Overview of Dr. Ng Tor Tai International House
Features of Dr. Ng Tor Tai International House
Fees & Payment
Check-in Procedures
Check-out Procedures
Summer Residence for Students
Residents' Safety and Health
Rules and Regulations
Apply for PG Accommodation
Check-in Date & Time

Earliest Check-in Date
10-month Package: 26 August 2024 (Monday)
Check-in LocationG/F Reception, Dr. Ng Tor Tai International House
Check-in Time 
Office hours: Mondays to Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 
(Sundays & Public Holidays: Closed) 
After office hours: Please contact security at the G/F lobby for check-in


  1. Requests for early check-in are generally not considered. Residents should plan for their accommodation if they arrive before the earliest check-in date.
  2. Even when typhoon signal No. 8 or Black Rainstorm Warning is hoisted, you can continue your trips to NTTIH. We will arrange the check-in procedures with you. For any emergency, please call us at (852) 2301 2301. 


Check-in Procedures

Check in procedure_on web-01 Check in procedure_on web-01


Important Notes

Living Tips


To know more about the living tips in NTTIH? Please click here.

Transportation to NTTIH


There are different means of transportation going to NTTIH. For details, please click here.

Luggage and Parcels


NTTIH will NOT provide any storage for students' luggage and parcels. Please do NOT send your luggage and parcels to NTTIH before you arrive at NTTIH as no one will receive the luggage and parcels on your behalf. Otherwise, a penalty may be charged.

Provision of
In-room Amenities


You will be provided with basic bedding including a pillow, pillow case and bed sheet. Yet, you should bring your blanket, daily use apparel and items. For details of the in-room amenities of NTTIH, please click here.

You should keep your valuables locked and do NOT leave any valuable items unattended. You should also lock the door whenever you leave your room.

Internet Connection


For connection of wired and wireless internet, please refer to the below guidelines:

Wired internet (Setup Guide)

Wireless internet (Wi-Fi Setup Guide)

Reporting Defects

To report defects, please submit an online form (HERE). For defect which requires immediate attention, please call the G/F Reception at Ext."0" or 2301-2301.

Room Cards


- Present your room card upon entering and exiting from the House.

- Do NOT loan your room card to anyone else.

- If the room card is lost, you should report to the G/F Reception immediately.

- Re-issuance of room card will be charged at HK$100.

Visitation Hours

Residents can invite visitor(s) during the visitation hours from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. NO visitors can stay in NTT outside the visitation hours.

Bulk Items

Bringing any bulk items with any sides longer than 1 metre is NOT allowed in NTT.