Financial Aid

All applications for Government financial assistance schemes are vetted by the Student Finance Office (SFO) under the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA), HKSAR Government, and all the financial assistance provided is from public fund.

The schemes for tertiary students our Unit handles include:



Eligibility of individual student for specific financial assistance scheme is subject to SFO's consideration. In general, the schemes are applicable to local students (students staying in Hong Kong holding student visas are NOT eligible) in different study modes / funding sources as follows:

  • Full-time publicly-funded (UGC-funded) programmes: TSFS / NLSFT *
  • Full-time self-financing undergraduate or sub-degree programmes listed in the course coding sheet (student's age above 30): NLSPS (Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students)*
  • Full-time self-financing undergraduate or sub-degree programmes listed in the course coding sheet (student's age at or below 30): NLSPS / FASP (Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students) *
  • Other self-financing and part-time programmes: ENLS **
SFA_GL_diagram SFA_GL_diagram

* Local students who have the right of abode in Hong Kong or have resided or have had your home in Hong Kong continuously for three complete years prior to the commencement of the study programme/course.
** Local students who have the right of abode in Hong Kong (an alphabet “A” should be shown on the front side of your Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card) or have resided or have had your home in Hong Kong continuously for three complete years immediately prior to the commencement of the programme/course


Tertiary Student Finance Scheme – Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS) and Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Full-time Tertiary Students (NLSFT)​:

2024/25 Application [for UGC-funded full-time local students only]

Chinese version 中文版

Full-time UGC-funded local students may apply for both or either of these two schemes.  If you apply for TSFS only, you will be informed of the NLSFT loan amount you are entitled simultaneously in your TSFS notification of result. That is, when you make a TSFS application, an NLSFT application will be automatically created for you. Therefore, it is not necessary for you to separately submit TSFS and NLSFT applications. If you wish to apply for and be offered with the NLSFT loan earlier, you may consider submitting an NLSFT application separately (that is, you can still separately submit both TSFS and NLSFT applications and normally you should be advised of the NLSFT result earlier due to the non-means-tested nature). However, before you decide which scheme(s) to apply, please pay attention to the maximum assistance level and the interests of different loans.  For details of the two schemes, please read the Guidance Notes and website of the Government Student Finance Office (SFO).

Tertiary Student Finance Scheme Publicly-funded Programmes
Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Full-time Tertiary Students

Grant (no repayment) +

Living expenses loan (need repayment after graduation)

Tuition fee loan (need repayment after graduation)

Living expenses loan: Interest at a rate of 1% per annum shall be charged on the loan borrowed from the commencement date of the loan Repayment Period

Interest is accrued at the prevailing NLS interest rate upon loan drawdown and throughout the study period until the loan is repaid in full

Tertiary Student Finance Scheme: Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS) [means-tested]: 

Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Full-time Tertiary Students (NLSFT):

Please select a category below for further information:

Application Period and Deadline

Applicable to both TSFS and NLSFT in 2024/25

Continuing students:

  • Application period: start from 18 April 2024
  • Deadline (online application): 17 May 2024

New students (2024/25 intake, admitted in September 2024):

