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Members of HKBU Model United Nations Club win awards at international Model United Nations conferences

Global Experience
01 JAN - 31 MAR 2018


Two delegations participated in the local and overseas Model United Nations Conferences over the last few months, including the City University of Hong Kong, the New York as well the Geneva International Model United Nations Conferences. The team members have claimed several awards for their sterling performance. The award recipients are:

City University Model United Nations Conference
Best Delegate at Economic and Social Council: Thomas Huang (MSc in Applied Economics, Year 1)
Outstanding Delegate at United Nations Security Council: Daniel Chan (Government and International Studies, Year 2) and Celia Lai (International Journalism, Year 4)
Honourable Mention at United Nations Security Council: William Lun (Economics, Year 3) and Elaine Yip (Communication, Year 1)
Honourable Mention at General Assembly: Linda Li (Social Science, Year 1) and Gavin Wang (Finance, Year 3)

Geneva International Model United Nations Conference
Diplomacy Award at Economic and Social Council: Marcus Lau (English Language and Literature and Education, Year 4)
Honourable Mention at World Health Organization: Celia Lai (International Journalism, Year 4)
Honourable Mention at World Health Organization: William Lun (Economics, Year 3)
Honourable Mention at Commission on Human Rights: Daniel Chan (Government and International Studies, Year 2)

Students, who took part in a wide variety of local and overseas conferences in the capacity of delegate, enhanced their global vision and knowledge of international relations.