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Student Organisation Orientation 101 for New Joiners



Roles and Responsibilities of Organisers 


Student organisations are voluntary groups initiated by students. They organise activities that benefit their members and the development of the organisation. Student-led orientation activities to welcome and get connected with new members. Understanding the roles and responsibilities of the orientation activity organisers is privotal in creating a safe, inclusive and engaging environment that promotes the well-being and success for all participants. 

Planning and Execution  

Organisers have to observe the University policies and guidelines when planning and conducting orientation activities for freshmen. The aim of the activities should contribute to an orientation experience that fosters a sense of belonging and set the stage for a positive university journey. Activities should be well-structured, information and engaging to facilitate a smooth transition for participants. Improper content that contravenes any Hong Kong laws or violates the University’s Standards of Conduct must be avoided.

Safety and Risk Management

Organisers are responsible for establishing and implementing safety measures to ensure the well-being of all participants. Conduct risk assessments, implementing appropriate safety protocol, planning for contingency and providing clear instructions to activities helpers and participants are essential to ensure a secure environment and minimise potential risks associated with orientation activities.  

Communication and Transparency

Organisers should communicate the objectives, schedule, involved parties and rules of the orientation activities to helpers and participants. Providing timely information, including the purpose, duration, requirements of each activity, and any changes or updates is crucial.    

Participants have the rights to opt-out of any activities that may cause personal discomfort, such as offensive behaviour or language, inappropriate physical contact, alcohol consumption, late-night activities, or specific chants or slogans. Participants' rights to take a break from an activity or early leave the event should be respected.   

Address Sexual Harassment  

The University is committed to the active pursuit of equal opportunity in all areas of its operation. Discrimination and harassment are  *unlawful and will not be tolerated. The "Procedures on Handling of Complaints on Discrimination/Harassment" will be initiated for handling of sexual harassment case as appropriate. Complaints about discrimination or harassment will be taken seriously and be handled promptly and in strictest confidence.

Organisers must therefore enforce a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual harassment and to take appropriate action against ant incidents that occur during orientation activities. They are responsible for creating a safe and inclusive environment that promotes respect and dignity. All participants are encouraged to complete the Online Training Module on Preventing Sexual Harassment on Campus offered by the Equal Opportunities Commission. If organisers have concerns, please contact the Campus Life & Amenities Unit at 3411 5894 or write to   

Say No to Drugs

Possession and consumption of dangerous drugs, and possession of any pipe or equipment or apparatus for dangerous drug consumption, are criminal offenses. The use of drugs is strictly prohibited under all circumstances. Organisers are required to monitor their activities, and all participants must be law-abiding. For more information, please visit the Narcotics Division, Security Bureau, or refer to the anti-drug promotional resources: Cocaine Drags You DownCocaine – Demon of Addition.

Inclusion and Diversity  

Organisers should create an inclusive and welcoming environment that respects the diversity of participants. They should ensure that all participants feel valued, respected, and included, regardless of their backgrounds or identities.  

Collaboration and Support

Organisers should collaborate with all the working parties that are involved in the orientation activities. Providing guidance and support to group leaders or volunteers assisting in the activities to ensure a cohesive and effective implementation.   Be approachable and responsive to participants' concerns and questions to facilitate an active inclusion of team members. 

Manage Finances  

If activity fees are collected from participants, offical receipts should be issued to participants to ensure a proper record keeping and easy tracking of finance. Participants should be informed of refund policies, if any. Maintaining accurate financial records and conducting all financial transactions in a proper manner to transparency and accountability.


The University has a Group Personal Accident Policy in place for all Hong Kong Baptist University students who participate in recognised orientation activities. Insurance coverage is limited to approved and recognised activities only. In case a claim has to be filed, it should be supported with original medical receipts and all required supporting documents, including an incident report endorsed by Office of Student Affairs, to the Finance Office within 30 days following the loss.

The insurance company reserves the right to determine whether a claim is eligible for approval based on the nature of the incident and its relation to the recognised orientation activities. Organisers may also arrange their own insurance plan from other insurers as they deem appropriate.