  • Application period: start from August 2024
  • Deadline (online application): 27 September 2024 
Notes to all applicants:
  1. Applicants need to submit relevant supporting documents online, by post or in person within 7 calendar days after submitting online application. Please read the details in “Application Procedure”.
  2. Please select the correct Application Form to fill in and you are eligible to apply for 2 schemes only:
    1. Tertiary Student Finance Scheme – Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS) [means-tested]
    2. Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Full-time Tertiary Students (NLSFT)
  3. Please input your 8-digit Student Number correctly on the form(s).
  4. Note to students who will promote to Year 2 in 2024/25 but do not know your major yet:
    Please fill in the programme name and code of the major you expect to study in Year 2. Our Unit will report your major programme name and code to the Government SFO once the information is confirmed by our Academic Registry in around July/August.
  5. TSFS:
    1. Applicants must fill in the actual annual income (not monthly income) during 1 Apr 2023 to 31 Mar 2024 (whole year) and the actual amount of each item of assets on the online application form. You should not input an approximate amount. Therefore, before you fill in the online application, please refer to the TSFS Checklist on Documentary Proofs Required and gather all necessary information first in order to fill in the correct details. Information and/or documents that are not submitted in the first place and are then reported/provided upon the Government SFO's enquiry will be treated as misrepresentation and/or omission. This may result in rejection of application. If you have ever received any warning letters from the Government SFO regarding misrepresentation and/or omission of your previous applications, further misrepresentation and/or omission may cause rejection of application, refund of all or part of the financial assistance received and/or prosecution.
    2. If there are missing bank records (e.g. with remarks “Net Back Items” / “CBC” printed on the bank passbook or missing pages of bank statements ), please request the bank to re-issue the records as soon as possible.
    3. All saving- or investment-linked insurance policies have to be reported as well.
    4. Please click here for TSFS Checklist on Documents Required for CSSA (Comprehensive Social Security Assistance) families
    5. Items of unavailable documents upon submission should be listed in Step 12 in the box of “Information / Supporting Document(s) Not Yet Available” on the online application form, stating the reason(s) for the delay and when the documents will be available. Applicants should take the initiative to submit all relevant documents to the Government SFO without further request. Information and/or documents that are not submitted in the first place and are then reported/provided upon the Government SFO's enquiry will be treated as misrepresentation and/or omission. This may result in rejection of application.
    6. All documents submitted after the submission of an application (i.e. you have submitted an online application and have submitted supporting documents once) are “supplementary information”. You, as an applicant, have the responsibility to make sure all supporting documents for your application, regardless of being supplementary or not, are complete and true without further request. If you need to submit any supplementary information/documentary proofs, please complete this “Provision of Supplementary Information/Documentary Proofs” Form, and submit it with your documents to the address printed on it.
  6. NLSFT:
    1. Applicants must pay the administrative fee of HK$296 when you apply for NLSFT. Applicants need to upload a copy of the transaction advice of the paid admin fee at Step 5 of the application form in order to proceed to submit the NLSFT online application. After the submission of online application, applicants need to submit other supporting documents within 7 calendar days [please refer to the NLSFT Checklist of Supporting Documents]. You are required to keep the original copy properly as you may be required to provide the original copy of the admin fee payment proof upon the Government SFO's request.
    2. The admin fee payment can ONLY be settled by ATM to SFO's HSBC accountby cash at a physical HSBC branchby FPS or by credit card (only Visa, MasterCard, China UnionPay and JCB are accepted)Payment through online transfer, by cheque or PPS is NOT accepted. For details, please refer to the Points to Note for Paying Administrative Fee.
    3. Please input your correct bank account number on BUniPort (bank account solely under your name). If you settle part or all of your tuition fee before the University receive your NLSFT loan of the same academic year (Acceptance Fee of new students consists a part of the tuition fee), the Finance Office (FO) of our University will deposit the relevant amount of your NLSFT loan in the bank account registered on BUniPort when your NLSFT loan arrives. Omission or incorrectness of your bank account information on BUniPort will delay such payment to you. Please visit the Finance Office website for the instructions on how to input bank account information on BUniPort.
  7. Please note that the server will be very busy close to the deadline for online application. To avoid delay or problems, you are strongly recommended to submit your application as early as possible.
  8. All applications submitted after the deadline are regarded as late applications. According to the Government SFO, late applications will not be accepted save in exceptional circumstances (including overseas exchange / internship) and accompanied with sound explanation. Students who cannot submit an application on time due to overseas exchange programme or internship, please submit a “late application” as soon as you have come back to HK. Please refer to "Late Application" part for details.
  9. If you have a sibling residing with you and he/she is going to submit an application for TSFS, NLSFT, FASP and/or NLSPS but not studying in HKBU, you and your sibling should submit the application/supporting documents according to the instructions of your own institutions separately.
  10. To safeguard private information of yours and your family’s, you are recommended to submit your documents in person if you need to submit any hard copy of them .
  11. Please check your HKBU student email and this website regularly for up-to-date information.
  12. Please pay attention to the tuition fee due dates every year (2 instalments every year). Debit note will be available on BUniPort 2 weeks before the payment due date. Please visit the following websites for tuition fee payment details.
    HKBU Finance Office:
    HKBU Academic Registry: (Dates of tuition fee payment are printed on Academic Calendar)

Application Procedure
Step 1Step 2
Complete online applicationSubmit supporting documents within 7 calendar days (by either 1 of the 3 methods)
[You do NOT need to submit a printout of the application form, unless you need to make amendments to your submitted online application.]


Step 1:

Complete online application here:


  1. Creation and log-in of MyGovHK and/or iAM Smart accounts is required. Please follow the instructions guiding you through in the online application webpage.
  2. Please read the Guidance Notes. Captured screen images showing you how to fill in the form are available.
    TSFS Guidance Notes:
    NLSFT Guidance Notes:
  3. If you encounter any problem during the process of filling in or submitting your online applicationplease check the “Online Demonstration”, “Guidance Notes” and the relevant “FAQ” first.  If you have further queries, please click “Help Desk” next to the online form and contact the Government SFO by calling the number of the respective schemes during office hours.

Step 2:

Submit the declaration and the required supporting documents within 7 calendar days after submitting your online application. [You do NOT need to submit a printout of the application form, unless you need to make amendments to your submitted online application.]

Please choose either ONE of the following three ways to submit supporting documents.

