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Active Citizenship and Engagement Leaders Scheme (ACE Leaders Scheme)



Active Citizenship and Engagement Leaders Scheme (ACE Leaders Scheme) aims to encourage HKBU undergraduate students to participate and take the lead in projects on leadership enrichment, citizenship and integration experience organized or endorsed by the Leadership Qualities Centre (LQC) of the Office of Student Affairs (OSA).

Within the Academic Year (AY), participating students are required to obtain a score of 35 scores in the Category of Leadership Enrichment from the Elementary Track (Mandatory and/or Extra Credits) to become ACE Member. Students are encouraged to attempt the Categories of Citizenship and Integration Experience from the Bonus Track to achieve recognitions i.e. ACE Leader (GOLD) and ACE Leader (STAR), and to be eligible for exclusive rewards.


All HKBU undergraduate students from UGC-funded programmes


Students will be automatically enrolled in the scheme after joining LQC activities. To acknowledge and reward students for their achievements during the year, progress report will be handled by Staff-In-Charge of the programmes. Students are also responsible to keep the proof of achievement.

Students can participate in the scheme in the new academic year during their study term at HKBU. They can be re-enrolled in the Scheme, but the scores obtained could not be carried forward to the next academic year. 

Telephone:  3411 7432

Level of Award

Level of Award


Interview Requirement


Elementary Track

Bonus Track


ACE Member

Obtain min. 35 scores



ACE Leader


Obtain min. 50 scores

Fulfill requirements of Bonus Track


ACE Leader


Obtain min. 50 scores

Fulfill requirements of Bonus Track

Evaluation and Score Earning



Leadership Enrichment (Mandatory)

Leadership Enrichment  (Extra Credits)

Obtain Basic Scores and Performance Scores by participating in the below qualified Programmes:

  • Cambodia Service Trip
  • Community Engagement Organiser
  • Community Experience Project
  • Community Service Week
  • Cultural Event Management Workshop
  • Green Guest Local Project Internship
  • Leadership & Character Enhancement Programme
  • Leadership Corps
  • PLUS+ Ambassador Progaramme
  • PUNCH for your Health
  • Serve-cation
  • Skilled Volunteer Cadre
  • Any other programme/activity lauched by LQC


1a. Basic Scores

Total Programme Hours 20 or below: 10 scores

Total Programme Hours 20 or above: 20 scores


1b. Performance Scores, to be evaluated by LQC

Fair: 10 scores

Satisfactory: 15 scores

Exceptional: 20 scores


1c. Participation in Dreamer Lab Award:

Submitted a proposal but unsuccessful: 5 scores

Completed a Dreamer Lab Award project that met the objectives specified in the approved proposal: 25 scores

Make any achievements or contributions on community engagement or citizenship with measurable impacts, with evidence:

1-15 scores to be evaluated by LQC

Examples of qualified achievements / contributions:

1. External activities endorsed by LQC in News & Announcement

2. Student helper in LQC programmes

3. Emcee of LQC programmes


Report of extra credits





To cultivate students' sense of national identity

Integration Experience

To actively engage with culturally different others 

Complete at least 2 national citizenship activities


Qualified Programmes:

  • Cultural & Economic Tour to Mexico
  • Finding the roots of Hong Kong
  • Flag Raising Ceremony
  • Go Out Excursion Series 400 (GOES)
  • Ten Thousand People’s Scheme
  • V360@Kowloon City
  • Any other programme/activity lauched by LQC

Complete at least 1 integration experience activity


Qualified Programmes:

  • High Table Dinner
  • TuesDates
  • Catalyst for Community Building Grant (CCB)
  • Any other qualified programme/activity lauched by LQC with participation of non-local students



Bonus Track

Elementary Track








Integration Experience


Leadership Enrichment (Mandatory)


Leadership Enrichment (Extra Credits)


Student A


0 activity


0 activity

Joined Community Experience Project (CEP)

with 20 programme hours

-> Fulfilled with 20 basic scores


Performance in CEP is Satisfactory -> 15 performance scores




ACE Member

Student B

Completed Finding the roots of Hong Kong and Flag Raising Ceremony

 -> Fulfilled requirements

Completed 1 High Table Dinner 

-> Fulfilled requirements

Joined Skilled Volunteer Cadre (SVC) with 20 programme hours

-> Fulfilled with 20 basic scores


Performance in SVC is Exceptional

-> 20 performance scores

Joined 10 external activities endorsed by LQC

-> 10 scores



ACE Leader


Student C

Completed Finding the roots of Hong Kong and Flag Raising Ceremony

 -> Fulfilled requirements

Completed 1 TuesDates

-> Fulfilled requirements

Joined Skilled Volunteer Cadre (SVC) with 20 programme hours

-> Fulfilled with 20 basic scores


Performance in SVC

is Satisfactory

-> 15 performance scores


Submitted a proposal on Dreamer Lab Award

-> 5 scores


Joined 10 external activities endorsed by LQC

-> 10 scores



ACE Leader (STAR) if pass the interview



*Rewards would generally be offered after the annual result announcement

ACE Member

-Entitled to join 1 free workshop or​ get 1 free movie ticket

ACE Leader (GOLD)

-Awarded with Certificate of ACE Leader (GOLD)

-Entitled to join 1 free workshop or​ get 1 free movie ticket

-Nominated to subsidised local or overseas conferences or trips organized or approved by SA

ACE Leader (STAR)

-Awarded with Certificate of ACE Leader (STAR)

-Entitled to join 1 free workshop or​ get 1 free movie ticket

-Nominated to subsidised local or overseas conferences or trips organized or approved by SA

-Potentially nominated to the applicable scholarships offered by SA to students with excellence in co-curriculum 

-Potentially nominated to external competitions i.e.  Outstanding Tertiary Students Award

-Potentially entitled to obtain Recommendation Letter from SA

- Potentially be entitled to obtain $5000 HKD additional reward for Elite ACE Leader (STAR)​


Students will be automatically enrolled in the scheme after joining LQC activities

Online Progress Report

Progress report will be handled by Staff-In-Charge of the programmes in:

December (interim progress report):
programmes with end date from 1 May to 30 Nov

June (final progress report):
programmes with end date from 1 May to 30 Apr of next year

Result Announcement

July / August