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Application Timeline & Procedures

Application TimelineStudent Accommodation Fees

A. Application Timeline

Application timeline and procedures of application for student residence in 2024-25:



Full-time UCG-Funded Non-local  
Undergraduate Student

Full-time UCG-Funded Research Postgraduate Student

Full-time Non-local
Non-UCG-Funded Postgraduate &
Exchange Postgraduate Student
Application Period 

25 March to 5 April 2024 (Closed)

Main round: 11 April to 31 May 2024 (Closed)

2nd round: 1 June to 7 June 2024 (Closed)

20 May to 27 May 2024 


Application Method         
Online Application Form

Online Application Form

*User Guide for the Application System

Online Application Form

*User Guide for the Application System

Result Announcement 

Early May 2024

Early May 2024 to Early June 2024 Early June 2024

Notes: Each applicant will receive their application results by e-mail individually. It is the applicant's responsibility to check their emails for the application results. Students on the waiting list will be handled depending on bed space availability and according to the selection criteria. We shall contact the students on the waiting list when there are any vacancies. Students on the waiting list are advised to visit our webpage for off-campus housing alternatives and arrange accommodations by themselves.

B. Student Accommodation Fees

Successful applicants should confirm their acceptance of the bed space offer and settle the student accommodation fees by a specified deadline. Failure to pay the fees on time or using improper payment methods will result in forfeiture of the bed space offer. Requests for resuming the declined offers will not be considered. Paid fees (except Caution Money) are non-refundable and non-transferable. 

Student Accommodation Fees at Dr Ng Tor Tai International House for 2024/25 are listed below for reference:

Student Category

Accommodation Package 

Accommodation Fee (HK$) 

Double Room

Single Room

Full-time non-local undergraduate student 

Full-time non-local exchange postgraduate student

Full-time non-local taught postgraduate student

10-month Package

(26/8/2024 - 24/6/2025)*



Full-time non-local research postgraduate student

1-year Package

(22/8/2024 - 21/8/2025)*



*Both dates inclusive


i.  Accommodation fees include Internet service, water and electricity charges.

ii. Monthly and daily rates shall be applied only when a student is approved for bed space at NTTIH under the following circumstances:

  • A postgraduate resident whose first year of study starts or last year of study ends in the middle of the academic year. 
  • An exchange postgraduate resident who opts for one semester due to the exchange programme or whose accommodation period is confined by the exchange period.
  • A resident who wishes to check in earlier and / or extend his / her stay upon completion of the accommodation package, subject to room availability and management approval.
  • Any occasion that, subject to management approval, the accommodation packages do not apply to the calculation of the accommodation fee. 
  No. of Nights Double Room  Single Room
Monthly  30 $7,248 $15,000
Daily 1 $290 $590
iii. In addition to lodging fees, all residents need to pay Caution Money ($3,000) and a student activity fee ($100).
Student Accommodation Fees at the Village CARE for 2024/25 are listed below for reference:

Student Category

Accommodation Package 

Accommodation Fee (HK$) 

3 single rooms in a unit

7 single rooms in an apartment with a shared pantry

Full-time research postgraduate student

11-month Package

(22/8/2024 - 22/7/2025)*



*Both dates inclusive


i. Exclusive of in-room utilities. Students residing in Village CARE will be required to pay for in-room utilities on a user-pay principle, including air conditioning, electric water heater, refrigerator, and power sockets.

ii. In addition to lodging fees, all residents need to pay Caution Money ($1,000) and an orientation fee ($300).

Payment Method
A Student Accommodation Fee debit note will be posted in the BUniPort. Please make sure you have input:
1. Bill type, and
2. Debit note number
during your payment process. Direct transfer of money to University bank account is NOT considered as successful payment. Please click HERE for detailed payment methods. You should keep good custody of the payment record and be able to present it upon request.
Deferred payment of Student Accommodation Fees is not acceptable. Subject to special prior approval, a penalty of $300 will be levied on students who pay the Student Accommodation Fees after the deadline.