The Undergraduate Halls (the “Halls”) form a living-learning community made up of individuals with both rights and responsibilities. Residents are expected to help to cultivate a stimulating, congenial and mutually supportive environment in the Halls and get involved actively in a wide variety of learning experiences along different themes of hall life. It is hoped that students will become well-rounded in their personal, intellectual, social and career development through the process.
1. Interpretation In these Terms and Conditions:
“Halls” means all on-campus residential accommodation for students under the management of the University.
“Hall Management” means any person authorized by the Director of Student Affairs, including but not limited to the Student Housing Manager, Resident Masters and Resident Community Officers, to perform functions and duties in relation to the management of the Halls.
“Resident” means a student of the University or any other person who is residing or who has accepted an offer of residence in a Hall.
2. Compliance with Terms and Conditions
i. Residents shall use the Hall premises for domestic purpose only. Commercial activities are not allowed in the premises without prior permission of the Hall Management. Subletting of Hall places is not allowed and may lead to expulsion from the University.
ii. Residents shall observe and comply with the terms and conditions herein, Residents’ Code and Hall Rules, any reasonable order of the Resident Master, and where appropriate, the Standards of Conduct and General Regulations of the University.
3. Hall Admission
i. Application for hall residence shall be made in the manner prescribed by the University. Provision of false information in the application may lead to disqualification of the application and/or disciplinary action as appropriate.
ii. The Hall Management shall, in accordance with regulations and procedures approved by the University, admit Residents for one Academic Year or for such period as may be prescribed as appropriate.
4. Payment of Hall Charges
Hall fee shall cover charges for accommodation in a standard bedroom to be shared with another Resident on a double/triple-occupancy basis within the specified time-period and shall exclude charges for air-conditioning, laundry and other facilities of which separate charges are applicable. Residents who occupy another bed in a room for storage or otherwise without proper authorisation will be required to pay a rent of HK$50 per day for that extra bed.
5. Privileges of Residents
Residents who have paid all appropriate hall charges or who have been permitted to make a deferred payment shall be entitled to reside in the Halls during the agreed period. Notwithstanding this, the Hall Management shall have the right in assigning residents to any beds based on operational reason.
6. Visitors
Subject to Residents’ Codes, Residents may invite visitors to the Halls. Residents shall accompany their visitors throughout their visits to the Halls and be responsible for the acts of their visitors.
7. Responsibilities for Injury and Damage
i. Residents shall make good or pay for any damage to furniture, fittings, fabric and property of the Halls for which they are responsible, normal wear and tear excepted.
ii. Residents shall take good care of anything they bring into the Halls. Personal belongings left unattended in public areas will be confiscated without prior notice. The confiscated items will be kept by the Hall Management for 7 calendar days, after which any unclaimed items will be disposed of. Residents who wish to retrieve the confiscated items will be charged an administrative fee in accordance with the List of Miscellaneous Fees and Charges. Residents who are reported leaving personal belongings in the common areas will be recorded demerit points according to the Demerit Point Scheme. Neither the University, the Halls nor the Hall Management shall be responsible for any loss of or damage to any property, goods, articles or things whatsoever brought into the halls by the residents.
8. Inspection of Rooms
The Hall Management reserves the right to authorise entry into any rooms in the Halls with or without prior notification to ensure proper care, maintenance and safety of the facilities; to carry out routine cleaning; to make necessary repairs; and to investigate violations of the terms and conditions herein, Residents' Code, Hall Rules or University Standards of Conduct. Advance notice for room entry will be made as far as practicable.
9. Relocation of Rooms
For the sake of efficient utilisation of resources and to facilitate timely repairs to the rooms, the Hall Management reserves the right to relocate residents to other rooms within the Halls by normally serving the latter at least five days' notice in advance.