Method 1Method 2Method 3

Online upload

[Note the upload limit]

By post / in person to
Government SFO

[MUST put the documents into an envelope, seal it and write your name, scheme name & application no. on the envelope.]


Drop-in box @ HKBU (during opening hours)
At the counter of Scholarship & Financial Aid Unit (WLB 401)

[The drop-in box will be available @HKBU from 2024.05.03 to 2024.05.30. The documents will be picked up by the Government SFO to handle in the morning on the following days during the aforesaid period: 10/5, 17/5, 24/5, 31/5. Please use Method 1 or Method 2 to submit the documents directly to the Government SFO beyond the period or if the dates cannot meet your 7-day document submission deadline.]

[Do NOT drop in any application from other instutuitions.]

[MUST put the documents into an envelope, seal it and write your name, scheme name & application no. on the envelope.]



  1. Choose ONE method ONLY to submit ALL your documents in one go.
  2. NO checking will be performed by staff for any of these document submission methods. All items of documents are listed clearly on the Checklist on Documentary Proofs Required [ TSFS / NLSFT ] . Applicants have the responsibility to refer to the Checklist and ensure ALL relevant documents being submitted are true and complete



(applicable to both TSFS and NLSFT)

File format:

Total upload limit:
TSFS: 40MB (around 100 black and white A4 pages)
NLSFT: 40MB (around 100 black and white A4 pages)

1. Before uploading, check the total file size of your supporting documents.
2. If the total file size of your supporting documents is larger than the above upload limit, DO NOT use this method! Use Method 2 or 3 below. Please use ONE method only to submit all your supporting documents in one go.

- Use scanner. Do NOT submit photographs of declarations and documents.
- Scan one image only on one page in its original size.
- If you need to highlight anything on the documents, circle or underline them with a pen. Do NOT use highlighter.
- If you upload a few documents but subsequently decide to submit the documents by mail or by hand instead and click the radio button “By Mail or through the SFO Drop-in Boxes” and select “Submit”, the uploaded and saved documents will be deleted.  Retrieval of the deleted documents is not possible.



[You are NOT recommended to deliver your documents by post. If you do, you have to bear the risk of mail loss.]

[MUST put the documents into an envelope, seal it and write your name, scheme name and application reference no. on the envelope]
[Documents MUST include the signed declaration(s) and Reply Slip (i.e. in the pdf file you can download in Step 14 of the online application)]

TSFS [By post or by hand (drop-in box)]:
Student Finance Office
Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency
12/F, One Mong Kok Road Commercial Centre,
1 Mong Kok Road, Kowloon
(Attn: Applications Team (TSFS))

NLSFT [By post]:
Student Finance Office
Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency
Room 1204, 12/F, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices
303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon

NLSFT [By hand (drop-in box)]:
Student Finance Office
Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency
Reception Hall at 11/F OR G/F,
Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices
303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon

During Office hours (11/F):
8:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. from Monday to Friday; closed on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays
(If you will visit outside office hours, please enter the Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices through the side entrance near the security counter and drop the documents into the SFO drop-in box on the G/F lift lobby.)


Method 3: DROP-IN BOX @ HKBU
(applicable to both TSFS and NLSFT)

[MUST put the documents into an envelope and write your name, scheme name and application reference no. on the envelope]
[Documents MUST include the signed declaration(s) and Reply Slip (i.e. in the pdf file you can download in Step 14 of the online application)]
[Do NOT drop in any application from other institutions]

The drop-in box will be available @HKBU, at the counter of Scholarship & Financial Aid Unit (WLB 401), from 2024.09.13 to 2024.10.09 during opening hours. Please use Method 1 or Method 2 to submit documents directly to the Government SFO beyond the period or if the dates cannot meet your 7-day document submission deadline.

Scholarships & Financial Aid Unit
Office of Student Affairs
Hong Kong Baptist University
WLB401, Level 4,
The Wing Lung Bank Building for Business Studies,
Shaw Campus

The documents will be picked up by the Government SFO to handle in the morning on the following days during the aforesaid period:
20/9, 27/9, 04/10, 10/10*
(* subject to change without further notice)

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday – 9:00am to 1:00pm and 2:00pm to 5:30pm
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays – Closed

Late Application

Applicable to both TSFS and NLSFT

Applicable to students who cannot submit an application on time due to overseas exchange / internship or reasons that are sound and justifiable.

TSFS and NLSFT application procedures include the submission of both the online application form and required supporting documents. Submission of online application form only without supporting documents will not be considered as a complete application. No matter when you submit your TSFS or NLSFT online application, you have to submit the required documents within 7 calendar days from the date of submission of online applicationAs stipulated by the Government SFO, applications received after the deadline will not be accepted save in exceptional circumstances (including overseas exchange or internship) and are accompanied with sound explanation. Submitting required documents over 7 days after submitting the online application is NOT a late application, but an incomplete application. The Government SFO cannot process online applications without documents. This kind of incomplete applications may be withdrawn by the Government SFO if they receive no relevant documents for a certain period of time.

