Constituting a relatively small student population on campus, EM students face challenges in keeping up with their peers and in having equal learning resources mainly owing to their limited Chinese language proficiency. With more educational resources for EM students to receive trainings, join diversified co-curricular activities as well as chances for them to initiate programmes for the community, it is hoped that the under-represented minority youth could improve their well-being and social inclusion through increased mobilisation within the multicultural education environment.​


Current full-time HKBU Ethnic Minority students enrolled in UGC-funded undergraduate programmes

 Category A
Participating in a training / co-curricular activity
Category B
Initiating a programme


To broaden EM students’ horizon and enhance their personal development through training programmes.

To enhance leadership and networking skills of EM students through organisation of the proposed activities.

Scope Covered

Participation in an activity/project/co-curricular programme which:

i) is organised by HKBU/recognised NGOs#/other non-profit-making external organisations (exceptional cases with strong justifications will be considered for approval);

ii) is organised inside or outside Hong Kong; and

iii) promotes whole-person development.

Organisation of an event/activity which:

i) is held on/off campus; and

ii) is mainly for HKBU students; and

iii) fosters any of the seven HKBU Graduate Attributes

iv) may involve an organising committee formed by the applicant with EM/international/mainland/local students.

Amount of Grant

70% of the cost of joining the activity.*

Full cost of initiating the programme.*


  • # Recognised NGOs refers to all Non-governmental Organisations which are exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. (https://www.ird.gov.hk/eng/pdf/s88list_emb.pdf)
  • * Each EM student could apply for EMEG ONCE for each category during each academic year. For the application of either Category A or B, the amount of the grant should be capped at HK$15,000. If a student is applying for a grant in both Category A and B, the amount of the grant should be capped at HK15,000 in total. Priority will be given to students who apply for the first time.
  • * Recipients of the Admission Scholarship Scheme for Outstanding South and South East Asian Ethnic Minority Students (EMSS) should first claim from the Personal Mobility Fund for any exchange programme while EMEG may cover the remaining costs.

A completed application must be submitted at least four weeks before the commencement of the programme. Application results will usually be announced within two weeks upon receipt of the completed application.

  • Communicate with SA colleague, Miss Kiwi Chan, in person (WLB 401) or through email (kiwichan@hkbu.edu.hk) about your plan to obtain an application form
  • Submit application form for approval
  • Update your progress from time to time
  • Submit activity report upon completion of the event
  • Provide financial report and receipts for reimbursement*. For those who have financial difficulties, please talk to Miss Kiwi Chan before starting your activity.
  1. All successful applications must submit the following documents within one month upon completion of the funded activity:
    1. Activity report with:
      1. Justifications on learning outcome(s) achieved/Reflection report about the event, self-development. 
      2. Achievements attained (e.g. awards, prizes) via the respective programme, official transcript issued by the organisation, if any. 
      3. Financial statement with ORIGINAL receipts*(Please stick all receipts on A4 papers and number the receipts following the order of particulars in the financial statement. Hard copies of the receipts should be submitted to the Office of SA) 
      4. At least six photos show different elements of the activity.
      5. Copy of all promotional materials for the activity.
      6. List of participants, including their name and student ID.
  2. The following acknowledgement should be included in all promotional materials such as banners, posters and booklet: 
    "The activity is sponsored by HKBU Village CARE Campaign Ethnic Minorities Engagement Grant (EMEG)".
  3. Participants in overseas activities are required to share their learning experience with the university community upon completion of the activity. The sharing can be conducted in the form of an exhibition, sharing session or written report with pictures. 
  • All expenses must be supported with true receipts to be eligible for reimbursement.
  • All receipts must clearly indicate the company name, items incurred and the amount in HKD.
  • The merchant must confirm receiving your payment by indicating ‘receipts’ or ‘received payments’.
  • Hand-written receipts must carry the chop of the merchant.
  • Invoices are NOT accepted for the purpose of reimbursement.
  • Students should match their receipts with the items for the event involved.
  • Please indicate the name and Student Identification Number on the back of the receipts.
EMEG Poster_2024-01 EMEG Poster_2024-01