10. Vacating Rooms and Removal of Property
Immediately after the termination of residence, Residents shall have their rooms vacated and all personal properties removed from the rooms. Residents who fail to remove all their belongings from their rooms and complete the check-out procedures upon expiry of residence will be required to pay a penalty of HK$600 per day, which will continue until the completion of check-out. They will also be recorded 16 demerit points and disqualified from future hall applications. All items left behind will be disposed of at the prevailing charge. The University shall not be liable for any loss of or damage to such property whatsoever.
11. Discipline
i. The Hall Management is authorised by the University to take disciplinary action against any Resident for violation of the terms and conditions herein, Residents' Code, Hall Rules or University Standards of Conduct.
ii. No refund of any hall fees will be made for early termination of residence by the Residents. *Partial refund of hall fees will be considered for suspension or termination imposed as a disciplinary sanction.
*Residents who have completed shorter than 50% of the paid residential period can be considered for a refund of no more than 50% of the residual hall fees from the actual check-out date.
12. Termination of Residence
i. Residents who are absent from the Halls for more than 20 consecutive nights* within any period of 30 calendar days may be terminated of residence.
* Except for absences during the period between the first date of examination in the First Semester and the commencement date of the Second Semester.
ii. Student residents shall no longer have the right to reside in the Halls if they, for whatever reasons, cease to be students of the University. In such case, they shall vacate the room and remove all personal properties in the room immediately after the termination of residence.
13. Review of Residents' Code and Hall Rules
Residents’ Code and Hall Rules may be reviewed and amended by the Student Affairs Committee from time to time as it deems appropriate.
| 1
| Use of the Halls for any purpose other than personal residence is not allowed.
Change of Beds
| 2
| Change of beds without prior approval from the Hall Management is not allowed.
Room Keys and Student Cards
| 3
| Residents shall be responsible for the good custody of the room key and Student I.D. Cards and shall not loan or duplicate them for other person’s use.
Fire Hazards
| 4.1
| Smoking is prohibited on campus. [Smoking (Public Health) (Amendment) Ordinance 2006, Laws of Hong Kong]
| Open flames, including candles and incense, are not allowed in any part of the Halls.
| |
| Possession of chemicals, explosives or highly combustible materials is strictly disallowed in the Halls.
| |
| Cooking is allowed only inside kitchenettes. Naked fire is strictly prohibited within the hall area.
| |
4.5 | Use of any device that generates scent, smoke or heat such as aroma diffuser and electric insect repellent is strictly prohibited within the hall area. | |
Furniture, Fittings and Fixtures
| 5
| Residents shall not interfere with or deface existing fixtures, fittings and furniture or install new utilities or fittings.
| 6
| Residents and their visitors shall not bring into or use in the Halls any dangerous drugs as defined in Section 2 of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap. 134, Laws of Hong Kong).
| 7
| Alcoholic beverages should not be consumed or possessed in the Halls.
| 8
| Gambling is not allowed in the Halls.
| 9
| Mahjong playing is not allowed in the Halls.
| 10
| Pets are not allowed in the Halls.
Sales Activities
| 11
| Sale of any goods or services in the Halls is not allowed without prior approval of the Hall Management.
Indecent Behaviour
| 12
| Any indecent behaviour, or any behaviour which is deemed as causing undue uneasiness to others, in the Hall is prohibited.
Note: As students of the University, residents shall also observe University Standards of Conduct at all times.
| 1
| Undergraduate Halls (hereinafter referred to as the “Halls”) are part of the University Community. The University’s Standards of Conduct will therefore apply in the Halls.
| 2
| Proof of identity may be requested of any person in the Halls by staff of the Hall Management.
| 3
| It is the shared responsibility of residents to keep their room and the common bathroom clean and tidy. Trash should be properly disposed of.
| 4
| Hallways, walkways and stairs are to be kept clear of equipment, furniture, trash and any other objects as they will obstruct passage and therefore the escape routes during emergencies.