Collection of Personal Information

Organisers must adhere to the guidelines outlined in the Privacy Policy Statement and Personal Information Collection Statement when collecting personal information. It is crucial that personal information is managed appropriately and used solely for the relevant activity. Organisers are responsible for transparently informing participants and/or third parties, such as parents of participants and guests, about the terms of personal information collection. They should understand that the participants have the right to choose not to share their personal information.  

Support and Resources  

In case of any emergencies and incident reports, please contact Office of Student Affairs at 3411 5894 or via email 


Rights and Responsibilities of Participants


New students are encouraged to participate in various orientation activities organised by HKBU student organisations based on their interest. Payment might be involved. These activities provide an opportunity for participants to connect with like-minded individuals and receive essential information from senior students. The orientation activities serve as the initial introduction for new joiners of the University to engage with other student organisation members. By understanding the rights and responsibilities associated with participating in orientation activities, a secure, inclusive, and enriching environment can be established.   

Right to Know

Participants have the right to be fully informed about the activities details they will be participating in, such as activity schedule, content, arrangement, payment coverage, rules and regulations, required items, and potential risks, etc. If participants lack information, they should contact the respective organisers for assistance.  

Opt-out Rights

Orientation activities must be free from any offensive, inappropriate, or disrespectful content. Participants have the right to decline participation in any activities that may cause personal discomfort. It is okay to say no and opt out anytime. The group leaders should respect the choice of the participants.

Address Sexual Harassment 

Organisers of orientation activities are responsible for creating a safe and inclusive environment that promotes respect and dignity. A zero-tolerance policy towards sexual harassment should be in place during orientation activities.

Unwelcome sexual conduct targeting at a person; or sexual conduct creating a sexually hostile or intimidating environment are considered sexual harassment. It could be in the form of conduct, words, or even playful acts. As orientation activities may involve collective games, it is advisable to steer clear of games that require extensive physical contact. Participants who experience sexual harassment should make it clear to the harasser that such behaviour is unwelcome and must cease, opt out of the activity immediately, and seek help from a trusted person. Participants should also report the incident to the organisers, Campus Life & Amenities Unit, or the Police Force.   

All participants are encouraged to complete the Online Training Module on Preventing Sexual Harassment on Campus offered by the Equal Opportunities Commission. If participants have concerns about equal opportunities and sexual harassment while participating in the orientation activities, please contact the Campus Life & Amenities Unit at 3411 5894 or write to 

It is crucial to record the incident promptly, noting the date, time, and location, as well as detailing the incident that occurred (such as the actions of the harasser) and whether there were witnesses present. These records can be useful when filing a complaint, identifying witnesses, or taking legal action. More resources are available on the website of the Equal Opportunities Commission.  

Say No to Drugs

Possession and consumption of dangerous drugs, and possession of any pipe or equipment or apparatus for dangerous drug consumption, are criminal offenses. The use of drugs is strictly prohibited under all circumstances. Organisers are required to monitor their activities, and all participants must be law-abiding. For more information, please visit the Narcotics Division, Security Bureau, or refer to the anti-drug promotional resources: Cocaine Drags You DownCocaine – Demon of Addition.

Inclusion and Diversity  

All participants are entitled to fair and equitable treatment regardless of their background, beliefs, or characteristics.  Respect for individuals of all races, identities, religions, and sexual orientations is essential, and participants should refrain from encouraging in discriminartory or offensive behavior.

Privacy and Personal Information   

Participants retain the right to share and authorise the use of their personal information. They should be informed of the purpose of data collection and have the option to opt out of sharing certain information or engaging in activities that may compromise their privacy.   


Participants must be informed if fees will be collected for the orientation activities. They should be issued with official receipts for transparency and accountability if the orientation activities involve collecting fees.    


The University has a Group Personal Accident Policy in place for all Hong Kong Baptist University students who participate in recognised orientation activities.  

Support and Resources  

In case of any emergencies and incident reports, please contact Campus Life & Amenities Unit at 3411 5894 or via email  


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