

The purpose of Service-learning Student Activities Fund is to facilitate students’ contribution and growth towards and through services.


  1. Priority will be given to service-learning activities initiated and organised by student organisations .
  2. All activities must be supported by the staff advisor of respective student organisation.
  3. No double subsidies will be granted within the Office of Student Affairs (SA).

Application Procedures:

  1. Completed application must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the commencement of the programme. 
  2. Application should be submitted online with the following support documents:
    1. Activity proposal
    2. Budget plan with detailed breakdown
    3. Staff advisor's recommendation form (please reserve enough time for completion by the staff advisor)
    4. Tentative itinerary (for overseas activities only)

Student Organisation's Obligations:

  1. Student officers of all successful applications must submit the following documents within one month upon completion of the funded activity:
    1. Online activity evaluation report with:
      1. Justifications on learning outcome(s) achieved.
      2. Achievements attained (e.g. awards, prizes) via the respective programme, if any.
      3. Financial statement with ORIGINAL receipts(Please stick all receipts on A4 papers and number the receipts following the order of particulars in the financial statement. Hard copies of the receipts should be submitted to the Office of SA)
      4. At least six photos showing different elements of the activity.
      5. Copy of all promotion materials of the activity.
      6. List of participants including their name and student ID.
    2. Actual itinerary with stubs of boarding passes and/or tickets of transportation. (for overseas activities only)
  2. At least one of the following acknowledgements should be included in all promotion materials such as banner, poster and booklet: 

    "The activity is sponsored by Tsim Sha Tsui District Kai Fong Welfare Association Service-Learning Student Activities Fund" or "本活動由尖沙咀街坊福利會學生活動基金贊助"
  3. Participants in overseas activities are required to share their learning experience with the university community upon completion of the activity. The share can be conducted in the form of exhibition, sharing session or written report with pictures. 

Rules on Reimbursement of Subsidy:

  1. The funding will be terminated if student organisations fail to submit the evaluation report and required documents by the stated deadline.
  2. The funding can only support expenses in the particular activity stated in the application materials.
  3. The actual amount of funding will be determined by the receipts submitted by student organisations. 
  4. SA reserves the right to adjust the amount of subsidy in consideration of the availability of funds
  5. The actual reimbursement will take into consideration other subsidies / sponsorships which the respective student organisation is able to receive.
Funding Guidelines

Non-local Service-Learning Activities

To support partial expenses including transportation, accommodation, programme registration fee and other general expenses in the overseas service-learning activities.

Estimated amount of funding
  • 50% to 80% of the approved budget.
  • Assessment of the application will be considered based on:
    • Service-learning objectives of the activity.
    • Expected service-learning outcomes to be attained by participants as declared by the student organisation.
    • Availability of SA’s budget.
Funding Ceiling
  1. Subsidy for each participating student (meal costs and personal expenses are excluded):
  • HK$1,000 for activities in China (Guangdong Province) and Macau
  • HK$1,500 for activities in China (except for Guangdong Province), India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan and Thailand
  • HK$2,000 for activities in other countries
  1. Subsidy for the operation of the service-learning trip: HK$2,000


Assessment Criteria
  1. Clearly defined service-learning objectives and outcomes (by including specific targets or indicators, such as the no. of beneficiaries, no. of service hours including the preparation time, or other quantifiable measures, etc.)
  2. Collaboration with community or partnership with non-profit organisations
  3. Development of student leadership
  4. Creativity and innovation in service-learning design
  5. Impact on the community / sustainability



Local Service-learning Activities

To support mainly the operation and promotion costs, and related expenditure in the local service-learning activities. Examples of the type of service-learning activities to be supported by the Fund:

  • Community services
  • Exhibitions and seminars
  • Training / workshop
Estimated amount of funding
  • 50% to 100% of the approved budget.
  • Assessment of the application will be considered based on:
    • Service-learning objectives of the activity.
    • Expected service-learning outcomes to be attained by participants as declared by the student organisation
    • Availability of SA’s budget.
Funding Ceiling

HK$6,000 per service-learning activity

Assessment Criteria
  1. Clearly defined service-learning objectives and outcomes (by including specific targets or indicators, such as the no. of beneficiaries, no of service hours, or other quantifiable measures, etc.)
  2. Collaboration with community or partnership with non-profit organisations
  3. Development of student leadership
  4. Creativity and innovation in service-learning design
  5. Impact on the community / sustainability


Useful Resources

Office of Student Affairs
Phone: 3411 5894
Address: Room 401, The Wing Lung Bank Building for Business Studies, Shaw Campus

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