Dress Code
| 5
| Residents should be properly attired in common areas.
| 6.1
| Residents shall wash and iron their clothes in the Laundry Room and may hang them up in the Laundry Drying Yard or along the clothes hanging bars in their own bedrooms.
| Hanging of wet clothes is not advised inside washrooms.
| |
| Residents are advised to take out their washed or dried clothes from the laundry machines. The Hall Management shall not be responsible for any loss of or damage to any unattended laundry loads of the residents.
| |
Electrical Appliances
| 7.1
| Only light electrical appliances intended for grooming purposes may be used in the residents’ rooms and should be properly maintained. The Hall Management may confiscate any appliances or items which are not allowed to be brought into the Halls, or any equipment used in such a way as to disturb or endanger others.
| Residents shall make their best effort to help save energy in the Halls.
| |
| 8
| Residents should strictly observe the Copyright Ordinance inside the Halls.
Access to Internet
| 9
| Access to internet service via the University network is intended for academic purposes only.
| 10.1
| Residents shall not invite visitors to areas on or above 1/F of the Halls outside the visitation hours between 8 a.m. and 11 p.m., except for students who have successfully applied for and obtained a Guest Pass.
| Residents are required to ensure that their visitors register their names at one of the security counters at the G/F lobbies upon entry or exit.
| |
| 11
| Residents may meet with one another anytime in the lounges or common rooms of the Halls. However, to show respect for other residents' right to rest, residents shall not stay inside other residents' bedroom between 1 a.m. to 7 a.m. unless consent has been obtained from the residents of the room being visited. Both the host residents and the visiting residents shall be held responsible for any violation to this rule.
Quiet Hours
| 12.1
| The period between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. is regarded as Quiet Hours of the Halls.
| At all times, residents shall keep their noise level at a reasonable level so as not to cause nuisance to their neighbours.
| |
| During study and examination periods, Quiet Hours may be extended to 24 hours a day. Notice of such study and examination periods will be posted on the bulletin boards.
| |
Neighbourhood Watch
| 13.1
| Residents are advised to safeguard all properties of the Halls and report damages to the Hall Management promptly.
| Residents are advised to respect their roommate's right to privacy, study time and rest.
| |
| Actions or behaviours that unreasonably interfere with other residents' normal use of facilities in the Halls should be avoided.
For educational purposes and well-being of the resident community, disciplinary action against violation of Hall Rules, Terms and Conditions of Hall Residence and Residents' Code is necessary. Currently, the established disciplinary procedures are fair but quite tedious, even if the violation is minor and common. In order to shorten the disciplinary procedures for common and relatively minor violations without compromising fairness or sacrificing rigours, a demerit point scheme is introduced.
It should be noted that the demerit point scheme is NOT a replacement of Hall Disciplinary Actions, and is implemented in parallel with the established disciplinary procedures as deemed necessary by the Resident Masters.
Please note that all demerit points recorded after 1 Jan 2009 under the Demerit Points Scheme will be accumulated and taken into consideration when a student applies for hall residence again during his/her study in the University. It will result in the deduction of the overall hall admission marks by the following percentages:
All demerit points
| Percentage Deducted in Overall Hall Admission Marks
| e.g. Final marks of a student with original hall admission marks of 60
3-6 points
| 10%
| 54
7-11 points
| 20%
| 48
12-15 points
| 30%
| 42
16 or more points
| Disqualified of hall application
The Demerit Points for common violations are listed in the following table. For each violation or offence, the maximum demerit point is given. The actual number of points to be recorded will be decided based on the circumstances of each case.
