An email of check-out procedures will be sent to residents one month before the end of their residence. They should fill in the online check-out notification form to inform our office of their check-out dates in advance.
Latest Check-out Date* | Last day of the student's committed accommodation period
Latest Check-out Time*
| 3:00 p.m. |
Check-out Venue
| 1. Student room (for room inspection)
2. G/F Reception of Dr. Ng Tor Tai International House (for returning of keys, room card & Move-out Record)
*Check-out procedures should be conducted during office hours (i.e. Mondays to Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.). If you would like to check out during non-office hours, please send email to to make a special appointment at least 3 working days before your check-out date.
On the check-out day, residents should complete the below check-out procedures which normally takes around 30 minutes:
* For our processing of refund of caution money, students must input their up-to-date Hong Kong bank account details timely through the “Profile -> My Profile -> Study Record & Personal Particulars” under the BUniPort. To facilitate your completion of the bank account details at BUniPort, please refer to below step-by-step instruction or click HERE for a short demo.
Residents must read carefully the below important notes and strictly follow the check-out instructions:
Late Check-out Penalty | You must check out by 3:00 p.m. of the last day of your committed accommodation period, or a late penalty will be levied. An extra daily accommodation fee for extra night(s) staying in NTTIH will also be charged. (i.e. $300/day/person + extra daily accommodation fee) |
Check out by Representative(s) | If you are unable to proceed to the check-out procedures by yourself, you should provide us with details of your authorized representative on the Online Check-out Notification Form. |
Clearance of Belongings | You must remove all personal belongings, unused items and rubbish in your room and put all the rubbish into rubbish bins and the plastic bags provided by NTTIH. A room cleaning fee of HK$500 will be charged if you fail to clear the rubbish and reinstate all the furniture back to the original position. *NTTIH will dispose of any personal properties found in the room after your moving-out and shall not be held liable for any loss of or damage to such property. Please make sure you have cleared your bed space area and packed your luggage; otherwise, our staff will not go through the check-out procedure with you. |
Luggage Storage | NTTIH will not provide any luggage storage. You should make necessary luggage arrangement prior to your departure. |
Letters in Mailbox | You should check and clear your mailbox before returning the keys. All uncollected mails will be returned to the Post Office. You should also update your mailing address to the parties concerned before departure (e.g. the Graduate School, your bank). |
Return of Room Card | After completion of the check-out procedure, you are not allowed to stay inside the room and your room card will be voided immediately after check-out. |
Penalty of Loss of Keys | Room card (HK$100), Writing desk drawer key (HK$50), Mailbox key (HK$50) |
Compensation for Damage/Loss of Properties | NTTIH will deduct any compensation for damage / loss of properties and / or penalty for beach of rules from the caution money. For damage / loss which is unable to be identified, both you and your roommate have to be charged equally according to the NTTIH’s compensation list stipulated in the Residence Handbook. |