27 DEC 2024 - 20 JAN 2025
In order to encourage students to develop their talents in other areas in addition to their academic study, the Talent Development Scholarship (TDS) was established by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government to give recognition to students who have demonstrated achievement or talent in non-academic areas and provide support for them to further develop their talent and potential.
For 2024-25, up to 100 Talent Development Scholarship awards at HK$10,000 each will be awarded to current full-time local and non-local publicly-funded degree or above level students studying in any discipline, but exclude exchange students not studying a full degree or above programme in Hong Kong. Awardees should have demonstrated talent or potential in at least one of the following areas:
To be eligible for the TDS, applicants should have attained a cGPA of 2.50 or above after the first semester of 2024-25. Applicants are not required to indicate their cGPA in the application form. SFA Unit will check it out after the closing date. In addition, applicants should possess demonstrated achievements during the period from 1 January 2021 to present in any of the areas mentioned above and continuously striving for improvement and excellence, and should at least –
The activities should have already been held and where students have demonstrated significant achievements. Activities in progress or to be held will not be considered.
It is important to note that some activities alone only serve as evidence of active participation and striving for improvement and excellence in a certain non-academic talent. Students who only participate in these activities should NOT be awarded TDS. These activities include:
A student may be awarded the TDS more than once throughout his/her studies of the relevant programme, and each nomination will be considered based on individual merits. Therefore, students who were awarded the TDS before must be able to provide new evidence of award(s) and achievement(s) attained after receiving the previous TDS award. However, due to limited quota and keen competition, priority will be given to students who have never received TDS during their studies at HKBU.
In addition, as stipulated by the HKSAR Education Bureau, students enrolled in dual/joint Bachelor’s degree programmes could not receive any government scholarships including TDS during their offshore study period.
Step I - Complete the online application form before the deadline 20 January 2025 (Monday), print or save the completed form as a PDF.
Applicants are obliged to examine if their activities/achievements are already on the below lists of approved activities for TDS which have been approved by the HKSAR Education Bureau (EDB), and input the corresponding Reference Code in their online application form.
If the activity/achievement is not on the lists, applicant are required to provide the website and details of the activity/achievement for EDB's consideration. Please make sure that the website is valid and contains the required information such as the entry requirements, selection mechanism, category/number of awards distributed, etc. Your achievement may not be considered if the required information is not provided.
Note that having an approved activity/achievement does not guarantee the award of TDS as competition is required for the limited awards. Level/scale of activity and award/achievement obtained will be considered in the award allocation, while an appropriate balance will be maintained in allocating the awards among the four categories of talents.
Step II - Submit the PDF form and supporting documents before the deadline 20 January 2025 (Monday).
All applications will be assessed by an internal selection panel. Eligible students will be recommended to the EDB for consideration and approval. The selection results will be announced in June 2025.
Faculty members are welcome to encourage eligible students to apply.
For enquiries, please feel free to contact us at 3411 6713 or by email to