If you cannot submit your TSFS/NLSFT 2024/25 application before the deadline due to your current overseas exchange or internship, we have the following recommendations for you.

TSFS applicants:
When you are back in HK, submit your application (online form + documents) as soon as possible. Before you come back, please ask your family members to prepare the documents needed for your TSFS application first.

NLSFT applicant:
When you are back in HK, submit your application (online form + documents) as soon as possible.

Procedures for submitting a late application:

  1. Submit your late application as soon as possible, but no later than 24 Aug 2024, by following the same Application Procedure.
  2. Write your reason(s) for late application in “Additional Information” (Step 12 for TSFS / Step 4 for NLSFT) in the online application.
  • The arrangements and methods of document submission may be revised after the application deadline. For late application, please visit this website before you submit your application, to obtain the up-to-date information.
  • According to the Government SFO: Late submission of your application will delay the processing of your application. Therefore, please submit your application as early as possible.

Maximum Grant and Loan

Tertiary Student Finance Scheme – Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS)

The maximum grant for a student is equal to the tuition fee payable in the academic year and the academic expenses for his/her course whilst the maximum loan for living expenses is the same for all students.

I. Academic Expenses Grant (2023/24)

Discipline of StudiesApproved Academic Expenses for 2023/24 (HK$)
(1) Arts12,970
(2) Social Science10,710
(3) Science9,350
(4) Medicine22190
(5) Business Administration10,560
(6) Engineering10,180
(7) Architecture41,890
(8) Building & Surveying14,590
(9) Law16,770
(10) Education8,660
(11) Fine Arts/Design42,440
(12) Music31,840
(13) Dentistry20,570
(14) Textile & Clothing12,390
(15) Hospitality Management Management10,490
(16) Speech & Hearing Science15,860


Note: The above rates are applicable to undergraduates and below. The rates for postgraduates are 28% higher than that for undergraduates pursuing the same discipline.

II. Maximum TSFS Loan (2023/24) = $57,340

III. Maximum limit of deductible medical expenses per family member who is chronically ill or permanently disabled for 2023/24 application is $22,790.


Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Full-time Tertiary Students (NLSFT)

The maximum NLSFT loan a student is offered equals to the tuition fee payable in the academic year.

Disbursement of Instalment of Financial Assistance

Please click here for details (for academic year 2023-24).

  1. Is e-submission (online application) the only way to apply for TSFS/NLSFT?
  2. Near the end of the application process, which method of signing the declarations should I choose, “Sign on Paper” or “Sign with Digital Certificate”?
    “Digital Certificate” is an e-Cert for Smart ID Card which is a type of recognised digital certificate issued by the Hongkong Post Certification Authority. There is an application charge and it vouches for the identity of the certificate holder.
    If you and your parent(s) have not applied for the e-Cert through Hongkong Post, please select “Sign on Paper”, print out the declarations and sign on them with pen. If you submit your supporting documents by uploading them online, please scan the signed declarations and upload the scanned copy.
  3. (TSFS) I have submitted supporting documents for my application once but the supporting documents submitted are not complete. What should I do next?

    Items of unavailable documents upon submission should be listed in Step 12 in the box of “Information / Supporting Document(s) Not Yet Available” on the online application form, stating the reason(s) for the delay and when the documents will be available. Applicants should take the initiative to submit all relevant documents to the Government SFO without further request. Information and/or documents that are not submitted in the first place and are then reported/provided upon the Government SFO's enquiry will be treated as misrepresentation and/or omission. This may result in rejection of application.

    All documents submitted after the submission of an application (i.e. you have submitted an online application and have submitted supporting documents once) are “supplementary information”. You, as an applicant, have the responsibility to make sure all supporting documents for your application, regardless of being supplementary or not, are complete and true without further request. If you have ever received any warning letters from the Government SFO regarding misrepresentation and/or omission of your previous applications, further misrepresentation and/or omission may cause rejection of application, refund all or part of the financial assistance received and/or prosecution.
    If you need to submit any supplementary information/documentary proofs, please complete this “Provision of Supplementary Information/Documentary Proofs” Form, and submit it with your documents to the address printed on it.

  4. Can I apply for Student Travel Subsidy only?
    No.  You have to apply for Student Travel Subsidy through the application of TSFS or FASP (applicable to students studying self-financing programmes).
  5. Can I apply for Student Travel Subsidy through NLSFT?
  6. How can I apply for Student Travel Subsidy?

