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Catalyst for Community Building Grant (CCB)

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The Grant encourages integration and community building of local and non-local students by awarding financial student-initiated local activities or outbound backpacker trips. A higher award would be granted to an activity/a trip with a higher student mix consisting of students from local, mainland, and international.  

<<PLAN and IMPLEMENT your ideas>>

  • Local activities - Be the Host: Host a local activity that encourages cultural exchange between at least 5 local and non-local students and get a subsidy of up to $1,500 per activity.
  • Outbound trips - Backpacker: Travel with other HKBU students or on your own and get a subsidy of up to $2,100 per student! A bonus will be awarded to students hosting and showcasing the specialities of their own home country/ province to other eligible HKBU students. 

poster ccb

Related Key Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):



To encourage students, individually or in teams, to host a local activity that promotes cultural exchange between the local and non-local HKBU students, by subsidizing up to $1,500 per activity.  


  • All full-time undergraduate students studying in a UGC-funded degree programme. 
  • Students could apply for the grant not more than 4 times in each academic year, subject to the approval of the selection panel.
  • For repeated applicants, at least 20% of the student participants should be different from the previous activity.
  • Participants of the Common Good in Action project should not submit the same proposal for this Grant.


  • Online application.
  • The proposed activities should promote cultural exchange and involve at least 5 local and non-local student participants, including the host him/herself.
    <​ Cultural exchange involves the sharing of ideas, values, traditions, and other aspects of culture among people from different backgrounds. >
  • Applicants should observe the general rules, regulations, and code of conduct stipulated by the University on student-initiated activities. The details:
  • The application will be processed by the staff from LQC. A selection interview may be required. 
  • Applicants may indicate on the application form, if assistance from LQC is required for participant recruitment through LQC's official promotion channels.

Application deadline:

  • Apply at least 15 working days before the activity. The activity should not be held before approval.
  • The application opens from August 2024 to May 2025, or until the allocated budget is depleted, whichever is earlier.  

No of applicants:

1 student or more  

Assessment criteria and Award amount :

  • Award amount is based on the number and composition of the student participants.
  • At least 5 students, including the activity host, should participate in the activity. A higher award would be granted to activity with a higher student mix consisting of students from local, mainland, and international.  

Student mix

of students from local, mainland, and international (including the host)  

No of student participants (including the host)   Award amount per application  
2 types   5-10 $500 
More than 10  $800 
3 types   5-10 $1,000 
More than 10  $1,500 

Post-activity Evaluation Form:

The online evaluation form should be submitted within two weeks after the last day of the activity. The form requires

  1. Self-reflection and assessment on the activity (include participants' evaluation);
  2. 3 Photos taken during the activity (with at least 1 group photo that included all participants), and
  3. Full participant list. 


The full award amount will be transferred to the local bank account of the successful applicants within two months after the completed and on-time submission of the post-activity evaluation form. 


Miss Cindy CHAN
Tel: (852) 3411 2403

Related Key Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):



To motivate students to initiate outbound trips to the Mainland, Macau or other areas around the world, and with a group mix of local and non-local students by subsidizing up to $2,100 per person.

To strengthen the global awareness and/or national identity of the students, the trips should include visit points or activities with learning elements that demonstrate the history, culture, technological advancement, economic growth, entrepreneurship, innovation, or sustainable development of the destination. Students should reflect on and relate their travel experiences to their own personal development..#

# Some examples of visit points with learning elements: Museums, Cultural & creative markets, Government units, UNESCO heritage sites, Firm visits, Geo parks or other natures or landscapes under conservation etc. 



  • All full-time HKBU students studying in a UGC-funded programme are eligible for the grant. Other HKBU students (e.g. incoming exchange students) are encouraged to travel together to enhance the diversity of the group but would not be granted under this scheme.
  • Students could apply for the CCB (Backpacker) ONCE during their full study period at HKBU, regardless of the travel destination. (the grant was named “CCB (Outbound/backpacker)” in 2023/24, students who had not applied for the grant to subsidize their travels in 2023/24 are still eligible for it)
  • To recognize students’ effort in planning the trips, only self-initiated trips are covered. (note: the trip should be organized by students, instead of by the University or by other external organisations.) 
  • The last day of the trip should not be earlier than 1 August 2024, and all of the participants should be an eligible student of HKBU by the time of the trip.
  • Participants of the "Common Good in Action" project should not submit the same proposal for this Grant.

How to apply:

1 Application per group
1 Post-trip Survey per Student

Part 1: Application (>>>ONLINE APPLICATION FORM<<<)

  1. Applicants should submit an online application within 30 days from the last day of the trip. If you are travelling as a group, only one application is needed,
  2. On behalf of the group, the applicant should provide:
  • Basic Trip Information
  • Full Participant List
  • 5 Photos taken during the trip: At least two should include all of the group participants, and three demonstrate the learning elements from the trip. 
  • For traveling in groups,  if one of the travel buddies is returning to their own home country/province (of China) with other eligible HKBU students to showcase the specialties of their hometown/province, that student should be the applicant. 

Part 2: Post-trip Survey (>>>ONLINE SURVEY<<<)

3. All of the eligible participants should complete an online post-trip survey on their self-reflection and assessment of the trip.

  • The full application will be processed by the staff from LQC by the end of each month from August 2024 to June 2025 or until the allocated budget is depleted. As LQC will not make announcements when the allocated budget is depleted,  you are recommended to submit your applications as soon as possible.

Your document checklist:

Types of Application Application Form Post-Trip Survey
Individual Required Required
Group (2 students or more) 1 per group 1 per groupmate

No of students:

To the Mainland/ Macau: 1 student or more 

To areas outside of the Mainland and Macau: 3 students or more

Assessment criteria and Award amount:

A higher per-person award would be granted for a higher student mix consisting of local, mainland, and international students on the trip. 

To encourage students to showcase the specialties of their home country/province to other eligible HKBU students, the host will be awarded an extra $100 per day.

max, of 3 days will be covered by the grant. Details are as follows:  

Number of Student type

Award amount


to the Mainland/ Macau

(min 1 student)

to areas outside of the  Mainland and Macau

(min. 3 students)

Group with 1 student type

(i.e. only local, mainland or international students)

$100 per person per day $200 per person per day

Group with a mix of 2 student types

(i.e. at least 20% of the group should be local, mainland, or international students,

whichever is the less dominant type in the group) 

$300 per person per day $400 per person per day

Group with a mix of 3 student types

(i.e. at least 20% of the group should be local, mainland, or international students,

whichever two are the less dominant types in the group) 

$500 per person per day $600 per person per day


The full award amount will be transferred to the local bank account of the successful applicants within two months after the application is processed. 


Miss Cindy CHAN
Tel: (852) 3411 2403

Related Key Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
