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The programme offers students a unique opportunity to enhance their creativity and visual storytelling skills via videography. Under the guidance of experienced mentors in urban studies, history, and video production, students engage in a dynamic learning experience and create immersive 360-degree videos that integrate the professional perspectives of the mentors and showcase Kowloon City's vibrant history and cultural ties with China.  

Watch the video to learn more about this programme:

Programme Structure:

15 October 2024Recruitment Deadline ( extended!)
9 - 14 October 2024Selection Interview 

21 October 2024 (Mon)
6:30 pm - 9:30pm

@ AAB 301-2

Training session on production of 360-degree video 

28 October 2024 (Mon)
6:30 pm - 9pm

@ AAB 301-2

[CCL] Dialogue sessions with Trainers on the historical values of Kowloon City and video production for social media; and ice-breaking session with Mentors from Urban Studies

(see profile below)

October - November 2024Mentor-mentees meetings for the preparation and on-site shooting of the video. Meeting schedule to be confirmed between the mentor-mentee group
December 2024 - January 2025Video post-production with guidance from trainers

3 March 2025

3:15pm - 4:30pm  (game booths open from 2pm- 5pm)  

@ AAB 301-302

Language Medium: Cantonese (with English support)

[CCL] Storytelling Through a 360-degree lens: Urban Heritages in Kowloon City  - Student Work Showcase and Interactive Booths (360度九龍城映畫:歷史的回聲-學生作品展與攤位)


FREE + HK$500 refundable deposit  (fully refundable upon completion of full programme and completion of evaluation survey. ) 

All UG students from UGC -funded programme  

Recognition (upon completion of full programme and completion of evaluation survey)
Completion Certificate + Two CCL units 

Major Medium of Instruction
(*Interview sessions with Cantonese-speaking community members may be conducted during the project research. Students would work in teams to overcome this language barrier.) 

Application form

Click HERE

Students will be divided into small groups and work under one of the mentors in this programme

    1. Mr. Jeffrey Wong, registered professional town planner

    As the Council Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP), Jeffrey has been organising various professional and community engagement programmes to promote the value and importance of town planning to all walks of life.  Together with other young passionate professionals, Jeffrey founded LEAPS in 2015, a dedicated real estate and construction professional platform with a goal to generate innovative solutions to current land and housing as well as other social issues, leveraging their professional expertise and insight. He is currently the Chairperson of HKIP Awards, Greater Bay Area Planning Awards and 45th Anniversary Organising Committee, as well as the Vice President of LEAPS.

    2. Ms Mandy Wong, registered professional town planner

    Mandy is the recipient of the Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP) Young Planners Awards (YPA) 2022. She has experience in organizing and implementing community engagement programs and is enthusiastic about promoting a people-oriented planning approach. Since 2017, she has been actively involved in HKIP and served as the Director of the Hong Kong Public Space Initiative from 2017 to 2022. In 2022, she co-founded Walking Slow to focus on community engagement, art curation, and public education. Mandy has taken on key roles in various projects, including the “Walk DVRC Initiative” and the “Take PARK in Art - Memstory” project. She actively participates in multi-disciplinary collaborations and has served as the co-designer of the HKIA Annual Awards Exhibition 2021, exhibitor of the HKIA KLNJ Roving Exhibition 2023-2024, and workshop organizer of deTour 2023.

    The programme was in collaboration with Department of History and the General Education course 3016 "Historic Landmarks, Heritage, and Community” in 2023/24.   

    The videos produced by the student teams are available on YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWdOzSokgMpXYystuBamoWMZANFAhWCMj&si=aABt_OOZVFsGCMJ1