    When you select the form TSFS, you also have to select whether you would like to apply for Student Travel Subsidy (STS) or not. If you fail to select STS on the form selection page, you need to fill in the Re-application for STS form (TSFS/STS/18C) and submit it to the Government SFO separately.

  7. Do I need to submit the information of Loan Guarantor when I submit my application?
    No. You are only making an application of financial assistance to the Government at this stage. After the vetting procedure of your application is completed, you will receive a Letter of Notification of Result from the Government SFO. Please then follow the instructions printed on the Letter to accept/reject the loans offered (including the submission of the information of Loan Guarantor).
  8. I have successfully applied for TSFS and/or NLSFT last Academic Year. Do I need to apply for it again for next Academic Year? Is there any application “extension” procedure?
    Students need to make a new application for Government financial assistances every year. There is NO application “extension” procedure.
  9. How do I know if I am eligible to apply for TSFS according to my family’s financial situation / how much assistance I could get through TSFS?
    Please refer to the following links:
    Calculator for estimating the amount of assistance:  (“Financial Calculator” on the left column)

    TSFS Guidance Notes (Appendix III and IV)

    Ready Reckoner under the “Adjusted Family Income” (AFI) Formula

    Sliding Scale of Asset Value for Discounting Grant and Loan Assistance
  10. Other FAQ:
    SFO E-link – My Applications:  (“FAQs” on the left column)
    TSFS Guidance Notes:  (the last Appendix)
    SFO website (TSFS):
    SFO website (NLSFT):
    Common Mistakes in Completing TSFS Application Form:


​Extended Non-means Tested Loan Scheme (ENLS) (for students who are NOT covered under the TSFS and FASP):

​Extended Non-means Tested Loan Scheme (ENLS)

ENLS is extended to provide financial assistance in the form of loan to students who are not covered under the TSFS (Tertiary Student Finance Scheme – Publicly-funded Programmes) and FASP (Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students) to meet their tuition fees. Interest will be commenced once the loan is offered and until it is fully repaid. Interest rate will be adjusted according to the market. Administrative fees are charged for each application and annually thereafter until the NLS loan(s) and the interest accrued thereon are fully repaid. For the most updated information on interest rate and administrative fees, please visit the Government SFO website.

Academic Year 2023/24
Details (e.g. eligibility, payment and repayment arrangements)

Before applying for ENLS, you are strongly recommended to read the ENLS Application Guidance Notes ( Chinese version / English version ) for details.

Application Form

Complete online application here:

There is no hard copy or PDF form. Relevant documents of the scheme can be downloaded at the Government SFO website

Administrative Fee

HK$ 260.00

Maximum Amount of Loan

Equals to the total tuition fee payable in the academic year, in any case should not exceed an aggregate of 12 months’ tuition fee(s) payable and the life-time loan limit. For details, please read Point 3 in Part I of the ENLS Guidance Notes.

*Supporting Documents regarding Tuition Fee*

The following documents (1-3) regarding your tuition fee of the academic year are required for your ENLS application, and are served as the ONLY proof of your tuition fee payment. NO other official proof can be issued to students individually. 

  1. Official receipt(s) of the tuition fee instalment(s) of the academic year that you have already paid

    Please print out the official receipt(s) from the BUniPort after you have fully settled the e-Debit Note(s) and request for certifying the receipt(s) from the Finance Office (FO) by either ONE of the following ways:

    Method A: In person: on-site support service by FO's student team on Kowloon Tong Campus
    Bring your printed receipt(s) to FO's floating office at DLB514A, Shaw Campus, during the peak seasons for fee settlements. Please visit the FO website for the on-site support service schedule in 2023/24.

    Method B: By drop-in box on Kowloon Tong Campus
    Put your printed receipt(s) into the FO's drop-in box on the Kowloon Tong Campus. Please read the details here on the FO website [SSOid login is required].

    Method C: By post
    Send your printed receipt(s) by post to FO and collect it in person on the Kowloon Tong Campus or by post. Please read the details here on the FO website [SSOid login is required].

    For Method B or C, if you opt to collect the certified receipt(s) by post, please enclose a sufficiently stamped and self-addressed envelope with the receipt(s). Otherwise, you will be notified by FO asking you to collect the certified receipt(s) in person at the counter of the Graduate School. Please be reminded to reserve enough time for post delivery and processing your request.

    New students who do not have SSOid login yet: Please send your request for the official receipt of your paid tuition fee to FO (Student Team) by email to

  2. Payment schedule and/or debit note (if it is ready)
    Payment schedule (either one of the following two options)
    2.1 A copy of the Academic Calendar on the Academic Registry (AR) website: Highlight the relevant tuition payment due dates on the printed copy.
    2.2 A copy of the payment schedule on Finance Office (FO) website, “For Students”, then “Information”, then “Payment Schedules”.

