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Government Grant and Loan


If you are not satisfied with the result of the government grant/loan application, you may seek a review of your application within three weeks from the date of the notification of result. Request should be submitted to the Government Student Finance Office (SFO) using "Application for Review Form" which can be downloaded from the SFO website (, together with detailed justification and relevant documentary proofs.


Yes. You have to inform the Government Student Finance Office (SFO) immediately using the Form "Notification of Change of Personal Data" which can be downloaded from the SFO website ( You should update the University on the changes as well via the BUniPort system.


The Student Finance Office (SFO) of the HKSAR Government administers several publicly-funded student financial assistance schemes which ensure that no eligible students in Hong Kong will be denied access to education because of lack of means. The following schemes are available for eligible local students of HKBU:

(i) Tertiary Student Finance Scheme - Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS)

(ii) Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP)

(iii) Non-means-tested Loan Schemes (NLSFT / NLSPS / ENLS)

For eligibility for different financial assistance schemes, please click here for details.


The Office of Student Affairs will make announcements about government grant / loan applications every year. Please click here and check out the deadline for each individual scheme.