CCL strives to promote student learning through means of non-formal educational modes including seminars, campus events, workshops, and experiential learning activities. Read More >

Mental Health First Aid Standard Course - Group H (22 & 29 May 2025)

Workshop, Mental Well-being, Communication, Knowledge, Teamwork

22 May 2025

Mental Health First Aid Standard Course - Group H (22 & 29 May 2025)
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an international certificate course, which was originally developed by the ORYGEN Centre of the University of Melbourne in 2001. In this 12-hour certificate course, participants learn how to provide initial help to people with developing mental health problems before professional treatment can be obtained.

On completion of the course, participants will receive a Mental Health First Aid certificate issued by the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong. The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong is the organisation authorised by the ORYGEN Research Centre of the University of Melbourne to issue the Mental Health First Aid certificate in Hong Kong.

Since 2008, the course has been launched in HKBU. Up to now (as of June 2024), over 3,500 students and staff members have been trained.

• Symptoms, causes and treatment: depression, anxiety disorder, psychosis and substance use disorder
• Possible crisis situation arising from these mental health problems
• Five first-aid actions and skills
• Resources available in HKBU & the community for professional help and self-help

MHFA (Face-to-face) (a total of 12 hours of classroom learning)
The course is offered in two training days, with lectures, group discussion and role-play delivered in a classroom setting.

* The courses are subsidised by UGC SEN Fund, programme fee therefore will be exempted.
Mental Health First Aid Standard Course - Group G (21 May 2025)

Workshop, Mental Well-being, Communication, Knowledge, Teamwork

21 May 2025

Mental Health First Aid Standard Course - Group G (21 May 2025)
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an international certificate course, which was originally developed by the ORYGEN Centre of the University of Melbourne in 2001. In this 12-hour certificate course, participants learn how to provide initial help to people with developing mental health problems before professional treatment can be obtained.

On completion of the course, participants will receive a Mental Health First Aid certificate issued by the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong. The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong is the organisation authorised by the ORYGEN Research Centre of the University of Melbourne to issue the Mental Health First Aid certificate in Hong Kong.

Since 2008, the course has been launched in HKBU. Up to now (as of June 2024), over 3,500 students and staff members have been trained.

• Symptoms, causes and treatment: depression, anxiety disorder, psychosis and substance use disorder
• Possible crisis situation arising from these mental health problems
• Five first-aid actions and skills
• Resources available in HKBU & the community for professional help and self-help

MHFA (Online Version)

Course component 1 - Self-paced interactive eLearning (around 7 hrs)
Developing mental health problems covered:
• Depression
• Anxiety problems
• Substance use problems
• Psychosis

Mental health crises covered:
• Suicidal thoughts and behaviours
• Panic attacks
• Severe psychotic states
• Aggressive behaviours

Course component 2 - Instructor-led video conferencing (2.5hrs x 2 sessions)
This course component allows participants the opportunity to revise and consolidate practical skills in a group environment. It is designed to be delivered after participants have completed the eLearning component of the MHFA online course.

In this training, the focus is on the application of knowledge and skills learnt in the eLearning component. It provides the participants with the opportunity to:

• Revise the eLearning content and the MHFA Action Plan
• Clarify points of uncertainty remaining after completion of the eLearning modules
• Apply the MHFA Action Plan to relevant scenarios
• Discuss and reflect on ‘a where to from now’ in using mental health first aid skills

* The courses are subsidised by UGC SEN Fund, programme fee therefore will be exempted.
AD HERE Advertising Competition 2025

Campus Event-Competition, Skills Enrichment, Communication, Skills

03 Apr 2025

AD HERE Advertising Competition 2025
Students studying marketing communication are trained to be effective communicators in dealing with internal and external stakeholders for an organization. PR and advertising techniques are taught to help them handle corporate image building and maintaining tasks at mass communication level.

With the aim of strengthening the connection of our students to practitioners in the industry, a competition named “AD HERE Advertising Competition” is organized annually. Through this competition, we hope that our students can earn valuable hands-on experience in a real job setting while our honorable partners/sponsors can foster good reputation and community relations through this meaningful and educational event.

In the AD HERE Advertising Competition, the contestants are going to design a complete advertising and public relation plan for our partner Yuet Wo*. Students' capability in conducting scientific market research, spotting out major marketing problems, and generating creative ideas in marketing communication will be assessed by the marketing professionals from the company. The Managing Director of the company, Mr. Jack Pong, will share his valuable opinions and viewpoints for the advertising competition as a guest speaker for all students. Audience can learn practical promotion and marketing strategy of a brand in a real market environment from the professional for around 2 hours during and after the competition.

*Yuet Wo (悅和醬園), a local soy sauce manufacturer, makes both sauce making and wine making since 1945.