Student organisations are independent societies run by student officers.  They provide services and organise activities to enrich students' campus experience in extra-curricular activities and expand students' network beyond the University.  The Office of Student Affairs strives to support with a favorable environment, financial subsidies and professional advice and coaching.
Concerning registration of new student organisations (except for postgraduate students), please approach the Students' Union (telephone: 34116491; email:


  1. Student Organisations
    Students’ Union
    Postgraduate Association
    Academic Societies
    Hall Councils
    Interest Clubs
    International Association

  2. Financial Support for Student Activities
    Campus Inclusion Activities (CIA) Programme (for Students with Special Education Needs)
    Ear-marked Student Activities Fund
    - Funding of the Global Engagement Squad (GES)
    Interest-free Loan for Orientation Camps
    Service-Learning Student Activities Fund
    Subsidy for Orientation Activities
    HKBU Village CARE Campaign Ethnic Minorities Engagement Grant (EMEG)

  3. Manual for Student Activities
    - Rules & Regulations
    Display of Publicity Materials
    Data Protection Principles

  4. Amenities
    Facilities for Organizing Activities and Promotion (VFBS)
    Putting up Promotional/Publicity Materials

  5. Organising Activities
    Activity Week/Academic, Promotion Week and Orientation Camp
    Outdoor Activities on Campus
    Fund-raising Activities
    External Coaches and Trainers

  6. Logistic Support
    Insurance for HKBU Students
    Role and Responsibilities of Advisor to Student Organisations
    Consultancy Service

  7. Registration of Student Organisations to SU

  8. Violation

  9. Online Submission and Forms

  10. Venues and Facilities Booking System (VFBS)