    Debit note
    Tuition fee debit note is ready on BUniPort 2 weeks before the payment due date. If you make an ENLS application at a time that the debit note is ready, please submit a copy of the debit note in addition to the payment schedule.
  3. Annual tuition fee of your programme (either one of the following two options)
    3.1 University Student Handbook at the Academic Registry website: download the version of the Academic Year that you were enrolled in the University. Highlight your study programme on the printed copy.
    3.2 [This is only applicable to freshmen of the current Academic Year. Continuing students please prepare 3.1 above] Go to the "Programmes" part on the website of our Graduate School, select your programme, print out the page with the programme name, study mode and tuition fee information.
Submission of Application

The ENLS application deadline is 31 July 2024, and all the lectures of course(s) under application of the 2023/24 academic year have not been completed at the time of application submission.

Application should be submitted directly to the Government SFO. Please refer to the Application Guidance Notes for the submission method.

Further Questions

If you have any question regarding your ENLS application, like how to fill in the form, payment and repayment of loan, please read through the Guidance Notes. If you have further queries, please call the Government Student Finance Office (SFO) directly at 2150-6223.

If you have any questions regarding the detailed breakdown of your programme’s tuition fees, please consult your department office for details.

Reminder: Please start preparing for your application earlier to avoid delay in receiving the assistance.


Other Assistance Linked to TSFS:

Student Travel Subsidy (STS) for Tertiary or Post-secondary Students (學生車船津貼)

You have to apply for Student Travel Subsidy through TSFS.

Successful TSFS applicants who will participate in placement / internship / field trip / exchange programme with pay/subsidy or overseas, or reside in our hall of residence during term time* are NOT eligible for Student Travel Subsidy during the period.

Term time is the days during semesters when students have to attend classes and exams.

For details, please visit the Government SFO website: 中文 /  English

Hostel Subsidy for Eligible Undergraduate Students (院校宿舍津貼)

Successful TSFS applicants who reside in HKBU accommodation and meet the criteria set will be eligible for the hostel subsidy. The Government Student Finance Office (SFO) will confirm with institutions the list of hostel students at the end of each semester. Students do NOT have to make any separate application for the hostel subsidy and students have to settle the full hall fee first if you decide to reside in our hall of residence.

For details, please visit the Government SFO website:
TSFS applicants: 中文 /  English

Additional Academic Expenses Grant for Students with Special Educational Needs (為有特殊教育需要學生提供的額外學習開支助學金)

Successful TSFS applicants need to make a separate application directly to the Government Student Finance Office (SFO) on or before 31 December 2024 for this grant.

For details, please visit the Government SFO website:
TSFS applicants: 中文 /  English

Special Support for Students receiving Disability Allowance (為領取傷殘津貼的學生提供的特別支援)

Applicants who are receiving Disability Allowance need to provide the information and enclose certifications in the TSFS application for this additional loan. Students do NOT have to make any separate application.

For details, please visit the Government SFO website:
TSFS applicants: 中文 /  English

University Financial Aid - Bursaries and Loans (Non-Government Funding)

Bursaries and loans, which are donated by private organizations, professional bodies, firms and individuals, are allocated to full-time students with genuine financial needs. For some donations, the students’ field of studies, academic performance and other criteria set by the donors may also be considered. University bursaries and loans are normally for full-time students taking UGC-funded / publicly-funded programmes, except a few faculty / department-based bursaries. 


Students can apply for the University Bursaries and Loans at the beginning of the academic year. Applications will normally be open in around mid August and closed in mid to late September. There will be internal vetting of applications. Scholarships and Financial Aid Unit (SFA) will send the nominations to the donors and the approvals are subject to the donors.

Application period for University Bursaries and Loans 2023-24 was closed on 2023.09.20. 

Notification of Application Results

Application results of successful application will be released via emails in the second semester or as soon as approval/confirmation from the donors is received. You may assume that your application is unsuccessful if you do not hear from us by 15 June.


Bursaries for Local Undergraduate Students

No.NameDescriptions/ EligibilityNo. of RecipientsAmount per RecipientApplication Method
City Lions Club of Hong Kong Bursary
First-year student with financial need and satisfactory academic performance in the first semester of current academic year.
HK$2,000 – HK$5,000
open application in Aug/Sep**
2Henrietta Hall Shuck Assistance FundStudents with financial need.2HK$5,000 – HK$8,000open application in Aug/Sep**
Hsin Chong – K N Godfrey Yeh Education Fund Bursaries
Students with financial need and satisfactory academic performance.
open application in Aug/Sep**
Madam Lo Fong Shiu Po Memorial Bursary
Student with financial need.
open application in Aug/Sep**
Mr & Mrs Poon Kei Chak Bursaries
Local full-time non-freshmen with financial needs and achieved a cGPA of 2.70 or above. Annual renewal of the bursary will be subject to satisfactory academic results each year within normal study period.
open application in Aug/Sep**
Mr and Mrs T F David Chow Local Students Bursary
Students with financial need and latest cumulative GPA 2.50 or above.
open application in Aug/Sep**
7Mr Cheng Chak Kuen Local Students Bursary
Students with financial need and latest cumulative GPA 2.50 or above.5 to 6around
open application in Aug/Sep**
Mr Wong Nga Chung Bursary
Students with financial need, good character and satisfactory academic performance.
open application in Aug/Sep**
9Mr Yau Ho Kwong & Ms Tung Wai Sheung Bursary
Students with financial need and latest cumulative GPA 2.50 or above, or satisfactory academic performance in public examinations for Year 1 students.1around

