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Manual for Organising Student Activities


This manual serves as a practical guide for the University students in organizing extra-curricular activities. It provides information on the student amenities, facilities, and the various services provided by the Office of Student Affairs (hereafter called “SA”), as well as the guidelines for student leaders to plan and organize various student activities both on and off campus and the related regulations. Any cases requiring special consideration under exceptional circumstances would need written approval from the Director of Student Affairs.

We hope you find this manual useful. We are pleased to provide assistance to you. You are welcome to give suggestions for improvement where appropriate.

  1. Activity Week, Promotion Week and Orientation Camp
  2. Consultancy Service
  3. External Coaches and Trainers
  4. Fund-raising Activities
  5. Guidelines for Student Organization Activities
    - General Guidelines
    - Regulations on Outdoor Events
    - Guidelines for Activities Participated by Students Aged under 18
    - Regarding the Display of Publicity Materials
    - The Six Data Protection Principles (& Exemptions)
    - The Precautionary Measures of Respiratory Illness
  6. Insurance for HKBU Students
  7. Putting up Promotional/Publicity Materials
  8. Registration of Student Organizations
  9. Manual for Using of Offices of Student Organizations
  10. Organisation of Overseas Activities
  11. Role and Responsibilities of Advisor to Student Organizations
  12. Student Leaders' Charter and Declaration
  13. Violation