
The “Common Good in Action” (CGA) project aims to encourage university students to address environmental and social issues, care for neglected groups in the community, and build a sustainable society with diverse approaches. CGA participants can strengthen their personal qualities and implement their self-initiated projects within and outside Hong Kong with the awarded subsidy.

< Note: The programme is formerly named the "Dreamer Lab Award">


Full-time HKBU undergraduate students from UGC-funded programmes 

Tracks and Awards


Local Track

(The proposal targets to community in Hong Kong.)

Non-local Track

(The proposal involves an outbound trip.)

Applicant must identify and invite AT LEAST ONE local partner from the destination (e.g. international NGOs, community centers, local schools, etc.)

Award Amount
  • Individual application: a subsidy of HK$10,000.

  • Team application in a group of 2 or above studentsa subsidy of HK$ 30,000.
  • Team applications in a group of 2 to 4 students:
    a subsidy of 50% of the proposed budget or total expenses, whichever is lower. The ceiling amount of HK$10,000 per person.

  • To avoid cross-subsidizing, proposals obtained subsidies from other funding sources can still enroll for the CGA but the subsidy granted will not exceed the total expenses.
Payment Arrangement
  • Representatives of the successful applicants will receive 50% of the award amount within 2 months after the result announcement.

  • The remaining 50% will be given to the representatives of the successful applicants upon the completion of the projects and the completed submission of the required report.

  • LQC reserves the right to withdraw the award if the applicant fails to fulfill at least 20% of the agreed KPIs after the first phase of the project.
  • The full award amount will be given to the representatives of the successful applicants upon completion of the approved trip and the completed submission of the required report.

Related Key Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):


Application and Selection Procedures
  • The completed application should be sent to lqc@hkbu.edu.hk by 23:59 pm on 12 October 2024 (1st Round) OR 12 January 2025 (2nd Round).

    <NOTE: 2nd round of application may not open if the budget was fully committed in the 1st round>

  • Shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend an interview.

  • Successful applicants will receive the result via email. Normally, a student would be accepted to at most one proposal from each of the local and non-local tracks in each academic year. The interview panel holds the final decision on accepting any students involving in multiple proposals.
Requirements for Approved Applications:
  • Approved applicants should consult the supervising staff from LQC to polish the proposal and submit a finalized plan before execution.

  • Approved applicants should report project progress regularly to the supervising staff from LQC.

  • Within 2 weeks from the last day of the project, approved applicants should submit a project report (a template is available), summary, post-survey, photos, videos, and/ or any other types of evaluation tools as agreed with the supervising staff, to share their experience with the HKBU community or further. All projects should be completed no later than 16 August 2025.

  • Approved applicants may be invited to showcase their experience or outcomes from the project in the current or following academic year (usually in September - October).


Assessment Criteria



  • Deal with the identified environmental and social issues in a practical way. 
  • Care for neglected group in the community.  
  • Raise awareness of the public and/ or HKBU community towards the identified social issue. 
  • (For non-local track) Able to relate the specific community issues/ learning elements from the destination to the benefits of HKBU or the Hong Kong community.  



  • Show unique and innovative ideas. 
  • Provide creative solutions in response to the identified social needs.  



  • Able to extend the impact beyond/ establish as a model to be replicated by others.
  • Able to achieve self-financing.  



  • Provide a detailed and presentable execution plan. 
  • Able to identify and consider possible risks and provide solutions.  
  • Efficient use of the Budget 





Current Projects (AY2024-25)

Local Track

Restoring Nature: Tie-dye with Food Waste

Poster (1) Poster (1)
Poster2 Poster2

Community Café: Becoming a Chatter!
社區咖啡室:嘆茶、飲啡、真 · 傾偈!  

Community Cafe Becoming a Chatter 2 Community Cafe Becoming a Chatter 2
Community Cafe Becoming a Chatter 1 Community Cafe Becoming a Chatter 1

Understanding Social Discrimination Through the Lens of Hong Kong Refugees: Ethnic Minority Inclusion Programme
CGA -Refugee Poster (1) CGA -Refugee Poster (1)


Poster_Typit Poster_Typit

Non-local Track

Ecotour: Wildlife in Tanzania  (In Progress)

Study of NGO Effort to Ukrainian Refugees in Poland (In Progress)

 Check out our YouTube Channel on the selected project outcomes: HERE

Generation Sustainability Generation Sustainability
Initiative to Dismantle Cross-generational Stereotypes through a series of community-driven activities
green explorer green explorer
Leadership Programme to Nuture Green Leaders from Secondary Schools


IMG_0249 IMG_0249
An Exploration of Cultural Integration in New Zealand
IMG_3882 IMG_3882
Ceramics Cycle


Shenzhen team Shenzhen team
Exploration of the Revival of Villages through Artistics Endeavours in Shenzhen
team 1 team 1
Study of the Repercussions of Climate Change of the Local Economy in Nepal
Thailand team Thailand team
Study of the Lives of Neglected Immigrant Community in Thailand


Netherland (1) Netherland (1)
Research about Happiness in the Netherlands
UK (1) UK (1)
Documentary about Heat Wave in the UK
E newsletter photo size (3) E newsletter photo size (3)
Magazine about Good Health and Wellness with Chinese Medicines


童唱世界 (1) 童唱世界 (1)
Singing & English Tutorials for Children from Low-income Families
視郵行 (1) 視郵行 (1)
Puzzle-solving Game about the Livelihood of People with Physical Disabilities
4c8a152d-2128-4b57-968b-c63506465907 4c8a152d-2128-4b57-968b-c63506465907
Mobile Application on Health Advice from the Chinese Medical Perspectives