open application in Aug/Sep**


Mrs. Shum Lam Kam Chu Bursary

Students with financial need and satisfactory academic performance. One of the recipients has to be a Christian.2


open application in Aug/Sep**
11Providence Foundation Bursaries
Students with financial need and satisfactory academic performance.10HK$6,000 – HK$15,000

open application in Aug/Sep (deadline 2023.09.25 @5:30pm)
*individual application needed

Silver Jubilee and Senior Alumni Bursaries
Students with financial need.
4 to 10
HK$5,000 – HK$20,000
open application in Aug/Sep**
Stone of Help Limited Bursary
Christian students with financial need, satisfactory academic performance and good leadership in student activities.
open application in Aug/Sep**
and by Chaplain’s Office’s recommendation
14The Albert Young Foundation Limited’s Bursary Fund

Students who come from low income families in Hong Kong and have obtained latest cumulative GPA of 3.00 or above. Each bursary recipient is required to perform community services for not less than 10 hours and submit a report.

5 or morenot more than HK$20,000open application in Aug/Sep**
University Baptist Church Bursary
Students with financial need and satisfactory academic performance, who are current officers or active members of Christian student organisations of the University.
open application in Aug/Sep**
and by Chaplain’s Office’s recommendation

Win Chuen Charitable Fund Bursary

Students with financial need and satisfactory academic performance.2around
open application in Aug/Sep**
~  Angel  Care  ~  Student  Assistance  Project 
Students with financial need.
decided by donor
direct application to donor
[Note: The usage of photos submitted is subject to donor's decision. Applicants should ask for consent of the person(s) whom you take photo with.]


 **These bursaries are open for application from around mid August to mid September each year through an integrated application exercise for University Bursaries and Loans.

Descriptions/ Eligibility
No. of Recipients
Amount per Recipient
Application Method
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Bursaries
Local students of the School of Business with satisfactory academic performance and latest cumulative GPA 2.60 or above.
open application in Aug/Sep**
Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) Bursaries
Local accountancy students aspiring to pursue an internationally recognised accountancy qualification but with genuine financial need and satisfactory academic performance.
open application in Aug/Sep**


 **These bursaries are open for application from around mid August to mid September each year through an integrated application exercise for University Bursaries and Loans.

Descriptions/ Eligibility
No. of Recipients
Amount per Recipient
Application Method
Han-Fang Chinese Medicine Co. Ltd. Bursary
Undergraduate students of School of Chinese Medicine (SCM) who have financial need.
not fixed
 $5,000 or above
Selection and recommendation by School
S K Yee Medical Foundation Bursary
Local students studying in Bachelor of Chinese Medicine and Bachelor of Science (Hons.) in Biomedical Science with financial need.
not fixed
Total annual donation of $70,000
open application in Aug/Sep**


**These bursaries are open for application from around mid August to mid September each year through an integrated application exercise for University Bursaries and Loans. 

No. of Recipients
Amount per Recipient
Application Method
Hereford Morning Light Bursary禧福道晨曦助學金”
Full-time local undergraduate students of the School of Communication who are in their second year or above, have genuine financial need and attained a GPA of 2.50 or above in the previous academic year.
Selection and recommendation by department




No. of Recipients

Amount per Recipient

Application Method

Academy of Music

Yu Wing Fun Josephine Bursary

Full-time local undergraduate student from the Academy of Music with genuine financial needs.1HK$5,000open application in Aug/Sep**


**These bursaries are open for application from around mid August to mid September each year through an integrated application exercise for University Bursaries and Loans.


Bursaries for Non-Local Undergraduate Students

No. of Recipients
Amount per Recipient
Application Method
Dr Lee Shiu- Mainland Students Bursary Fund
Mainland undergraduate students with substantial financial need.
not fixed
not fixed
Upon request
2Mr Yau Ho Kwong & Ms Tung Wai Sheung Bursary

Undergraduate students with substantial financial need. The bursary recipient should have attained satisfactory academic performance in public examinations for Year 1 students or a latest cGPA of 2.50 or above for other students.