The following misdeeds will lead to demerit points listed against them:
| Max. Points
| |
| Making excessive nuisance noise
| 6
| Littering in common areas
| 6
| Hanging clothes outside window(s) and/or in non-designated areas
| 6
| Unattended cooking
| 6
| Entering or leaving the Halls without valid student identity card or pass
| 8
6. | Placing personal belongings in common areas | 1st Violation: 3 2nd Violation: 6 3rd Violation: 9 |
| Change of beds without approval from the Hall Management
| 11
| Loan of door key and/or Student I.D. Card for other person’s use
| 11
| Playing and/or keeping Mahjong
| 11
| Causing fire alarm in a resident’s room
| 11
| Consume alcoholic beverage in the Halls
| 11
| Rearing pets
| 11
| Creating offensive smell and hygienic nuisance
| 11
| Resident overstaying in the room of another resident
| 16
| Illegal download/upload in the internet
| Not Applicable
| Intentionally misuse and/or causing damage to any equipment and/or facilities in the Halls
| 16
| Allowing non-residents to overstay in the Halls
| 16
| Smoke or carry a lighted cigarette
| 16
| Cooking in non-designated areas
| 16
| Throwing objects from height
| 16
Residents may lodge an appeal to the Resident Master against the demerit points recorded. The Resident Master may convene a Hall Disciplinary Panel to hear the case.
1 | Reports of Misbehaviour Which May Require Disciplinary Action |
1.1 | Any member of the University community including students, staff members of the University and service contractors in the Halls, may report to the Hall Management on any alleged violation of Terms and Conditions of Hall Residence, Residents' Codes, Hall Rules or University Standards of Conduct of a resident no later than seven (7) working days from the date of the suspected violation or from the date the violation could reasonably have been detected. |
2 | Decision to Proceed with Hearing or Not |
2.1 | The Resident Master(s) of the accused resident(s), shall determine whether the case concerning the alleged violation would entail demerit point(s), a warning and/or community service only and shall be handled by himself or herself alone or otherwise be heard by a Hall Disciplinary Panel or even be dismissed. The Resident Master may consult with the Student Housing Manager before making such a decision. The decisions shall be communicated to the complainant. |
2.2 | Any complainant who is dissatisfied with any such decision to dismiss a case may submit a written appeal to the Director of Student Affairs within one (1) week after the decision is first communicated to the complainant. |
3 | Hearing |
3.1 | If the decision is to proceed with the Hall Disciplinary Procedures, a Hall Disciplinary Panel (the “Panel”) consisting of two (2) Resident Masters, one of which should be the Resident Master of the accused resident(s), shall be constituted to initiate a hearing of the alleged violation. One of the Resident Masters will act as the Chairperson and a Resident Community Officer nominated by the Resident Master will serve as the Secretary. |
3.2 | The Secretary shall notify the accused student of the following details of the prospective hearing by the Hall Disciplinary Panel at least six (6) hours in advance: date, time and place of the hearing; and details of the alleged violation. |
3.3 | If the accused student does not attend the hearing, the hearing may be conducted in his/her absence and such absence shall not invalidate the proceedings or decision of the Hall Disciplinary Panel. |
3.4 | Hearings before the Hall Disciplinary Panel shall be conducted behind closed doors. Only the following individuals will be allowed to be present in a hearing session: (1) members and the secretary of the Hall Disciplinary Panel; (2) the complainant and/or the accused student; (3) witnesses of the complainant/accused. Witnesses will be present only at the time of their testimony and may not be permitted to hear the testimony of other witnesses. |
3.5 | The Chairperson shall have discretion on whether the identity of any person concerned shall be kept anonymous in any agenda documents, reports and evidence as well as during the hearings and meetings. The Chairperson may at his own discretion prescribe the manner under which student members including the accused student, the complainant, and other students standing as witnesses, shall participate in hearing of the Hall Disciplinary Panel. |
3.6 | A hearing is not intended as a formal judicial proceeding, and strict rule of evidence will not be followed. A hearing will follow the sequence below. At sole discretion of the Chairperson, changes may be made to accommodate unusual circumstances. |
3.7 | The complainant/accused student shall submit to the Secretary of the Hall Disciplinary Panel a list of witnesses who would provide evidence during the hearing at least four (4) hours before the hearing. |
