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Registration of Student Organisations

Academic Societies and Interest Clubs enhance academic and professional interest among students. They provide students with an opportunity to explore interests, sharpen skills, and learn about themselves and others for a well-rounded development. To register a new student organisation, please visit the Students’ Union website:

Responsibilities of Student Organisations

  1. Registered student organisations are required to renew their registration by submitting the following documents annually to their respective registration authority, i.e. Office of Student Affairs or the Students’ Union:
    1. a form of “Records of Executive Committee of Student Organisation” listing the incoming officers
    2. financial reports of the previous year, which have been signed and audited by advisor
    3. minutes of annual general meetings
    4. an updated constitution and any other necessary forms
    5. annual report and achievements of the previous year
    6. the year plan of the coming year
    7. financial budget of the coming year
    8. the documents required to open or change signatories of bank account
    9. a list of Advisor(s) of the student organisation (with signatures)
  2. Activities of student organisations must be in line with the objectives stipulated in their constitutions. All subsequent amendments of the constitution must be acceptable to SU/SA.
  3. Enrollment as member of any student organisation at the University must be voluntary.
  4. The student organisation and its officers are to be jointly held responsible for any violation of any of the University regulations.

For registration of new student organisations, please contact the Students’ Union at 3411-6491 or by email to .