1around HK$10,000Upon request
Providence Foundation Bursary for Mainland Students
Mainland undergraduate students who are non-freshman with substantial financial need. The bursary recipients should have attained a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or above and do not receive any admission scholarship concurrently.
not fixed
HK$10,000 – HK$50,000
open application in Oct
*individual application needed
4Silver Jubilee & Senior Alumni BursariesUndergraduate students in need of financial assistance.4 to 10

HK$5,000 – HK$20,000

[Total HK$50,000 annually]

Upon request


Bursaries for Postgraduate Students

Descriptions/ Eligibility
No. of Recipients
Amount per Recipient
Application Method
1Career Commitment Bursary for Master of Science in Environmental & Public Health Management Programme

(1) Applicants who at the time of application are in full-time employment in the environmental and/or public health field.

(2) Applicants eligible for this bursary must be able to demonstrate that their work duties are directly relevant to environmental management, environmental science or public health management. The members of the Programme Board will assess each application on a case by case basis by the following criteria: job relevance, reliability of the evidence, personal commitment, and recommendations from the employer of the applicants and any other criteria as deemed appropriate.

(Unsuccessful applicants of Part-time Students Admission Scholarship can choose to transfer the application to this Bursary.)

*Not eligible for the awardee of the Targeted Taught Postgraduate Programmes Fellowship.*

5max. $5,000by department nomination
International Bursary for Master of Education Programme
A bursary of $85,000 provided by Department of Education Studies is granted to a student of the full-time Master of Education programme who comes from a less-developed Asian country with proven financial need.
direct application to department


Bursaries Provided by External Parties

No. of Recipients
Amount per Recipient
Application Method
1The Cheng YH and Chan LY Millennium TrustFull-time local diploma or undergraduate students who are receiving Tertiary Student Finance Scheme (TSFS) or Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP); with co-curricular achievements and financial need; and wish to embark on a dedicated academic programme, special interest course or community-based project.decided by donordecided by donordirect application to donor
Toishanese with financial hardship and satisfactory academic performance.
decided by donor
decided by donor
Li Kwan Hung Education Fund
Full-time local student with physical disabilities, intellectual disabilities, special educational needs (SENs) (including autism / attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder / dyslexic), chronic illness, visual impairment or hearing impairment who has substantial financial need.
decided by donor
decided by donor (normally not more than HK$5,000)
4向上游獎勵計劃Local undergraduate students who are receiving "standard rates" of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) or Government grants under TSFS/FASP.8-12

decided by donor (around HK$3,000)

direct application to donor


Local undergraduate students who are Hong Kong permanent resident, have clear goal and contributions on their aspirations, and are willing to serve the society.decided by donorHK$10,000 (for bursary)direct application to donor


NOTE: The bursaries above are offered/awarded by external parties. SFA is only responsible for promoting it, but not involved in the selection process. For enquiries, please refer to the respective website above and contact the fund-providing organisation directly.



List of Interest-free Loans

Interest-free loans provided by different private organisations and individuals are available for UGC-funded local undergraduate students. Applications should be made via University Bursaries and Loans in Aug/Sept every year.

  1. American Women’s Association Student Loan Fund 美國婦女會學生助學貸款
  2. Dr & Mrs Kenny L Wong Student Loan 黃樂熙博士及夫人學生貸款
  3. Hsin Chong – K N Godfrey Yeh Education Fund Student Travel Loan 新昌—葉庚年教育基金學生旅費貸款
  4. Mr Matthew Chan Ting Wah Student Loan 陳鼎華先生學生貸款基金
  5. Sing Tao Charitable Foundation Students’ Loan Fund 星島慈善基金貸款助學金 (available to full-time UGC-funded PGDE students as well)
  6. Van Yu Student Loan 萬友貸款助學金
  7. Winsor Education Foundation Students’ Interest-Free Loan Programme 南聯教育基金學生免息貸款計劃 


Loan Repayment for Interest-free Loans

The loan recipients are normally required to repay the loans to HKBU or the donors in one lump sum or by instalments starting from the year of their graduation. The period of repayment and the number of instalments of each loan vary according to the donor’s requirement.


Low Interest Loan: Loan Scheme for Year III Students of BSocSc (Hons) in European Studies (for Year III European Studies students only).

A special loan of HK$40,000 will be provided to third-year European Studies local student who will spend his/her year of studies in Europe. An annual interest rate of 2.5% on the loan amount shall accrue from the commencement date of loan repayment period, i.e. from October of the year of his/her graduation. Students should repay the loan and interest to HKBU within 36 monthly instalments, or in one lump sum exempt from interest by August of the year of graduation. 

Application, selection and nomination are managed by Department of Government and International Studies (GIS). Please consult GIS for the application procedures and more details.