3.8 | The Hall Disciplinary Panel may arrange hearing session with the complainant, the accused resident(s)/student(s) and/or their witnesses jointly or severally. At a hearing session, the Chairperson shall request parties concerned to state their identities. |
3.9 | During the hearing with the complainant, the complainant will be required to summarize the allegation and present any evidence in support of the charge. Members of the Hall Disciplinary Panel may question the complainant and his/her witnesses. |
3.10 | During the hearing with the accused student, the Chairperson will explain the charge to the accused student and ask for an admission or denial thereto. |
3.11 | If the student admits the charge, hearing will be terminated and the Hall Disciplinary Panel shall go on to determine the appropriate sanction in private. If the student denies the charges, hearing will be continued and the Hall Disciplinary Panel shall determine whether the charge sustains and if so, the sanction. |
3.12 | The accused student may present evidence to defend against the charge. Members of the Hall Disciplinary Panel may question the accused student and his/her witnesses. |
3.13 | The Hall Disciplinary Panel may, as it deems appropriate, arrange a session for cross-examine. During such session, the accused student may question the complainant and his/her witnesses. Likewise, the complainant may question the accused student and witnesses. All questions shall be directed through the Chairperson of the Hall Disciplinary Panel. The complainant followed by the accused student may each make a closing statement. |
4 | Executive Session |
4.1 | The Hall Disciplinary Panel will then enter into an executive session in private to determine whether the charge has been proven. The complainant, accused resident(s) /student(s) and all witnesses shall be excused. |
4.2 | The preponderance of the evidence standard of proof shall be adopted to determine if a charge is proven. Preponderance of the evidence means such evidence, when considered and compared with that opposed to it, has more convincing force to the members of the Hall Disciplinary Panel. |
4.3 | A quorum consists of all the members of the Hall Disciplinary Panel. Decisions of the Panel shall be based on the consensus of the members present. |
4.4 | Any previous violation of Terms and Conditions of Hall Residence, Residents’ Codes, Halls Rules or University’s Standards of Conduct by the accused student shall not be considered in determining whether the alleged violation was committed. |
4.5 | If the accused student is found guilty of the charge, the Hall Disciplinary Panel shall decide the disciplinary sanction to be imposed. Any previous violations of Terms and Conditions of Hall Residence, Residents' Codes, Hall Rules or Standards of Conduct of the student may be considered in arriving at a sanction. |
4.6 | Upon the conclusion of a hearing, members of the Hall Disciplinary Panel shall return to the Secretary of the Hall Disciplinary Panel all documents pertaining to the disciplinary matter. |
4.7 | At the discretion of the Chairperson, an audio verbatim of the whole proceedings of the Panel may be maintained for record. |
4.8 | Normally within four (4) working days after the conclusion of the proceedings of the Hall Disciplinary Panel, a written notification stating the findings of the Hall Disciplinary Panel and the sanction arrived at, if any, shall be sent to the accused student. The complainant shall be verbally notified of the decision of the Hall Disciplinary Panel. |
4.9 | If the accused resident(s)/ student(s) and/or the complainant is dissatisfied with the decision of the Hall Disciplinary Panel, he/she may, within three (3) working days from the date of the notification in paragraph 4.8, lodge a written appeal stating the grounds of the appeal with the Hall Appeal Panel consisting of the Director of Student Affairs as Chairman and two Resident Masters not involved in the initial hearing as members. Resident Community Officer who served as Secretary in the initial hearing will also serve as Secretary of the Hall Appeal Panel. Late appeal will normally not be accepted. The decision of the Hall Appeal Panel shall be final. |
4.10 | In case of violation of the University Standards of Conduct, the Hall Disciplinary Panel or the Hall Appeal Panel will refer the case to the Director of Student Affairs for further action including dismissal or expulsion from the University. |
5 | Suspension from the Halls |
