On Campus

  1. The list of banner locations available for reservations by student organizations can be observed at Venues and Facilities Booking System.
    The reservation must be made through Venues and Facilities Booking System at least 1 week, but not more than 1 month in advance of the first day of hanging. Any unauthorized hanging of banners is strictly prohibited.
  2. The person-in-charge of the organization will bear the full responsibility for its message/content. The identity(s) of the organizer(s) must be specified. Banners should be displayed for the purpose of promoting events.
  3. The maximum period of hanging for every function is 1 week. Any prolonged hanging application for extension is subject to availability; and approval will not be notified until one week before the extended period.
  4. Adequate safety precautions must be observed when a banner is hung. The banner must be securely fastened and the fixings must not cause any damage to the steel railings, the window frames or the adjoining structures. Any damage caused will be made good at the organization’s expenses.
  5. PACKAGE TAPE or DOUBLE-SURFACE TAPE and BAMBOO STICKS are not allowed for fixing banners.
  6. The banner must be dismantled immediately after use and necessary cleaning should be the applicants’ responsibility. Failure to do so will be subject to penalty.
  1. Student organizations may distribute flyers on campus. The identity(s) of the organizer(s) must be specified on the flyers.
Posters and Display Board

The display board for Student Organisations / Student Activities (the display board) is to provide a platform for eligible users to post their publicity materials for promotional purposes and facilitate campus engagement. Users have to observe the Regulations on Posting of Materials on Campus (the regulations) issued by the Estates Office. Kindly be advised of the below before your posting:

  1. The Student Organisation/ Student Activity Display Board is the property of the University.
  2. Registered Student Organisations and University Offices are the eligible users. For display boards marked as “Student Organisations”, priority would be given to Student Organisations.
  3. All posters must bear the official chops of the student organizations unless special approval is obtained from the Students’ Union or Office of Student Affairs; and in such case, relevant stamp must be chopped on each poster. The commencement date and the end date of the posting must be clearly marked at the bottom right corner of the poster.
  4. All posters must be posted on the approved notice boards or designated general notice areas. The posters must not be stuck onto glass doors, glass windows, walls, pillars, lockers, and other University properties.
  5. Only one publicity material per function should be posted on the same display board. The materials must not cover the regulations stuck on the notice area and should not cover the ones already posted.
  6. Posting is limited to paper printed materials. Size no larger than A2 is recommended.
  7. All Materials and their contents should not:

    1. Contravene any Hong Kong Laws;

    2. Contain any obscene, indecent, abusive, racist, sexist or defamatory content which could potentially causing harm to the University community;

    3. Contain any advertisements of any business entity;

  8. Any publicity materials which are in breach of the regulations and/or the guidelines will be removed without prior notice. SA shall take necessary follow-up actions on the users involved.
  9. Out-dated posters will be taken off promptly by Estate Office. However, student organisations have no right to take off other’s posters.

Posters in Resident Halls
Limited notice board areas on 1st Floor of Student Resident Halls are available for non-Hall student organizations for posting posters. Students must observe the same rules and regulations as stipulated in the “Manual for Student Activities” and comply with Hall regulations. 

Posters in Shek Mun Campus
Request for Posting of Posters / Notices on Shek Mun Campus: Student Organizations should download and complete the application form and submit it, together with the posters to be posted, to G/F Information Counter at least three working days prior to the proposed posting date. 

    Off Campus

    Regarding the display of publicity materials

    By the authorities’ decree, all display of publicity materials within public premises (eg. Banners, posters and on street railings and road signs) require official permission from the Lands Department. Should any student organization fails to comply, all unauthorized publicity materials found within public areas will be removed by officers from the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department of Hong Kong. In addition, the student organization involved will bear legal liabilities from their actions and may as a result be subject to payments for the costs of removing those found materials.