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[Call for Stories] 全國向上向善好青年──尋找抗疫勵志故事

Whole Person Development
04 - 07 MAR 2022

全國向上向善好青年──尋找抗疫勵志故事 (香港青年聯會承辦) 

To recognize achievement of outstanding youths and in hope to spread positivity amid the hard times of epidemic, Hong Kong United Youth Association Limited is now calling for submissions of heartwarming stories and experience of love and help in pandemic.

Shortlisted applicants would be further nominated and competed with candidates from other cities of China in the selection of national outstanding youths (2022年「全國向上向善好青年」).


Youths aged 14-35 (born between 1987/1/1 and 2007/12/31)

Assessment Criteria

Hong Kong permanent residents who


  1. uphold the Basic Law and the principle of “One Country, Two Systems”,
  2. possess righteous political mindset and values, and
  3. hold upright attitudes in personal virtue and social contribution
Quota: Five
Online Application:
Application Deadline: 6 Mar 2022 (Sun) 12:00 noon
Online Interview:

7 Mar 2022 (Mon)

**Tentative: interview date and time will be further announced**

For further information, please visit the official website HERE, or contact Ms. Ho at 2598 9385 or email to