4 - 6 Feb 2025
香港青年聯會 - 「實踐科創,探知歷史」 新春運動工作坊 Hong Kong United Youth Association - Chinese New Year Gathering Sports Workshop
Hong Kong United Youth Association 香港青年聯會
「實踐科創,探知歷史」 新春運動工作坊
為了協助參與計劃的青年尋找屬於自己的成功路向,香港青年聯會將舉辦「實踐科創·探知歷史」新春運動工作坊 ,讓參加者提前認識職場環境及做好生涯規劃。除嘉賓分享環節外,本次講座也將設遊戲環節和交流團團員分享環節,邀請在本年一月參與『實踐科創·探知歷史』2024-2025西安交流團的團員們分享在團中的得著。
地點:西沙Go Park
如有查詢,請賜電2598 9385與項目統籌主任曾小姐(Kitty)聯絡。
Chinese New Year Gathering Sports Workshop
In order to help young people, who are participating in the program, to find their own path to success, the Hong Kong United Youth Association will organize the Chinese New Year Gathering Sports Workshop to allow participants to understand the workplace environment and make career plans in advance. In addition to the guest sharing session, this workshop will also include a game session and an experience sharing session. Members who participated in the 2024-2025 Xi'an exchange tour in January this year will be invited to share their experience in the group.
Event Details:
If you are interested in participating, please fill out the form below to register on or before February 6, 2025:
If you have any enquiries, please contact the Project Coordinator Ms. Tsang (Kitty) at 2598 9385.