Please pay attention to the followings for organisation of overseas activities:

  1. Please remember to collect the emergency contact information from your trip participants. Please ask student officers in Hong Kong to keep the file in confidence in case the student organisations need to contact their family.
  2. Please provide a 24-hr contact phone/whatsapp number of one of your student officers in Hong Kong to all particiapnts in case they need emergency support from Hong Kong.
  3. As per advice from FO, the following information (Zurich Insurance Travel Policy updated on 1 July 2021 should be noted:

    Any trips arranged to or depart for any countries outside Hong Kong from 00:00am on 16 March 2020 or after, Trip or Hotel Cancellation, Trip Curtailment or Travel Re-route Benefits will not be covered if incurred or arising from or in relating to COVID-19 (or any mutation or variation thereof or any related strain).

    -Medical Expenses Benefit, if proved infected outside Hong Kong and incurred directly relating to COVID-19, claim will be covered.

    -Other Benefit Items, if not relating to COVID-19, claim will be covered.

    In case of emergency, please make a collect call to 24 hours Zurich Emergency Assistance Hotline at (852) 2886-3977 and quote the policy number TTT0001125ZC. Trip members are highly recommended to purchase their own Travel Insurance plan for better protection.

  4. Student organisers are required to submit the following documents to Ms. Christy Wong of Finance Office via email at least 10 days before the departure date:

    -Completed Overseas Travel Insurance Declaration Form for Official Trip from all participants
    -Official document including activity name, venue, period of official period and itinerary (e.g. invitation letter from partner organisation, event proposal)
    -List of participants with their full names and student IDs

    Participants will be informed to settle additional premium for their personal trip (if any). Proof of premium settlement has to be submitted to Finance Office at least 5 days before the departure date. Students can arrange their own insurance plan from other insurers to cover their travel period if they wish. In this case, the abovementioned submission to FO is not required. For enquiries, please contact the Finance Office at 3411 7683. 
  5. To minimize the risk on Hotel and flight arrangement, students can purchase their own flights and your office can liaise with the hotels for favourable refund terms on accommodation expenses.  Students should also be reminded of the risks before they commit to joining the program.  You may like to build in extra contingency budget to cover possible extra costs.
  6. To provide prompt assistance to student who is too sick, please assign one or two student leaders to monitor the daily wellbeing of their peers if there is no staff leading the programme.

Students organisations are encouraged to follow the protocols stipulated in the Risk Assessment, Mitigation and Critical Incident Handling Menu when organising non-local activities for HKBU students. (Please note that para 7.3 and para 12 regarding Global Secure are cancelled at this moment)