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Tuition Fee Deferral


Students who have proven financial difficulties and cannot settle tuition fee on time may apply for deferral of tuition fee payment before the payment due date.


There are several ways to apply for tuition fee deferral. Application should be made according to your conditions as below:

(1) Online Application.

Full-time undergraduate students (UGC-funded and BCOM ACCT) who are awaiting the results of the Government financial assistance schemes should apply for online deferral before tuition payment due date. Please carefully read the notes and instructions provided by the Finance Office of the University.

(2) Manual Application

Full-time undergraduate students (UGC-funded and BCOM ACCT) who are awaiting the results of the Government financial assistance schemes but fail to apply for deferral online for whatsoever reasons should go through a manual application. For details, please refer to the instructions of the Finance Office of the University.

(3) Special Application for Students with Emergency Needs

Full-time UGC-funded undergraduate students who do not satisfy the criteria as described above but need to apply for special consideration for deferral of tuition fee on financial difficulty grounds are required to complete an application form “Application for Deferral of Tuition Payment for Students with Emergency Needs (UGC-funded Undergraduate Programmes)". The completed form with relevant supporting documents should be submitted to the Office of Student Affairs for special approval at least THREE working days before the deadline of tuition payment due date. Please note that partial or late submissions may not be considered.

Students from BCOM ACCT should consult your academic department for tuition fee deferral if you fail to apply for fee deferral online.

Postgraduates students should refer to the instructions of the Finance Office of the University for tuition fee deferral.