halls and VolTra.  Would you like to “travel” to different countries and explore unknown cultures during the semester break?  Here is a chance to meet overseas youths from Laos, Indonesia, Korea, Japan, Sri Lanka etcin 1 week and team-up to complete cultural exploration challenges! The best way to see the world under the pandemic and be connected to the global community through participating in fun online games with new friends.  Join us to explore the unique culture from different countries and work together on projects echoing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals in this winter semester break!  Open to all HKBU UG students, priority to Halls residents.

    Online Platform
    Application Deadline
    18 November 2021, 3pm (Thursday)
  • Campus Life

    [UG] Hall Life Observer (December 2021)

    25 NOV - 31 DEC 2021
    [UG] Hall Life Observer (December 2021)

    May we present to you the “Hall Life Observer” of December 2021, our e-newsletter on the Hall Life events and tips.  We hope that you would enjoy the reading. 

  • Whole Person Development

    [UG] Music for Your Life Workshop - create your own tune 《你的生活你的歌》

    23 NOV 2021
    [UG] Music for Your Life Workshop - create your own tune 《你的生活你的歌》

    Music for Your Life 《你的生活你的歌》~ A CCL workshop to create your own custom-made original tune.  Under the guidance of the trainer, participants will create their own music tune using the life stories they share during the workshop.  導師帶領參加者,進行不同形式的音樂活動,並且引導參加者分享過往的人生經歷,收集他們的故事。於工作坊中後段,導師帶領參加者集體創作一首屬於工作坊成員獨⼀無⼆的原創音樂作品。

    G9, Undergraduate Halls
    Application Deadline
    12 November 2021 (Friday)
  • Research and Publication

    [UG] Be Your Own Soong - Hall Fellow Seminars (打開理想生活的方式 / 活動籌劃 XYZ)

    22 - 30 NOV 2021
    [UG] Be Your Own Soong - Hall Fellow Seminars (打開理想生活的方式 / 活動籌劃 XYZ)

    We would like to introduce our Soong Hall Fellow (Miss Claire Lo), a literal artist and a writer (named Siu Syu) to you. Claire is the founder and director of Market Fairish, she is very enthusiastic about organizing cultural-related and entertainment events such as weekend bazaars, art workshops, exhibitions etc. Besides, she is also a book-lover and a writer who loves sharing her ideas and experience with others.

    19:00 pm - 20:30 pm
    G9, Undergraduate Halls