All full-time UGC-funded UG students are eligible for on-campus housing in accordance with the Housing Policy.
Students must possess a student status of “Normal Study” as defined by the Academic Registry during the stay in the University Accommodation. You may check your student status in BUniPort > Profile > Personal Particulars & Study Record. Students who cease to be classified as “Normal Study” (e.g. taking an internship, suspension of study or leave of absence) will no longer be eligible for University Accommodation and will be required to check out of the Halls.
Please read the General Information carefully and thoroughly before you submit your hall application.
Successful Hall applicants for the Residential Year of 2023/24 are to be offered Hall places for the period below:
30 August 2023 to 16 May 2024, both nights inclusive
Requests for early check-in or late check-out will NOT be considered.
Hall Offer will be recovered for students who fail to pay the Hall fees on time or check in within 7 days from the first day of the Hall offer period, and they will be deemed to have already stayed in the Halls during the offer period in their future Hall applications.
Application and Payment Period : 17 (3pm) - 19 August 2023 (HK Time)
Late application and/or late payment will NOT be accepted!
Eligible students should submit Student Residence applications HERE. Change of Student Residence application information is allowed before the application deadline.
An acknowledgement email will be sent to you shortly after you have successfully submitted or edited the Student Residence application. If you do not receive the acknowledgment email, please contact the Student Accommodation Section as soon as possible.
You may also view the Student Residence application procedures at the Application Flow Chart.
Payment of Hall Fees
After you have submitted the Hall application, a debit note of Hall Deposit will be posted to your Hall Application page. Click HERE for details.
Read the debit note and follow the payment instruction to settle the Hall Deposit before the payment due date.
For successful applicants, another debit note for the lodging fee will be posted in the BUniPort for payment shortly. Please settle the lodging fee payment by the prescribed deadline, otherwise, the hall place offered to you will be recovered and the Hall Deposit paid will be forfeited. The Hall Deposit paid during the application period will be converted to one’s Caution Money for their period of residence.
For waitlisted and unsuccessful applicants, refund of Hall Deposit (if applicable) will be arranged only via autopay to the Hong Kong bank account as you provided in the BUniPort. You are responsible to ensure the bank account information is correct. Failure to do so by the stated deadline (i.e. 15 September 2023) will result in forfeiture of Hall Deposit. User guide on how to update bank account information is available HERE.
Payment of Hall Deposit after the payment due date will NOT be accepted.
Types of Hall Marks | Marks |
0 – 40
Student Residence application result will be announced via email notification on 23 Aug 2024, 5pm. Successful student residence applicants should view their student residence allocation and room type assignment HERE. Room assignments are made by individual Student Residence and the results will be announced HERE in due course.
Student Residence applicants who are not successful in the Student Residence Application but have any special circumstances that wish to be considered for a hostel place are required to submit an online Student Residence Appeal Application with supporting documents HERE by 29 August 2024, 5pm.
All personal data collected and retained will be used for processing applications, statistical analysis, management of student residence including the enforcement of all its related rules, promotion of activities and notifications, contacting residents and their parents/guardian in case of emergency and such other purposes permissible under the Privacy Policy Statement and Personal Information Collection Statement of the University. Please click HERE for details. You have the right to access to or correct your personal data kept by the University by logging into the University Cyber Port System (BUniPort) and contacting the relevant Departmental Personal Data Privacy Manager.