Campus Inclusion Activities (CIA) Programme (for Students with Special Education Needs)



The purpose of Campus Inclusion Activities (CIA) Programme is to recognize extra-curricular activities which include and engage students with special educational needs (SSEN) and promote the awareness among the University community on campus inclusion for SSEN. Activities registered as CIA (which target for students enrolled in UGC-funded programmes) could apply for financial subsidies.


SSEN from each category of special educational needs face different difficulties in participating in extra-curricular activities. Activities which are able to accommodate at least 1 category of the special educational needs may apply to register as CIA.

  1. Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder 專注力不足/過度活躍症
  2. Autism Spectrum Disorder 自閉症譜系障礙
  3. Developmental Coordination Disorder 發展協調障礙
  4. Hearing Impairment 聽覺障礙
  5. Mental Illnesses 精神病
  6. Physical Disabilities 肢體傷殘
  7. Specific Learning Disabilities 特殊學習障礙
  8. Speech Impairment 言語障礙
  9. Visual Impairment 視覺障礙

Application procedures:

  1. Completed application must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the commencement of the programme. 
  2. Application should be submitted online with the following support documents:
    1. Activity proposal
    2. Budget plan with detailed breakdown
  3. Proposed measures to accommodate the needs of SSEN with justifications have to be included in the application. 
  4. Registered CIA will be promoted to suitable SSEN through Unit of Students with Special Education Needs in the Office of Student Affairs (SA). 

Student organisation's obligations:

  1. Student officers of all successful applications must submit the following documents within one month upon completion of the funded activity:
    1. Online activity evaluation report with:
      1. Justifications on learning outcome(s) achieved.
      2. Report on arrangement for the inclusion of SSEN from the category(s) stated in the application.
      3. Summary on the assistance provided to SSEN in the activity (if any).
      4. Achievements attained (e.g. awards, prizes) via the respective programme, if any.
      5. Financial statement with ORIGINAL receipts(Please stick all receipts on A4 papers and number the receipts following the order of particulars in the financial statement. Hard copies of the receipts should be submitted to the Office of SA)
      6. At least six photos showing different elements of the activity.
      7. Copy of all promotion materials of the activity.
      8. List of participants including their name and student ID.
  2. The following acknowledgements should be included in all promotion materials such as banner, poster and booklet: 

    “Campus Inclusion Activities registered, students with special educational needs are welcomed” or “此活動已註冊為校園共融活動,歡迎有特殊教育需要的同學參加”


    "The activity is sponsored by Hong Kong Baptist University Student Activities Fund" or "本活動由香港浸會大學學生活動基金贊助"

Regulations on reimbursement:

  1. The funding will be terminated if student organisations fail to submit the evaluation report and required documents by the stated deadline.
  2. The funding can only support expenses in the particular activity stated in the application materials.
  3. The actual amount of funding will be determined by the receipts submitted by student organisations. 
  4. SA reserves the right to adjust the amount of subsidy in consideration of the availability of funds.
Funding Guidelines
  1. 70% of the promotion and production costs, with a maximum of HK$1,000 per application.
  2. For CIA which fall into any of the funding categories in the "Ear-marked Student Activities Fund" or "Service-learning Student Activities Fund", the maximum amount of subsidy from CIA programme shall not exceed the maximum amount of subsidy as stipulated in the funding guidelines of those 2 mentioned funds. 
  3. Student organisations can apply for funding from CIA Programme as well as Ear-marked Student Activities Fund or Service-learning Student Activities Fund. The applications for different fundings will be reviewed separately.
  4. SA may approve an extra amount of subsidy to CIA if the activity is proven to be beneficial to students, especially SSEN, at large.
  5. SA reserves the final rights on the decisions of subsidy allocation and guidelines amendment at any time as appropriate.
Useful Resources

Office of Student Affairs

Phone: 3411 5894
Address: Room 401, The Wing Lung Bank Building for Business Studies, Shaw Campus

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