
The House of Scholars (HoS) aims to develop students with high scholastic achievement into future-shaping leaders capable of devising and implementing solutions to address global issues and social challenges. Selected students will benefit from tailored leadership trainings, participate in various transcultural experiences to enhance their global perspective and receive coaching from esteemed community leaders to generate solutions in tackling challenges ahead. Those who complete the scheme with satisfactory performance will be conferred as Fellows of the programme and serve as distinguished ambassadors for the University to showcase their leadership journeys.


Recruitment of Scholars
  • Students with a cumulative GPA (cGPA) of 3.30 or higher will be invited to apply for the House of Scholars (HoS). Students will be shortlisted to attend the interview. Nominees from respective Schools or Faculties will be guaranteed an opportunity for an interview.
  • Under normal circumstances, students in their final year of study at HKBU will not be considered for admission unless with exceptional accomplishment.
  • Interview session(s) will be arranged in September (for returning students) and January (for freshmen and returning students), and the selection criteria are as follows:
    • Academic Excellence: A cumulative GPA (cGPA) of 3.30 or higher.
    • Leadership Potential: Demonstrated involvement in extracurricular activities, leadership roles, and community service.
    • Commitment and Passion: A clear commitment to the scheme, personal aspirations, and envisioned contributions to societal betterment.



Open in August 2025   



Application​ Deadline

12 September 2025 & 12 January 2026




To address the evolving needs of the community, LQC reserves the right to make appropriate adjustments of HoS and the decision shall be final.

  1. To cultivate leadership qualities in students.
  2. To foster civic awareness through project-based learning and the formulation of innovative solutions to future challenges.
  3. To enhance global awareness and intercultural competencies.


Journey as HoS Trainee

There are four modules that the HoS trainees are required to accomplish at their own pace within two years from the date of being selected.


Module 1: Foundations of Leadership​​

Trainees should complete TWO Leadership Development Workshops and ONE Leadership in Action. The details are as follows:  

Leadership Development Workshops

The assigned topics will be recommended by the interview panel and tailored to the specific needs of the selected candidates for further development of their leadership qualities. The topics may include self-understanding, effective communication, project management, emotional intelligence, innovation in leadership etc.

Leadership in Action

A visit to Mainland China to explore the recent developments in China.


Module 2: Aspiration Development with Mentor  

Trainees will be assigned to an esteemed community leader aligned with their aspirations. During the 6-month mentorship, from October to March of the following year, trainees will engage with their mentors to refine and develop their aspirations. At the beginning of the mentorship, the trainees and their assigned mentors will collaboratively agree on the outcomes to be achieved during the mentorship, tailored to the individual aspirations of the trainee.


Module 3: Student Empowerment Initiative

Trainees from the same cohort will form groups and organise a community project that addresses and raises public awareness of specific social needs through diverse approaches. In the project, the trainees will identify a relevant social issue in Hong Kong or a global challenge but the core element of the project shall be targeted to communities in Hong Kong. Trainees from the project that draws the highest level of public awareness of the academic year will be awarded as “Champion Advocate/s” during the conferment. 


Module 4: Global Exposure  

An overseas exposure travelling outside of China organised by any faculties or offices of the University, or external organisations, focusing on leadership development and cultural immersion or other developmental areas subject to the approval of LQC. This experience will enhance students' global perspective and ability to work in diverse environments


Completion of Journey 

Conferment as the Fellows or Members of the House of Scholars will be arranged during the University Baccalaureate Service of the same calendar year.

  • Fellows of the House of Scholars: Trainees who have completed all the modules and reached a cGPA of 3.40 or above by 31 March. 
  • Members of the House of Scholars: Trainees who have completed the journey with a cGPA between 3.30 to 3.39 will be conferred as the Members of the House of Scholars. They may apply for acceleration when their cGPA reaches 3.40 or above by 31 March within their study period at HKBU. The acceleration is not guaranteed and is subject to the approval of LQC.
  • Trainees: Trainees who have completed the journey with a cGPA below 3.30 will remain as trainees of the House of Scholars. They may apply for acceleration when their cGPA reaches 3.30 or above by 31 March during their study period at HKBU. The acceleration is not guaranteed and is subject to the approval of LQC.


Recommended Timeline of the Journey  

Trainees may complete the Journey in 1 to 2 years at their own pace.

For reference:  

In 1 Year

 Semester 1Winter BreakSemester 2 (by 31 March)Conferment
1st Year  InterviewModule 4Module 1 & 3Journey Completed
Module 2 

In 2 Years

 Semeter 1Winter BreakSemester 2 (by 31 March)Conferment
1st Year    


Module 1 & 3

2nd Year Module 4  
Module 2Journey Completed   

Fellows and Members will serve as distinguished ambassadors for the University, with opportunities to:

  • Represent the University at local and international conferences and networking events.
  • Serve as emcees for university-wide activities or external events.
  • Host distinguished delegations visiting HKBU.
  • Share experiences as the House of Scholar during the conferment ceremony, convocation or other occasions as nominated by the Leadership Qualities Centre, Office of Student Affairs.
  • Participate in any other opportunities that highlight their leadership qualities, which may include a personalised video that showcases their leadership journeys.
  • Receive a guaranteed sponsorship to travel overseas (of max. $10,000) (priority for Fellows).
  • Serve as peer mentors of the trainees of the House of Scholars.


In addition, during the conferment, Fellows and Members will receive:

  • An honour cord of House of Scholars (for Fellows only)
  • A recognition certificate
  • A pin of House of Scholars


The Fellowship and Membership is a lifetime title; however, the University reserves the right to revoke this title under certain circumstances. This may occur due to reasons such as misconduct, failure to uphold the values and standards of the University, violations of law, or actions that may bring disrepute to the Fellowship. It is essential for all recipients to maintain the integrity and honour associated with this prestigious title.


available soon