Please read the following information/guidelines before organising activities.

General Guidelines
  1. All activities should be conducive to learning of students.  Students need to provide strong justification for activities of non-educational purposes and require prior approval from SAO at least 7 working days before the commencement of activities.
  2. For activities involving non-HKBU members, prior approval from SAO at least 7 working days before commencement of activities is required.
  3. The use of campus spaces should not:
    1. contravene any Hong Kong law;
    2. contravene any of the University’s prevailing policies, regulations and rules;
    3. contravene any health and safety regulations of the University;
    4. cause any inconvenience, nuisance or potential danger to other users; and
    5. cause any damage to the property of the University.
  4. For posting of materials, all materials and their contents should not:
    1. contravene any Hong Kong Laws;
    2. contain any obscene, indecent, abusive or defamatory content;
    3. be offensive to the University community.  Examples of offensive material include but not limited to visuals or messages that are racist, sexist or blasphemous;
    4. cause any damage to the property of the University;
    5. contravene any health and safety regulations of the University;
    6. cause any inconvenience, obstruction or potential danger to users or passerby of the approved area; and
    7. contain any advertisements of any business entity.
  5. Activities should not be commercial.
  6. The contents of activities should not imply elements of violence, sexual harassment or abuse.
  7. Activities should not by any means promote foul, discriminatory or obscene contents which might be offensive. (For further information, please refer to the University's policy statement on equal opportunity and the online training program on the Prevention of Sexual Harassment on campus provided by the EOC.
  8. Activities should avoid causing discomfort to participants, i.e. inappropriate body contact.
  9. For students who intend to hold activities off campus in public areas, they should obtain prior permission from the respective responsible authorities.
  10. Students should have the right to refuse participating in any activities that might cause their own discomfort.
  11. Alcohol shall be prohibited on campus, except for wine appreciation activities as students’ learning experience with the presence of at least one full-time academic/administrative HKBU staff.  Alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited for students aged under 18.
  12. Water activities/fights are not allowed on campus.
  13. The university reserves the right to terminate any activities when complaints are received, and claim against the responsible committees.
  14. Personal information collected should be carefully handled. The data protection principles have to be fully observed.
    (Caution! The Sex Discrimination Ordinance has been enforced. To comply with the law, student organization should observe all legal requirements stipulated in the Ordinance.)
  15. When soliciting sponsors, please do not sign any agreements without completely understand the content and terms. Students should consult the Office of Student Affairs when needed.
  16. As some freshmen may be of age under 18, student societies are reminded to take precautions when registering freshmen for activities. Please refer to the Guidelines for Activities Particiapted by Students Aged under 18. To limit the liability of the activity organizers, consent of participants’ parental/legal guardians is recommended to be sought.
  17. ​For inquiries, please contact advisor(s) of respective student organizations or the Office of Student Affairs.


Regulations on Outdoor events
  1. Outdoor rock concerts or similar activities are strictly prohibited. Organisers would be advised to use indoor venues as appropriate.
  2. Prior approval in writing must be sought from the Director of Student Affairs for other outdoor live performances including but not limited to live band performance, lion dance, percussion, etc. The application must be made at least 1 month in advance of the event.
  3. All other outdoor activities/promotions involving the amplification of music or voice (e.g. playback of music, organising talks) would require prior written approval from the SA.
  4. The sound level of the above-mentioned activities will be kept as low as possible.
  5. All Student Organisations which fail to comply with the above regulations will be liable to penalty.
  6. Organisers should comply with the law relating to copyright where applicable.
  7. Organisers have to reserve passageways that allow passing through of emergency vehicles and/or vehicles arranged by the University (for William M.W. Mong Courtyard).


Guidelines for Activities Participated by Students Aged under 18

Parents/legal Guardians’ Consent to be Sought All new students who are aged under 18 are required to have their parents/legal guardians signed and returned a ‘consent letter’ to the Academic Registry prior to the start of the academic year. The consent letter gives the right for the student concerned to act on his/her own with regard to activities related to his/her study programme and extra curricular activities at HKBU. In addition, SO should not allow students who are aged under 18 to be the signatories and/or office-bearers (President/ Internal Vice-president/ External Vice-president/ Financial Secretary or equivalent) of societies. For more details of the University’s policies for students who are aged under 18, please refer to the Guidelines for Students under the Age of 18.


Regarding the display of publicity materials

By the authorities’ decree, all display of publicity materials within public premises (eg. Banners, posters and on street railings and road signs) require official permission from the Lands Department. Should any student organization fails to comply, all unauthorized publicity materials found within public areas will be removed by officers from the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department of Hong Kong. In addition, the student organization involved will ?bear legal liabilities from their actions and may as a result be subject to payments for the costs of removing those found materials.

For details regarding regulations governing publicity materials in public areas and procedures of making application, please refer to the “Management Scheme for the Display of Roadside Non-commercial Publicity Materials Implementation Guidelines” as devised by the Lands Department of Hong Kong.

Please note that all areas, including fences, surrounding the Kowloon Tong Military Camp are not viable for application. Publicity materials are strictly prohibited within this area.


The Six Data Protection Principles (& Exemptions)

The Ordinance gives statutory effect to the internationally accepted data protection principles. The gist of the six Data Protection Principles is set out below:

Principle 1 – Purpose and manner of collection of personal data Personal data shall only be collected for a lawful purpose directly related to a function or activity of the Data User who is to use the data. Only personal data that are necessary for or directly related to the purpose should be collected, and that the data collected should be adequate but not excessive for those purposes. It provides for the lawful and fair means of collection of personal data and sets out the information a Data User must give to a Data Subject when collecting data from that subject.

Principle 2 – Accuracy and duration of retention of personal data All practicable steps should be taken to ensure that personal data should be accurate and kept no longer than necessary.

Principle 3 – Use of personal data Personal data should be used for the purposes for which they were collected or a directly related purpose, unless with the prescribed consent of the Data Subject.

Principle 4 – Security of personal data All practicable steps should be taken to protect the personal data held against unauthorized or accidental access, processing, erasure or other use.

Principle 5 – Information to be generally available All practicable steps should be taken to ensure openness about the personal data policies and practices, the kinds of personal data held and the main purposes for which the personal data are used.

Principle 6 – Access to personal data A Data Subject has the right of access to and correction of his/her personal data.

For the full version of the Code of Practice for Compliance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, please click here.

The precautionary measures for respiratory illness
  1. Keep hands clean and wash hands properly.
  2. ​Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth.
  3. Wash hands with liquid soap promptly if they are contaminated by respiratory tract secretions, e.g. after sneezing or coughing.
  4. Cover nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing.
  5. No spitting. Always wrap nasal and mouth discharges with tissue paper, and dispose of the tissue paper properly in a lidded rubbish bin.
  6. Wear a mask when symptoms of respiratory tract infection or fever develop. Seek medical advice promptly.