Overview of Undergraduate Halls
Hall Facilities
Residence Services
Hall Fees and Payment
Check-in Procedures
Check-out Procedures
Summer Residence for Students
Hall Awards
Rules & Regulations
Apply for UG Accommodation
Check-out Date and Time (First Semester 2023/24)


Type of Students
Check-out Time
Check-out Location
Exchange Students /
Local and Non-local Students
Before 12 noon on
22 Dec 2023 (Fri)
G4 Service Counter
(opposite to entrance of South Tower)
24-hour Security Counter
(located at lobby of South Tower)


Note: Residents should check out before 12 noon on their latest check-out date. An email on “Check-out Procedures” will also be sent to residents in due course.

Please note the following important update!!

A resident is considered as “checked out” by completing the following 4 components:

  1. Complete room inspection
  2. Vacate the room before check-out
  3. Leave the room and the Undergraduate Halls (exiting through the turnstile)
  4. Return the door key card, washroom key, mailbox key and bicycle parking permit (if any) with the signed check-out envelope on or before the check-out date

Residents who fail to complete paragraph a) to d) will be considered late check-out.

Residents who check out late from the Halls after the latest check-out time will be recorded 16 demerit points and disqualified for hall application with immediate effect until graduationA late check-out penalty of $600 will be charged per day after 12noon on 22 Dec 2023 and after 12noon on the following days of each late check-out day until the check-out procedures are completed.  The Hall Management reserves the right to refer the late check-out cases to the University Disciplinary Panel for further handling.


Room Inspection (Please note the update!)
  1. The room inspection would be arranged after your check-out by the staff of Undergraduate Halls. Restitution charges for damage or loss in the room would be levied according to the result of the room inspection before the room cleaning. You are strongly advised to close the door when you check out of the hall.

Refund of Caution Money
  1. Update your bank account information timely in BUniPort. How?

  2. Caution Money will be refunded to your designated HK bank account via autopay within 3 months after your check-out.

  3. Further to the announcement by the Finance Office of “Paperless Electronic Payments to Students”, with effect from 1 February 2023, electronic payment has been the ONLY payment method for making payments to students (mainly via autopay). Please register/update your bank account information in the BUniPort no later than 4 Dec 2023. Refund of Caution Money will not be further processed and eventually forfeited if students fail to provide a valid Hong Kong bank account in BUniPort to the Finance Office.
  • Restitution charge, if any, will be deducted from Caution Money.

  • Caution Money may be fully forfeited if your check-out procedures are not complete

  1. Put your Door Key Card, Washroom Key and Mailbox Key in the check-out envelope.

  2. Return it to the G4 Service Counter, OR Security booth after office hours

* Caution Money may be fully forfeited if your check-out procedures are not complete

Room Inspection

You may login to BUniPort > U-Life > Hall Residence > Check out Room Inspection Confirmation to view your assigned timeslot for room inspection.


  • If you are not available for the assigned time slot, you may come to G4 Service Counter during office hours to arrange for an alternative time slot.
  • For early check out, please make an appointment with G4 Service Counter in-person

Room Inspection
  1. Stay in your Room during the Room Inspection period.

  2. Check, complete and sign on the inspection form after room inspection.

  3. Complete the room inspection before you check out.

* If you are not present during the room inspection, representative of the Undergraduate Halls will inspect your room (witnessed by  Resident Tutor / Hall Tutor / staff of Undergraduate Halls) as planned and you have to come to G4 Service Counter to sign the inspection form afterwards.

Refund of Caution Money
  1. Go to the G4 Service Counter during Office Hours after the Room Inspection has been conducted.

  2. Return Washroom Key, Mailbox Key and Bicycle Permit (if any) after Room Inspection but before check-out during Office Hours of the G4 Service Counter.

  3. Collect Caution Money in cash in-person.

  4. A Check-out Envelope will be given for putting your Door Key Card and return it to us when you leave. 

  • Restitution charges, if any, will be deducted from Caution Money.

  • Caution Money may be fully forfeited if your check-out procedures are not complete or if you fail to collect the amount during Office Hours of the G4 Service Counter before check-out.

  1. Put your Door Key Card in the Check-out Envelope provided.

  2. Return it to the G4 Service Counter, OR Security booth after Office Hours

*  Caution Money may be fully forfeited if your check-out procedures are not complete or if  you fail to collect the amount during Office Hours of the G4 Service Counter before check-out.

Early Check-out
Please come to G4 service counter to proceed the check-out procedures one week before your check-out date.
Letter in Mailbox
Please remember to check and clear your mailbox before returning the keys. All uncollected mails will be returned to the Post Office
Return of bicycle parking permit (if any)Return it together with the washroom key and mailbox key.
Clear your Bed Space before Returning Keys
The access right of your student card to the hall will be voided immediately after check-out. Please make sure you have cleared your bed space and closed the window and the room door before returning the keys
Clearance of belongings
You should clear all your personal belongings, unused items, rubbishes and food in the mini-fridge before check-out. Anything left behind in the room will be consficated and handled by the Hall Management. The residents will be subject to a clearance fee at $100 per garbage bag. Neither the hall management nor the cleaners would be responsible for any loss or damage of personal properties in such case.
Key Loss penalty
Door card ($50), Washroom key ($100), Mailbox key ($30)
Late Check-out Penalty
Late check-out penalty of $600/day will be levied on you if you return the “Check-out Envelope” late (it counts as one day after 12 noon).  The penalty is not meant an approval to stay after check-out date.
16 demerit points will be recorded as well and the Hall Management reserves the right to refer the late check-out cases to the University Disciplinary Panel for further handling.
Claiming back Personal Belongings
In the event of claiming back any personal belongings before disposal, an administrative fee of $200 will be charged per batch.