5.1 | Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 4.8 and pending the decisions of the Hall Disciplinary Panel or under Police investigation, a Resident Master may, where he/she is satisfied that a student being accused of a charge, poses (a) a danger to the safety of other members of the Halls, (b) an ongoing threat of disrupting the proper functioning of the Halls, or (c) a negative impact to the hall community, upon approval of the Director of Student Affairs, temporarily suspend a resident/student and/or deny the resident's/student's access to any facility or the entire premises of the Halls until further notice. |
5.2 | When sixteen (16) or more demerit points are incurred by a resident within a period of 12 months, a Hall Disciplinary Panel will be set up to review and confirm if the resident should be suspended from hall residence, and if so, the length of suspension. |
6 | Appeal Against the Decision of the Hall Disciplinary Panel to Hall Appeal Panel |
6.1 | An appeal shall be limited to review of the initial hearing and supporting documents for one or more of the following reasons: (a) To determine whether the original hearing was conducted fairly in light of the alleged violation and evidence presented, and in conformity with the Hall Disciplinary Procedures giving all parties a reasonable opportunity to prepare and present evidence. (b) To determine whether preponderance of the evidence standard of proof is followed. (c) To determine whether the sanction imposed was appropriate for the charge. (d) To consider those new evidence or facts not brought out in the original hearing, sufficient to alter a decision, which were not known to the person appealing at the time of the original hearing. |
6.2 | If the Hall Appeal Panel is satisfied that new evidence or newly discovered facts are admissible and could have altered the decision of the Hall Disciplinary Panel, the matter may be remanded to the Hall Disciplinary Panel for reopening of the hearing. |
6.3 | The Hall Appeal Panel may confirm or modify the decision of the Hall Disciplinary Panel and/or may uphold, reduce/increase the sanction or suspend the sanction. |
6.4 | At any time after a notice of appeal is served, an appellant may abandon the appeal by serving the Director of Student Affairs a notice to that effect as soon as possible. In that case, the appeal shall be deemed to have been dismissed. |
6.5 | The decision of the Hall Appeal Panel shall be communicated to the appellant in writing normally within seven (7) working days after the date of the relevant meeting. |
7 | Records of the Disciplinary Matter and Penalty |
7.1 | Papers, other materials and Notices of Sanctions relating to a disciplinary matter shall be kept by the Student Accommodation Section as long as the accused student remains as a registered student of the current undergraduate/postgraduate course of study of the University. |
Residence Life is an integral part of Whole Person Education. Through the daily interaction with people from different backgrounds, residents can develop different kinds of life skills, including the skills to understand, respect and resolve differences. To maintain the living environment for the comfort of all residents, residents should observe the guidelines on sound generation on domestic floors:
Guidelines on Resident Grievance related to Sound Level
The Undergraduate Halls encourages frank and constructive dialogue between parties of different views to resolve conflicts and disputes. On cases related to grievances on sound level at the Undergraduate Halls, students should first try to resolve their grievances through discussion with the person who is most closely concerned with the subject matter. Apologies and possible redress could help settle the grievances.
However, in the event that a preferred mode of informal resolution fails, residents may make his/ her grievances heard by approaching the Hall Tutor. Or when necessary, residents may approach their respective Resident Community Officer for guidance. As for grievances related to noise or excessive nuisance in the Undergraduate Halls which could not be resolved with the help of the Hall Tutor, residents may submit their grievances through an online form HERE.
Resident Community Officer would follow up on the complaints received, and would call for a disciplinary panel when deemed necessary. Shall the accused resident be found guilty of the charge, the panel shall issue disciplinary warning, impose demerit point(s) or other additional penalties as determine appropriate by the panel.
The University is committed to the active pursuit of equal opportunity in all areas of its operation. Discrimination and harassment on the grounds of sex, pregnancy, marital status, disability, family circumstances and race are unlawful and will not be tolerated. For details, please refer to the website of Campus Life & Support Section. You may also refer to this leaflet on the prevention of sexual harassment.